LedgerRecover (Manual)

Who this documentation is for:

  • Node operators
  • Business Network Operators (BNOs)
  • Corda developers

In a disaster recovery scenario, if you have been unable to use the automatic LedgerRecover process to recover lost data, you can attempt the recovery with the manual LedgerRecover approach. In this situation, you and the other node operators involved in the process initiate and execute the LedgerRecover (Manual) workflows manually.

As these processes are managed on a discretionary basis, restrictions on the size, duration or other criteria used with an automatic recovery process are not applied. However, you should be extremely careful when accepting and executing manually initiated RecoveryRequests, even more so when the requested set of transactions IDs is extremely large.

Manual Recovery processes executed via the LedgerRecover CorDapp require participating Corda nodes to be:

  • Using Corda Enterprise, not Corda Open Source (OS)
  • Corda Minimum Platform Version (MPV) > 6
  • Running on top of a supported database technology

Corda nodes are also expected to have backups from which they are able to partially restore the contents of their vault to a state that is self-consistent, meaning that all available transactions and dependencies are correctly recorded in the vault and all appropriate tables. These tables may not be current, and may be missing records of some transactions due to a disaster scenario.

Configuration parameterDefault valueAcceptable valuesDescription
manualExportTransactionsBatchSize100100 to 100000
manualImportNumberOfTransactionsToCommitAfter10001000 to 10000
skipSizeQueryfalsetrue or falseDetermines if querying size of artifacts (transactions, attachments, network parameters) should be skipped.

In this section, you will find the flows that facilitate manual recovery as defined in the LedgerRecover CorDapp.

Descriptions of flows include:

  • the name of the initiating flow
  • the data required for invocation
  • the type of data that is returned
  • a description of its intended use.

As a node operator, you will need to interact with LedgerRecover via the exposed flows in addition to the JMX metrics defined in later sections of this documentation.

This flow initiates a manual recovery process between two nodes on the basis of a previous reconciliation. First, the node will fetch the relevant ReconciliationStatus with the counterparty specified. The ReconciliationStatus is the record containing all of the transaction IDs and associated artifacts that need to be recovered.

The initiating node then persists a RecoveryRequest - this is a record containing the details of the recovery. The initial record is persisted in a REQUESTED status indicating it has not been acted on by the counterparty. The initiating node will then request that the counterparty also persists a RecoveryRequest.

On receipt of this request, the counterparty persists their own record as a RecoveryRequest with an identical ID, also in a ‘requested’ status. The shared ID (represented as a UUID) links the corresponding RecoveryRequests across the nodes.

It is important to note that before a record of the RecoveryRequest is persisted by the initiator, they will check the following:

  • That there is not a current RecoveryRequest where the initiating node has the same role (for example, listed as the initiator).
  • The referenced ReconciliationStatus explicitly indicates that there are differences found between the initiating node and the responding node. If any of the above checks fail (by throwing an exception), the initiator will persist the RecoveryRequest in a failed STATUS.

After persisting a record of the RecoveryRequest, the initiator will send the UUID of said request to the responder who will conduct the verifications listed above in addition to the following:

  • The requesting party should either be a participant in the transactions requested or the requested transactions should be part of the backchain.
  • If the above checks fail (by throwing an exception), the responder will not persist a record and will propagate an error message back to the initiator.
  • The initiator will then persist a RecoveryRequest in a failed status with the returned error message.

The verifications above are implemented to ensure that private ledger data is not erroneously or maliciously transmitted via the LedgerRecover CorDapp.

