
Configuration schema for the membership subsection.
- The maximum durations in minutes to wait for different types of message to send. If set to null, Corda waits forever.declineRegistration
- The maximum duration in minutes to wait for a decline registration message.
Default value: 8
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 1440membersPackageUpdate
- The maximum duration in minutes to wait for a members package update message.
Default value: 10
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 1440updateToPendingAutoApproval
- The maximum duration in minutes to wait for a message to update registration status to pending auto approval.
Default value: 3
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 1440verifyMemberRequest
- The maximum duration in minutes to wait for a verify member request.
Default value: 20
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 1440waitForMgmSession
- The maximum duration in minutes to wait for a member to establish connection with the MGM. This only has effect on time waiting for an MGM to establish a session with a member as part of processing a registration request.
Default value: 30
Minimum value: 10
Maximum value: 2880
- The time frame in minutes after which a registration request is considered as expired and gets force declined.
Default value: 180
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 2880
- The maximum duration in minutes between polling for expired registration requests.
Default value: 300
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 2880
- The maximum duration in minutes between member list synchronization requests.
Default value: 480
Minimum value: 10
Maximum value: 2880
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