Deterministic Corda Modules
A Corda contract’s verify function should always produce the same results for the same input data. To that end, Corda provides the following modules:
These are reduced version of Corda’s core
and serialization
modules and the OpenJDK 8 rt.jar
, where the
non-deterministic functionality has been removed. The intention here is that all CorDapp classes required for
contract verification should be compiled against these modules to prevent them containing non-deterministic behaviour.
.Generating the Deterministic Modules

is a “pseudo JDK” image that we can point the Java and Kotlin compilers to. It downloads the
containing a deterministic subset of the Java 8 APIs from Maven.To build a new version of this JAR and upload it to Maven, see the create-jdk8u
module. This is a
standalone Gradle project within the Corda repository that will clone the deterministic-jvm8
branch of Corda’s
OpenJDK repository and then build it. (This currently requires a C++ compiler,
GNU Make and a UNIX-like development environment.)core-deterministic
and serialization-deterministic
are generated from Corda’s core
and serialization
modules respectively using both ProGuard and Corda’s JarFilter
plugin. Corda developers configure these tools by applying Corda’s @KeepForDJVM
and @DeleteForDJVM
annotations to elements of core
and serialization
as described here.The build generates each of Corda’s deterministic JARs in six steps:
- Some very few classes in the original JAR must be replaced completely. This is typically because e original
class uses something like
, which is not available in the deterministic Java APIs, and t the class is still required by the deterministic JAR. We must keep such classes to a minimum! - The patched JAR is analysed by ProGuard for the first time using the following rule:
keep '@interface net.corda.core.KeepForDJVM { *; }'
ProGuard works by calculating how much code is reachable from given “entry points”, and in our case ese entry
points are the @KeepForDJVM
classes. The unreachable classes are then discarded by ProGuard’s hrink`
- The remaining classes may still contain non-deterministic code. However, there is no way of writing ProGuard rule explicitly to discard anything. Consider the following class:
data class UniqueIdentifier @JvmOverloads @DeleteForDJVM constructor(
val externalId: String? = null,
val id: UUID = UUID.randomUUID()
) : Comparable<UniqueIdentifier> {
While CorDapps will definitely need to handle UniqueIdentifier
objects, all of the secondary nstructors
generate a new random UUID
and so are non-deterministic. Hence the next “determinising” step is to ss the
classes to the JarFilter
tool, which strips out all of the elements which have been annotated as
and stubs out any functions annotated with @StubOutForDJVM
. (Stub functions that
return a value will throw UnsupportedOperationException
, whereas void
or Unit
stubs will do thing.
- After the
elements have been filtered out, the classes are rescanned using ProGuard remove any more code that has now become unreachable. - The remaining classes define our deterministic subset. However, the
annotations the compiled Kotlin classes still contain references to all of the functions and properties that ProGuard has leted. Therefore we now use theJarFilter
to delete these references, as otherwise the Kotlin compiler will pretend at the deleted functions and properties are still present. - Finally, we use ProGuard again to validate our JAR against the deterministic
: This step will fail if ProGuard spots any Java API references that still cannot be satisfied by the deterministicrt.jar
, and hence it will break the build.
Configuring IntelliJ with a Deterministic SDK

We would like to configure IntelliJ so that it will highlight uses of non-deterministic Java APIs as not found.
Or, more specifically, we would like IntelliJ to use the deterministic-rt.jar
as a “Module SDK” for deterministic
modules rather than the rt.jar
from the default project SDK, to make IntelliJ consistent with Gradle.
This is possible, but slightly tricky to configure because IntelliJ will not recognise an SDK containing only the
as being valid. It also requires that IntelliJ delegate all build tasks to Gradle, and that
Gradle be configured to use the Project’s SDK.
Gradle creates a suitable JDK image in the project’s jdk8u-deterministic/jdk
directory, and you can
configure IntelliJ to use this location for this SDK. However, you should also be aware that IntelliJ SDKs
are available for all projects to use.To create this JDK image, execute the following:
$ gradlew jdk8u-deterministic:copyJdk
Now select File/Project Structure/Platform Settings/SDKs
and add a new JDK SDK with the
directory as its home. Rename this SDK to something like “1.8 (Deterministic)”.This should be sufficient for IntelliJ. However, if IntelliJ realises that this SDK does not contain a
full JDK then you will need to configure the new SDK by hand:
- Create a JDK Home directory with the following contents:
where rt.jar
here is this renamed artifact:
- While IntelliJ is not running, locate the
file in IntelliJ’s configuration directory. Add an empty<jdk>
section to this file:
<jdk version="2">
<name value="1.8 (Deterministic)"/>
<type value="JavaSDK"/>
<version value="java version "1.8.0""/>
<homePath value=".. path to the deterministic JDK directory .."/>
Open IntelliJ and select
File/Project Structure/Platform Settings/SDKs
. The “1.8 (Deterministic)” SDK should now be present. Select it and then click on theClasspath
tab. Press the “Add” / “Plus” button to addrt.jar
to the SDK’s classpath. Then select theAnnotations
tab and include the same JAR(s) as the other SDKs.Open the root
file and define this property:
buildscript {
ext {
deterministic_idea_sdk = '1.8 (Deterministic)'
Go to
File/Settings/Build, Execution, Deployment/Build Tools/Gradle
, and configure Gradle’s JVM to be the project’s JVM.Go to
File/Settings/Build, Execution, Deployment/Build Tools/Gradle/Runner
, and select these options:- Delegate IDE build/run action to Gradle
- Run tests using the Gradle Test Runner
Delete all of the
directories that IntelliJ has previously generated for each module.Go to
View/Tool Windows/Gradle
and click theRefresh all Gradle projects
These steps will enable IntelliJ’s presentation compiler to use the deterministic rt.jar
with the following modules:
but still build everything using Gradle with the full JDK.
Testing the Deterministic Modules