  • party - The legal identity of the node from whom you will be recovering transactions. This parameter is not nullable and represented as type Party.
  • transactionIds - This is a set of transaction IDs that will be requested from the counterparty as part of the recovery process. This parameter is nullable and represented as type Set<String>.
  • RecoveryRequest - This flow returns the entire RecoveryRequest object that has been successfully persisted by the initiating node. This will be displayed in the console as follows:
RecoveryRequest(recoveryID=e769be7d-deb1-46dd-98fc-fe09e6e172b3, party=O=PartyB, L=London, C=GB, isRequester=true, timeStarted=1582643485140, timeFinished=null,
requestedTransactionIDs=[4F2F2AFB66670C6F7A4BF0BA201609A70DE49C87C29C8C2ABB19CE55DF251F01, E6156EBA7EEB23802CF2B5D0FE53601B849F0EC0F0326B440957636D3B08E462,
87391C19593CFEEC9F804921790388C869C38496B400522E7D23BD8BD3138494, 4A1C94374E8C27A3ED8760DF32F13ECA6FED464B9EF0C19CCB6C203B76101E06], recoveryStatusFlag=REQUESTED,
failureReason='', isManual=true, stateMachineRunId=null)
  • flow start InitiateManualRecoveryFlow party: <X500 Name of Counterparty>
  • Example: flow start InitiateManualRecoveryFlow party: "O=PartyB, L=London, C=GB"
  • ManualRecoveryException - This exception will be thrown by the initiating node if an existing RecoveryRequest is currently in progress.
  • DatabaseServiceException - This will be thrown by either the initiating or responding node if an existing RecoveryRequest is in progress and wasn’t detected by the initial flow checks.
  • RecoveryRequestVerificationException - This will be thrown by the responding node if the RecoveryRequest received from the initiating node includes transactions which they are not permitted to request.

This flow is used by a node operator to mark an existing RecoveryRequest as complete.

This should only be done when:

  • the counterparty has exported and delivered a file containing the transactions to be recovered
  • you have successfully imported those transactions into the vault.

This is done automatically by the responding party after running ExportTransactionsFlow and automatically by the initiating party after running ImportTransactionsFlow.

In this process, the initiating party marks their RecoveryRequest as complete. This flow does not update the counterParty.

  • requestId - A String representing the UUID of the RecoveryRequest you wish to mark as completed. This parameter is not nullable.
  • Unit / Void - None.
  • flow start CompleteManualRecoveryFlow requestId: <UUID of RecoveryRequest>
  • Example: flow start CompleteManualRecoveryFlow requestId: "24e3d306-01cd-437d-a6a7-106c299e8245"
  • ManualRecoveryException - This exception is thrown by the initiating node if there is no RecoveryRequest with the ID specified or if a RecoveryRequest is found but is not in a ‘requested’ status.
  • DatabaseServiceException - This exception is thrown by the either the initiating nodes if the above flow checks fail for the same reasons - if there is no RecoveryRequest with the counterparty specified or if a RecoveryRequest is found but is not in progress.

This flow is used by a party to fail a manual recovery process with a counterparty. The initiating party marks their recovery request as having failed. They then ask the counterparty to do the same, sending them the requestId and the failReason. Failed RecoveryRequests remain as records in the CR_RECOVERY_REQUEST table for record-keeping and querying.

  • requestId - A String representing the UUID of the manual RecoveryRequest you wish to mark as failed.

  • failReason - A message indicating the reason you are failing this RecoveryRequest. An example of an acceptable failReason would be: This RecoveryRequest was conducted outside of the normal recovery schedule specified in the Business Network Governance documentation.

  • When a counterparty opts to fail a given RecoveryRequest that was made at an unexpected or invalid time, this reason would be provided as an argument to the command outlined below.

  • Unit / Void - None.
  • flow start FailManualRecoveryFlow requestId: <UUID of RecoveryRequest>, failReason: <Cited reason for request failure>
  • Example: flow start FailManualRecoveryFlow requestId: "a5b3d634-9d34-47e8-9733-64db75115392", failReason: "Didn't you get the memo?"
  • ManualRecoveryException - This exception will be thrown by the initiating node if there is no RecoveryRequest with the ID specified or if a RecoveryRequest is found but is not in a ‘requested’ status. This exception will also be thrown if the provided failString is too long or has unacceptable characters.

This flow fetches a RecoveryRequest from the database, verifies that the requested transactions therein should be available to the initiating party and then exports the transaction data as a VaultArchive. The related RecoveryRequest is then marked as complete. The exported data will be available at: path/recoveryStatusID.

This flow only marks the RecoveryRequest as complete on behalf of the invoking node. The node that initiated the RecoveryRequest will not mark their record as complete until they have successfully imported the transaction data.

