Peer-to-peer Messages and Sessions

The peer-to-peer layer is responsible for delivering messages between virtual nodes. When these virtual nodes are hosted in separate clusters, the exchange of messages occurs securely through end-to-end authenticated sessions. The following metrics are associated with both the messages and the sessions.
Metric | Type | Tags | Description |
corda_p2p_message_outbound | Counter |
| The number of outbound peer-to-peer data messages sent. |
corda_p2p_message_outbound_replayed | Counter |
| The number of outbound peer-to-peer data messages replayed. Messages are replayed if they are not acknowledged as delivered by the peer within a configurable time window. |
corda_p2p_message_outbound_latency_seconds | Timer |
| The time it took for an outbound peer-to-peer message to be delivered end-to-end (from initial processing on the sender side to acknowledgement from the recipient side) |
corda_p2p_message_outbound_expired | Counter |
| The number of outbound peer-to-peer data messages that were discarded because their TTL expired. |
corda_p2p_message_inbound | Counter |
| The number of inbound peer-to-peer data messages received. |
corda_p2p_session_outbound_timeout | Counter |
| The number of outbound peer-to-peer sessions that timed out (indicating communication issues with peers). Health of end-to-end sessions is monitored via heartbeat mechanism. In case of network disruption of process failures on a peer cluster, heartbeats will stop and sessions will be declared unhealthy and replaced with fresh ones. |
corda_p2p_session_outbound | SettableGauge | None | The number of outbound peer-to-peer sessions. |
corda_p2p_session_inbound | SettableGauge | None | The number of inbound peer-to-peer sessions. |
: The source virtual node The combination of the context of a user and the ephemeral compute instances created to progress a transaction on that identity's behalf. of the message.virtualnode_destination
: The destination virtual node of the
: The network within which a message is exchanged.subsystem
: The upstream component that sent the message.message_type
: The type of the message.
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