API: Contract Constraints

Contract constraints let users know which versions of a CorDapp they can use to provide the contract for a transaction. The constraints property is stored in each state.

Contract constraints also solve upgrade-related security problems. If an attacker were to force an upgrade to the CorDapp, they could add security vulnerabilities and create or edit states. You can protect states from this type of attack by only allowing states to be affected by contracts in known versions of a CorDapp.

This document explains:

  • What contract constraints are and which types to use.
  • How to sign a CorDapp.
  • How to store and retrieve a CorDapp.
  • What blacklisting is.
  • What contract/state agreement is and how to achieve it.
  • How to use contract constraints in transactions.
  • How to propagate constraints.
  • How to a troubleshoot a MissingContractAttachments exception.

These terms are used throughout this document:

contract constraints Instructions in a CorDapp’s attachments that determine which versions of a CorDapp parties in a transaction can use to provide contracts.

composite key A key that consists of two or more attributes that together uniquely identify an entity occurrence.

signature constraint A constraint that lets participants use any version of the CorDapp signed by the CompositeKey.

blacklisting A process that prevents a transaction signer from processing transactions.

You can upgrade smart contracts via:

  • Implicit upgrade. Pre-authorise multiple implementations of the contract ahead of time using constraints. This lets you upgrade contracts without needing to upgrade transactions for every state on the ledger. However, with implicit upgrade, you place more faith in third parties, who could change the CorDapp in ways you do not expect or agree with.
  • Explicit upgrade. Create a special contract upgrade transaction and get all the participants listed on a state to sign it using the contract upgrade flows. This lets you upgrade states even if they have a constraint. Unlike implicit upgrade, this is a complex method which requires all participants to sign and manually authorise the upgrade, and consumes notary and ledger resources.

This article focuses on implicit contract upgrades. To learn about the explicit upgrades see Release new CorDapp versions.

You can use two types of contract constraints:

  • Signature constraints: This constraint lets participants use any version of the CorDapp signed by the CompositeKey. This allows CorDapp issuers to express the complex social and business relationships that arise around code ownership. You could release a new version of a CorDapp and apply it to an existing state as long as it has been signed by the same key(s) as the original version.
  • Always accept constraint: Allows any version of the CorDapp. This is insecure and only intended for testing.

Before signature constraints were released with Corda 4.0, constraints were managed with hash and compatibility zone whitelist constraints. These constraints are still available, but make it difficult to upgrade your CorDapp:

  • Hash constraint: Participants can only use one version of the CorDapp state. This prevents the CorDapp from being upgraded in the future while still making use of any states created using the original version.
  • Compatibility zone whitelisted (or CZ whitelisted) constraint: The compatibility zone operator lists the hashes of the versions that can be used with a contract class name.

You can migrate CorDapp contraints from older versions by consuming and evolving pre-Corda 4 issued hash or CZ whitelisted constrained states using a Corda 4 signed CorDapp with signature constraints.

Signature constraints let you express complex social and business relationships while allowing smooth migration of existing data to new versions of your CorDapp.

You can use signature constraints to specify flexible threshold policies. However, if you use the automatic support, then a state requires that the attached CorDapp is signed by every key that signed the first attachment. For example, if Alice and Bob signed a CorDapp that was used to issue some states, every transaction must include an attachment signed by Alice and Bob. This allows the CorDapp to be upgraded and changed while still remaining valid for use with the previously issued states.

You can create a more complex policy that will release the constraint with fewer signatures than the total number of possible signers. This makes it possible for multiple versions to be valid across the network as long as the designated number of signers agree with the updates.

The TransactionBuilder uses signature constraints when adding output states for all signed transactions by default. See Using Contract Constraints in Transactions.

CorDapps that use signature constraints must be signed by a CompositeKey or a simpler PublicKey. CorDapps can be signed by a single organisation or multiple organisations. After the CorDapp is signed, it can be distributed to the relevant Corda nodes. Signed CorDapps require a version number.