  • requestId - A String representing the UUID corresponding to the manual RecoveryRequest for which you will be exporting a file containing transaction data (a VaultArchive).
  • path - A String representing the file path to which you will export the requested data to the filesystem.
  • Unit / Void - None.
  • flow start ExportTransactionsFlow requestId: <UUID of RecoveryRequest>, path: <PATH_TO_DESIRED_VAULT_ARCHIVE_EXPORT>
  • Example: flow start ExportTransactionsFlow requestId: "a5b3d634-9d34-47e8-9733-64db75115392", path: "/var/folders/vault_archives"

A VaultArchive is a file/folder structure representing exported data from the nodes vault. It’s structured in a specific format so that the initiating node (for whom you are exporting this VaultArchive) is able to interpret and import the transaction data back into their vault. The data in the VaultArchive is stored in Corda Wire Format and may be deserialized and inspected using the Corda Blob Inspector.

An example of the file folder structure of a VaultArchive is defined below:

Recovery Folder TitleArtifact Folder TitleArtifact Description
RecoveryIdattachmentsThis folder contains all attachments referenced in the attached transactions with file names corresponding to the file hash.
-network-parametersThis folder contains all serialized network parameters used in the attached transactions with file names corresponding to the hashed data.
-recovery-descriptionThis is a summary file containing information required by the LedgerRecover CorDapp for verification and import by the initiating counterparty.
-transactionsThis folder will contain all transactions represented as individual files, identified by the transaction ID.

An example of how to deserialize a given transaction is defined here as well:

Generic: java -jar corda-tools-blob-inspector.jar <PATH_TO_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY>

Example command: java -jar corda-tools-blob-inspector-4.3.jar /private/var/folders/208d202e-40fe-4427-9f8d-b38b5b54a7e6/transactions/0B996DCD52265D866DC9424779556229CB30AB489C2AF6B60454F84B122A6E1B

Example output:

      id: "0B996DCD52265D866DC9424779556229CB30AB489C2AF6B60454F84B122A6E1B"
      notary: "O=Notary, L=London, C=GB"
      - txhash: "E60F725BA973D2B2AE28009BBF389578653ECBA7C11452B088DDC3BA822C6C82"
        index: 0
      - data: !<net.corda.finance.contracts.asset.Cash$State>
          amount: "100.00 GBP issued by O=NodeA, L=New York, C=US[00]"
          - "GfHq2tTVk9z4eXgyNrHSfCfsKgKtNBHQLwBEj5GauybzPn8xXQjYJC61hgfL"
          - "GfHq2tTVk9z4eXgyU5aRQzVRG9E1YuJpuiT6L48nChgLMjyJLBCXGhwnXKYJ"
          owner: "O=NodeB, L=New York, C=US"
        contract: "net.corda.finance.contracts.asset.Cash"
        notary: "O=Notary, L=London, C=GB"
        encumbrance: null
        constraint: !<net.corda.core.contracts.HashAttachmentConstraint>
          attachmentId: "6D3710B6908D0DD7F62CCD40A61DB8DC2203C68B6A2FB67884E1E92990FDE642"
      - value: !<net.corda.finance.contracts.asset.Cash$Commands$Move>
          contract: null
        - "GfHq2tTVk9z4eXgyU5aRQzVRG9E1YuJpuiT6L48nChgLMjyJLBCXGhwnXKYJ"
      timeWindow: null
      - "6D3710B6908D0DD7F62CCD40A61DB8DC2203C68B6A2FB67884E1E92990FDE642"
      references: []
      privacySalt: "2E3D8C3691E8DA4236FFF733E1C8F354E78FD30D20CDC176E363FBA53769C21C"
      networkParametersHash: "8E5B1401F0CE19E4FC54797A9AF35F229F26826A8AD4825890D7EA26B66B91D5"
    - bytes: !!binary |-
      by: "GfHq2tTVk9z4eXgyU5aRQzVRG9E1YuJpuiT6L48nChgLMjyJLBCXGhwnXKYJ"
        platformVersion: 5
        scheme: "EDDSA_ED25519_SHA512"
      partialMerkleTree: null
    - bytes: !!binary |-
      by: "GfHq2tTVk9z4eXgyRMW1yxrrbqC7nYgTD4gjgpePqcbN2B5zaTgm5UkstzB2"
        platformVersion: 5
        scheme: "EDDSA_ED25519_SHA512"
      partialMerkleTree: null
  • ManualRecoveryException - This exception will be thrown by the node initiating this flow for any of the following reasons:
  • the RecoveryRequest does not exist,
  • they are not the designated responder,
  • the RecoveryRequest is not designated as being manual,
  • or the RecoveryRequest is not in the state Requested (which it should be by default after running InitiateManualRecoveryFlow).
    • VaultExporterException - This will be thrown if there isn’t a sufficient amount of disk space available to persist the VaultArchive. This exception will also be thrown if any of the requested artifacts (transaction IDs, attachments or network parameters) do not exist in the vault.
    • RecoveryRequestVerificationException - This will be thrown by the responding node if the RecoveryRequest received from the initiating node includes transactions which they are not permitted to view.

