Configuring Corda

Corda 5 uses a dynamic configuration system, enabling you to configure Corda centrally through the REST API. This configuration is then distributed to all relevant worker JVM processes that run in a cluster and perform a specific task. The processes required to form a cluster depend on the deployment topology. Workers increase or scale back their capacity depending on the number of available tasks. processes through the Kafka The means by which Corda workers communicate, acting as a central message bus between the worker processes. message bus. This standard dynamic configuration system is not suitable in the following instances:
- Boot configuration — the necessary configurations required to start a worker process, such as sufficient messaging configuration for the worker to connect to the
Kafka topic. For more information, see the Bootstrapping deployment section. Typically, this type of configuration can later be overridden by dynamic configuration. - Sensitive configuration — information that is not appropriate to publish to the
topic because it is private, such as database connection configuration or private key material. The Corda configuration system allows for any string configuration value to be marked as “secret”. Sensitive configuration can also be saved to the configuration database itself ( virtual node The combination of the context of a user and the ephemeral compute instances created to progress a transaction on that identity's behalf. connection details, for example), in which case it becomes dynamic configuration, but managed through a different interface.
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