
The messaging patterns library contains several embedded metrics that provide measurements for all workers through their Kafka The means by which Corda workers communicate, acting as a central message bus between the worker processes. consumers and producers.
Metric | Type | Tags | Description |
corda_messaging_processor_time_seconds | Timer |
| The time spent in the consumer’s onNext or onSnapshot functions. The following subscription processors have this metric wrapping the calls to onNext functions:
corda_consumer_records_consumed | Gauge |
| The size of batches polled from Kafka in consumers. |
corda_corda_consumer_poll_time_seconds | Timer |
| Poll times for all Kafka consumers. |
corda_consumer_partitioned_inmemory_store | Gauge |
| Measure for the number of in-memory states An immutable object representing a fact known by one or more participants at a specific point in time. You can use states to represent any type of data, and any kind of fact. held in consumers with partitions. |
corda_consumer_compacted_inmemory_store | Gauge |
| Measure for the number of in-memory states held in compacted consumers. |
corda_producer_chunks_generated | DistributionSummary |
| The number of chunks generated by Kafka producers. |
: The partition of the Kafka topic published to or consumed from.messagepattern_type
: The message pattern type.messagepattern_clientid
: The message pattern client ID.operation_name
: The name of the operation that the metric is related to.topic
: The name of the Kafka topic published to or consumed from.
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