This flow fetches a RecoveryRequest with a specified ID from the database. The flow then conducts a series of verifications including checking the request is manual, is in progress, that you are requester and that contents of the vault archive match the related RecoveryRequest. It then attempts to import the data into the vault.

If the import fails, the flow will fail the recovery request. Otherwise, the request is marked as complete and recovery has been successfully facilitated with the counterparty.

This flow uses existing Corda mechanisms to import transaction data back into the vault. This means that recovered transactions will trigger the same events as “new” transactions. Applications subscribing to vault observable fields will receive duplicate updates. External systems relying on LedgerData are expected to be able to handle receipt of duplicated updates resulting from recovery processes.

Applications subscribing to vault observable fields will receive duplicate updates. External systems relying on LedgerData are expected to be able to handle receipt of duplicated updates resulting from recovery processes.

This flow will also trigger a refresh of reconciliation statuses with all counterparties.

  • requestId - A String representing the UUID corresponding to the manual RecoveryRequest for which you will be importing a file containing transaction data (a VaultArchive).
  • path - A String representing the file path of the VaultArchive from which you will import the requested data to node’s vault.
  • Unit / Void - None.
  • flow start ImportTransactionsFlow requestId: <UUID of RecoveryRequest>, path: <PATH_TO_DESIRED_VAULT_ARCHIVE_EXPORT>
  • Example: flow start ImportTransactionsFlow requestId: "a5b3d634-9d34-47e8-9733-64db75115392", path: "/var/folders/vault_archives"
  • ManualRecoveryException - This exception will be thrown by the node initiating this flow for any of the following reasons:
  • the RecoveryRequest does not exist,
  • they are not the designated requester,
  • the RecoveryRequest is not designated as being manual,
  • the RecoveryRequest is not in the state Requested (which it should be by default after running InitiateManualRecoveryFlow),
  • or if the transaction IDs specified in the RecoveryRequest do not match the transaction ids specified in the VaultArchive.
    • CorruptedArchiveException - This will be thrown if the ID of a deserialized transaction doesn’t match the name of the file in which it is provided.
    • MissingArtifactsException - This will be thrown if an artifact that was specified for recovery does not exist and is not included in the VaultArchive.

The current state of a manual recovery request is stored in the CR_RECOVERY_REQUEST table, which is only present if the LedgerRecover CorDapp has been installed. This table will capture all previously executed RecoveryRequests and their outcomes as either Failed or Completed.

A Corda node running the LedgerRecover CorDapp will expose the following metrics via JMX:

This is an endpoint exposed via JMX that returns the current RecoveryRequest related to a specific party.

  • party - A String representing the X500Name of the counterparty that is the subject of the query.
  • isRequester - A boolean flag indicating whether or not the specified party was the initiator of the RecoveryRequest.
  • RecoveryRequest - This endpoint returns a RecoveryRequest, which is an object containing all information pertaining to a given recovery.

This is an endpoint exposed via JMX that returns all current RecoveryRequests within a specified time window.

  • isRequester - A boolean flag indicating whether or not the specified party was the initiator of the RecoveryRequest.
  • timeStart - A time stamp, represented as a Long data type indicated when the time window should begin for the purposes of querying.
  • timeEnd - A time stamp, represented as a Long data type indicated when the time window should end for the purposes of querying.
  • Array<RecoveryRequest> - This endpoint returns an array of RecoveryRequests that took place during the specified time window.

This endpoint returns a list of CordaX500Names as Strings representing the identity of the nodes on the network with whom you have initiated a RecoveryRequest which has subsequently failed.

This endpoint returns a list of CordaX500Names as Strings representing the identity of the nodes on the network who have initiated or attempted to initiate a RecoveryRequest with us, which has subsequently failed.

