Corda Enterprise cloud images
Corda Enteprise is avaliable as a Virtual Machine image on AWS and Azure.
These are simple Linux VM images with a JDK supported by both cloud providers and Corda Enterprise.
Alongside the Corda Enterprise JAR the image contains an example node.conf
file and dbconfig.conf
file for H2 DB.
There is also the systemd service (called corda
) ready to use.
Corda Enterprise for Azure

When the machine is ready, please log in to it using the credentials provided during deployment.
Next, change the session user to corda
(alternatively, change the user to root
to gain administrator privileges):
sudo -u corda bash
Go to the Corda installation directory:
cd /opt/corda/current
Review and adjust the content of the configuration files to your needs.
The main configuration file is the node.conf
file and database specific configuration is stored in the dbconfig.conf
All Corda configuration parameters are described in Node configuration.
Remember to adjust the p2paddress
to match a FQDN or the public IP address of the VM.
The public IP address can be obtained from the shell using the following command:
curl -H Metadata:true| jq '.network.interface[0].ipv4.ipAddress[0].publicIpAddress'
Note that only the p2p port (10002) is opened by default in a Network Security Group attached to the VM. To enable RPC communication from a remote machine the firewall has to be adjusted.
For proudction usage, copy the required database drivers (e.g. Azure DB) into the drivers
More information on database configuration can be found at node-database
Copy the selected CorDapps into the cordapps directory and their configuration to the cordapps/config
Copy the network root trust store for a Corda network you plan to join into the certificates
Start the initial registration process with:
java -jar corda.jar initial-registration -p <PASSWORD_FOR_NETWORK_ROOT_TRUSTORE>
After the node has registered, verify that all files in the /opt/corda/current
directory (and its subdirectories) are owned by the corda
Then the systemd corda
service can be started.
exit #to leave corda user shell
sudo chown -R corda:corda /opt/corda/current # to change file ownership
sudo systemctl start corda
You can check the status of the corda
service by running:
sudo systemctl status corda
Corda Enterprise for AWS

When the machine is ready, please log in to it using the credentials provided during deployment.
Next, change the session user to corda
(alternatively, change the user to root
to gain administrator privileges):
sudo -u corda bash
Go to the Corda installation directory:
cd /opt/corda/current
Review and adjust the content of the configuration files to your needs.
The main configuration file is the node.conf
file and database specific configuration is stored in the dbconfig.conf
All Corda configuration parameters are described in Node configuration.
Remember to adjust the p2paddress
to match a FQDN or the public IP address of the VM.
The public IP address can be obtained from the shell using the following command:
Note that only the p2p port (10002) is opened by default in a Security Group attached to the VM. To enable RPC communication from a remote machine the firewall has to be adjusted.
For proudction usage, copy the required database drivers into the drivers
More information on database configuration can be found at node-database
Copy the selected CorDapps into the cordapps directory and their configuration to the cordapps/config
Copy the network root trust store for a Corda network you plan to join into the certificates
Start the initial registration process with:
java -jar corda.jar initial-registration -p <PASSWORD_FOR_NETWORK_ROOT_TRUSTORE>
After the node has registered, verify that all files in the /opt/corda/current
directory (and its subdirectories) are owned by the corda
Then the systemd corda
service can be started.
exit #to leave corda user shell
sudo chown -R corda:corda /opt/corda/current # to change file ownership
sudo systemctl start corda
You can check the status of the corda
service by running:
sudo systemctl status corda
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