Task Manager heading-link-icon

The task manager exposes metrics for underlying thread pools and jobs processing duration and count.

  • name
The approximate number of threads that are actively executing tasks.
  • name
The approximate number of tasks that have completed execution.
  • name
The number of events that have been observed for the base metric.
  • name
The maximum observed value for the base metric.
  • name
The total sum of all observed values for the base metric.
  • name
The core number of threads for the pool.
  • name
The maximum allowed number of threads in the pool.
  • name
The current number of threads in the pool.
  • name
The number of additional elements that this queue can ideally accept without blocking.
  • name
The approximate number of tasks that are queued for execution.
  • name
  • name
The number of events that have been observed for the base metric.
  • name
The maximum observed value for the base metric.
  • name
The total sum of all observed values for the base metric
  • task.manager.name
  • task.type
The number of tasks completed by a task manager.
  • task.manager.name
  • task.type
The maximum time taken to complete a task by a task manager.
  • task.manager.name
  • task.type
The total sum of the time taken to execute all completed tasks by a task manager.
  • task.manager.name
  • task.type
The number of live tasks running or scheduled in the task manager.


  • name: The name of the task manager.
  • task.manager.name: The name of the task manager.
  • task.type: The task type (SHORT_RUNNING, LONG_RUNNING, or SCHEDULED).

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