When a node receives a transaction, it verifies that the CorDapps attached to it have the signatures required by the transaction’s signature constraints. This ensures that the versions of each CorDapp are acceptable to the transaction’s input states.

Nodes will also trust attachments that:

  • Have a common signature with another attachment on the node. This means that nodes do not need to have every version of a CorDapp uploaded to verify transactions running older versions of a CorDapp - it only needs one version of the CorDapp contract.
  • Are installed manually.
  • Are uploaded via RPC.

You can sign a CorDapp directly from Gradle.

If a CorDapp .jar contains classes implementing the Contract interface, the node automatically loads the .jar into its AttachmentStorage and makes it available in ContractAttachments.

You can retrieve a .jar by hash using AttachmentStorage.openAttachment. You can install .jars on the node, or they will be fetched automatically over the network when the node receives a transaction.

If you need to prevent a signer from processing transactions, you can blacklist them. The signer will not be able to upload attachments or process transactions. It only takes one blacklisted signer for a node to consider an attachment untrusted.

CorDapps and other attachments installed on a node still run, even if they are signed by a blacklisted key. Only attachments received from a peer are affected.

You can also blacklist keys.

Below are two examples of scenarios involving blacklisted signing keys. In each example:

  • Alice has Contracts CorDapp installed.
  • Bob has an upgraded version of Contracts CorDapp (known as Contracts CorDapp V2) installed.
  • Both Alice and Bob have the Workflows CorDapp, allowing them to transact with each other.
  • Contracts CorDapp is signed by both Alice and Bob.
  • Contracts CorDapp V2 is signed by both Alice and Bob.

In this example, Alice has not blacklisted any attachment signing keys.

  1. Bob initiates a transaction with Alice.
  2. Alice receives Contracts CorDapp V2 and stores it.
  3. Alice verifies the attachments in the contract verification code and accepts Contracts CorDapp V2.
  4. Alice runs the contract verification code in Contracts CorDapp V2.

In this example, Alice blacklists Bob’s attachment signing key.

  1. Bob initiates a transaction with Alice.
  2. Alice receives Contracts CorDapp V2 and stores it.
  3. Alice checks the attachments in the contract verification code and rejects Contracts CorDapp V2 because it is signed by Bob’s blacklisted key.
  4. The transaction fails.

A ContractState must explicitly indicate which Contract it belongs to. The node checks that the “owning” contract is bundled with each state. Otherwise we would not be able to guarantee that the transition of the ContractState will be verified against the business rules that should apply to it.

There are two mechanisms for indicating ownership. One is to annotate the ContractState with the BelongsToContract annotation, indicating the Contract class to which it is tied:

public class MyState implements ContractState {
    // implementation goes here
data class MyState(val value: Int) : ContractState {
    // implementation goes here

The other is to define the ContractState class as an inner class of the Contract class:

public class MyContract implements Contract {

    public static class MyState implements ContractState {
        // state implementation goes here

    // contract implementation goes here
class MyContract : Contract {

    data class MyState(val value: Int) : ContractState {
        // state implementation goes here

    // contract implementation goes here

If a ContractState’s owning Contract cannot be identified by either of these mechanisms, and the targetVersion of the CorDapp is 4 or greater, then transaction verification will fail with a TransactionRequiredContractUnspecifiedException. If the owning Contract can be identified, but the ContractState has been bundled with a different contract, then transaction verification will fail with a TransactionContractConflictException.

Transactions use the CorDapp version defined in its attachments. The .jar containing the state and contract classes, and any optional dependencies, is attached to the transaction. If a node has not received a specific .jar before, it will download other copies of it from other nodes on the network for verification.

The TransactionBuilder manages the details of constraints for you by selecting both constraints and attachments to ensure they line up correctly. By default, the TransactionBuilder uses Signature Constraints for any issuance transactions if the CorDapp attached to it is signed.