The core-deterministic:testing
module executes some basic JUnit tests for the core-deterministic
JARs. These tests are compiled against the deterministic rt.jar
, although
they are still executed using the full JDK.
The testing
module also has two sub-modules:
- This module generates test data such as serialized transactions and elliptic curve key pairs using the full
library and JDK. This data is all written into a single JAR which thetesting
module adds to its classpath.
- This module generates test data such as serialized transactions and elliptic curve key pairs using the full
- This module provides the test classes which the
modules need to share. It is therefore compiled against the deterministic API subset.
- This module provides the test classes which the
Applying @KeepForDJVM and @DeleteForDJVM annotations

Corda developers need to understand how to annotate classes in the core
and serialization
modules correctly
in order to maintain the deterministic JARs.
Every Kotlin class still has its own .class
file, even when all of those classes share the same
source file. Also, annotating the file:
package net.corda.core.internal
does not automatically annotate any class declared within this file. It merely annotates any
accompanying Kotlin xxxKt
For more information about how JarFilter
is processing the byte-code inside core
and serialization
use Gradle’s --info
or --debug
command-line options.
Classes that must be included in the deterministic JAR should be annotated as @KeepForDJVM
To preserve any Kotlin functions, properties or type aliases that have been declared outside of a class
, you should annotate the source file’s package
declaration instead:
package net.corda.core.internal
infix fun Temporal.until(endExclusive: Temporal): Duration = Duration.between(this, endExclusive)
Elements that must be deleted from classes in the deterministic JAR should be annotated as @DeleteForDJVM
You must also ensure that a deterministic class’s primary constructor does not reference any classes that are
not available in the deterministic rt.jar
The biggest risk here would be that JarFilter
would delete the
primary constructor and that the class could no longer be instantiated, although JarFilter
will print a warning
in this case. However, it is also likely that the “determinised” class would have a different serialization
signature than its non-deterministic version and so become unserializable on the deterministic JVM.Primary constructors that have non-deterministic default parameter values must still be annotated as
because they cannot be refactored without breaking Corda’s binary interface.
The Kotlin compiler
will automatically apply this @DeleteForDJVM
annotation - along with any others - to all of the class’s
secondary constructors too. The JarFilter
plugin can then remove the @DeleteForDJVM
annotation from the
primary constructor so that it can subsequently delete only the secondary constructors.The annotations that JarFilter
will “sanitise” from primary constructors in this way are listed in the plugin’s
configuration block, e.g.
task jarFilter(type: JarFilterTask) {
annotations {
forSanitise = [
Be aware that package-scoped Kotlin properties are all initialised within a common <clinit>
block inside
their host .class
file. This means that when JarFilter
deletes these properties, it cannot also remove
their initialisation code. For example:
package net.corda.core
val map: MutableMap<String, String> = ConcurrentHashMap()
In this case, JarFilter
would delete the map
property but the <clinit>
block would still create
an instance of ConcurrentHashMap
. The solution here is to refactor the property into its own file and then
annotate the file itself as @DeleteForDJVM
instead.Sometimes it is impossible to delete a function entirely. Or a function may have some non-deterministic code
embedded inside it that cannot be removed. For these rare cases, there is the @StubOutForDJVM
This annotation instructs JarFilter
to replace the function’s body with either an empty body (for functions
that return void
or Unit
) or one that throws UnsupportedOperationException
. For example:
fun necessaryCode() {
private fun nonDeterministicOperations() {
// etc
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