corda.reconciliation heading-link-icon

Configuration schema for the reconciliation section.

  • configIntervalMs - The interval in milliseconds between aligning the Kafka configuration sections state with the DB configuration sections.
    Default value: 30000
    Minimum value: 5000
    Maximum value: 2147483647
    • cpiInfoIntervalMs - The interval in milliseconds between aligning the Kafka CPI metadata state with the DB CPI metadata state.
      Default value: 30000
      Minimum value: 5000
      Maximum value: 2147483647
      • cpkWriteIntervalMs - The interval in milliseconds between aligning the Kafka CPKs state with the DB CPKs state.
        Default value: 10000
        Minimum value: 5000
        Maximum value: 2147483647
        • groupParamsIntervalMs - The interval in milliseconds between aligning the Kafka group parameters state with the DB group parameters per virtual node.
          Default value: 120000
          Minimum value: 5000
          Maximum value: 2147483647
          • memberInfoIntervalMs - The interval in milliseconds between aligning the Kafka Member Info with the DB Member Info.
            Default value: 120000
            Minimum value: 5000
            Maximum value: 2147483647
            • mtlsMgmAllowedCertificateSubjectsIntervalMs - The interval in milliseconds between aligning the Kafka MGM allowed client certificate subjects state with the DB MGM allowed client certificate subjects state.
              Default value: 120000
              Minimum value: 5000
              Maximum value: 2147483647
              • permissionSummaryIntervalMs - The interval in milliseconds between permission summary reconciliation rounds.
                Default value: 30000
                Minimum value: 5000
                Maximum value: 2147483647
                • vnodeInfoIntervalMs - The interval in milliseconds between aligning the Kafka virtual node info state with the DB virtual node info state.
                  Default value: 30000
                  Minimum value: 5000
                  Maximum value: 2147483647

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