To manually define the contract constraint of an output state, see the example below:

TransactionBuilder transaction() {
    TransactionBuilder transaction = new TransactionBuilder(notary());
    // Signature Constraint used if CorDapp is signed
    // Explicitly using a Signature Constraint
    transaction.addOutputState(state, CONTRACT_ID, new SignatureAttachmentConstraint(getOurIdentity().getOwningKey()));
    // Explicitly using a Hash Constraint
    transaction.addOutputState(state, CONTRACT_ID, new HashAttachmentConstraint(getServiceHub().getCordappProvider().getContractAttachmentID(CONTRACT_ID)));
    // Explicitly using a Whitelisted by Zone Constraint
    transaction.addOutputState(state, CONTRACT_ID, WhitelistedByZoneAttachmentConstraint.INSTANCE);
    // Explicitly using an Always Accept Constraint
    transaction.addOutputState(state, CONTRACT_ID, AlwaysAcceptAttachmentConstraint.INSTANCE);

    // other transaction stuff
    return transaction;
private fun transaction(): TransactionBuilder {
    val transaction = TransactionBuilder(notary())
    // Signature Constraint used if CorDapp is signed
    // Explicitly using a Signature Constraint
    transaction.addOutputState(state, constraint = SignatureAttachmentConstraint(ourIdentity.owningKey))
    // Explicitly using a Hash Constraint
    transaction.addOutputState(state, constraint = HashAttachmentConstraint(serviceHub.cordappProvider.getContractAttachmentID(CONTRACT_ID)!!))
    // Explicitly using a Whitelisted by Zone Constraint
    transaction.addOutputState(state, constraint = WhitelistedByZoneAttachmentConstraint)
    // Explicitly using an Always Accept Constraint
    transaction.addOutputState(state, constraint = AlwaysAcceptAttachmentConstraint)

    // other transaction stuff
    return transaction

The TransactionBuilder API gives developers the option to construct output states with a constraint.

For the ledger to remain consistent, the expected behavior is for output states to inherit the constraints of input states. This guarantees that, for example, a transaction cannot output a state with the AlwaysAcceptAttachmentConstraint when the corresponding input state was the SignatureAttachmentConstraint. If the rule is enforced, the output state is spent under similar conditions to the state it was created in.

The platform implements and enforces the constraint propagation logic unless disabled with @NoConstraintPropagation on the Contract class. In this case, the CorDapps enforce the logic.

For contracts that are not annotated with @NoConstraintPropagation, the platform implements a constraint transition policy to ensure security and allow the possibility to transition to the new SignatureAttachmentConstraint.

During transaction building the AutomaticPlaceholderConstraint for output states is resolved and the best contract attachment versions are selected based on a variety of factors. If it can’t find attachments in storage or there are no possible constraints, the TransactionBuilder will throw an exception.

If the node cannot resolve an attachment constraint it will throw a MissingContractAttachments exception. There are three common sources ofMissingContractAttachments exceptions:

You must specify which CorDapp packages to scan when you run tests. Provide a package containing the contract class in MockNetworkParameters. See Testing CorDapps.

You must also specify a package when testing using DriverDSl. DriverParameters has a property cordappsForAllNodes (Kotlin) or method withCordappsForAllNodes in Java. Pass the collection of TestCordapp created by utility method TestCordapp.findCordapp(String).

This is how you would create two Cordapps with Finance CorDapp flows and Finance CorDapp contracts:

    cordappsForAllNodes = listOf(
) {
    // Your test code goes here
    new DriverParameters()
    dsl -> {
      // Your test code goes here

Make sure you place all CorDapp .jars in the cordapps directory of each node. The Gradle Cordform task deployNodes copies all .jars by default, if you have specified CorDapps to deploy. See Creating nodes locally for detailed instructions.

Make sure you specify the fully-qualified name of the contract correctly. For example, if you defined MyContract in the package com.mycompany.myapp.contracts, but the fully-qualified contract name you pass to the TransactionBuilder is com.mycompany.myapp.MyContract (instead of com.mycompany.myapp.contracts.MyContract), then TransactionBuilder will throw a MissingContractAttachments exception.

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