This endpoint returns a list of CordaX500Names as Strings representing the identity of the nodes on the network with whom you have initiated a RecoveryRequest that is currently in progress.

This endpoint returns a list of CordaX500Names as Strings representing the identity of the nodes on the network who have initiated or a RecoveryRequest with us which is still in progress.

This endpoint returns a list of CordaX500Names as Strings representing the identity of the nodes on the network with whom you have initiated a RecoveryRequest which has been persisted in an initial state with the status - requested.

This endpoint returns a list of CordaX500Names as Strings representing the identity of the nodes on the network who have attempted to initiate a RecoveryRequest with us which has been persisted in an initial state with the status - requested.

This endpoint returns the number of nodes on the network with whom you have initiated a RecoveryRequest which has subsequently failed.

This endpoint returns the number of nodes on the network who have initiated or attempted to initiate a RecoveryRequest with us, which has subsequently failed.

This endpoint returns the number of nodes on the network with whom you have initiated a RecoveryRequest that is currently in progress.

This endpoint returns the number of nodes on the network who have initiated or a RecoveryRequest with us which is still in progress.

This endpoint returns the number of nodes on the network with whom you have initiated a RecoveryRequest that has been completed.

This endpoint returns the number of nodes on the network who have initiated or a RecoveryRequest with us that has been completed.

This endpoint returns the number of nodes on the network with whom you have initiated a RecoveryRequest which has been persisted in an initial state with the status - requested.

This endpoint returns the number of nodes on the network who have attempted to initiate a RecoveryRequest with us which has been persisted in an initial state with the status - requested.

LedgerRecover manual recovery processes emit logging statements from the package com.r3.dr.ledgerrecover.app.manual.flows. Logging statements generally provide information as to the progress of the flow in which they were made.

In this section, you will walk through the complete execution of a manual recovery process. This workflow represents the happy path or the ideal steps and outcomes that will take place during recovery.

You can also see excerpts explicitly titled unhappy path that describe the scenarios in which a given step might fail, and what actions to take to get back onto the happy path.

In this scenario, we’ll make the following assumptions:

  • The actors, Parties A and B are on a two-party Corda network, comprised of their nodes and a notary.

  • Both nodes are running Corda Enterprise and have both LedgerSync and LedgerRecovery installed.

  • Both nodes have backups of their vaults.

  • PartyA has experienced a disaster in which their vault became corrupt.

  • PartyA subsequently restored from the backup.

  • PartyA successfully completed reconciliation with PartyB which indicated that there were differences found between their vaults.

  • PartyA determined that the number of differences found was too large for regular operations and is now attempting a manual recovery process.

To kick off a manual recovery process, the initiating node should execute the InitiateManualRecoveryFlow using the following command.

flow start InitiateManualRecoveryFlow party: "O=PartyB, L=London, C=GB"

When run successfully, this flow will persist a RecoveryRequest in the CR_RECOVERY_REQUEST table of the both initiating and counterparty nodes based on the previously conducted reconciliation. Further operations described will update this record with the current progress. The following will be logged to the CRaSh shell. The node operator should take note of the recoveryID for future operations.

    RecoveryRequest(recoveryID=e769be7d-deb1-46dd-98fc-fe09e6e172b3, party=O=PartyB, L=London, C=GB, isRequester=true, timeStarted=1582643485140, timeFinished=null,
    requestedTransactionIDs=[4F2F2AFB66670C6F7A4BF0BA201609A70DE49C87C29C8C2ABB19CE55DF251F01, E6156EBA7EEB23802CF2B5D0FE53601B849F0EC0F0326B440957636D3B08E462,
    87391C19593CFEEC9F804921790388C869C38496B400522E7D23BD8BD3138494, 4A1C94374E8C27A3ED8760DF32F13ECA6FED464B9EF0C19CCB6C203B76101E06], recoveryStatusFlag=REQUESTED,
    failureReason='', isManual=true, stateMachineRunId=null)

If the initiating node throws an exception, it is very likely for one of the following reasons:

  • The reconciliation process is either still in progress or has failed. In the former situation, wait for the reconciliation process to be scheduled or complete. In the latter situation, review the node logs to determine the cause of the reconciliation failure (see the logging section of LedgerSync documentation) and then reschedule the reconciliation so that it may be completed successfully.

If the responding node throws an exception, a RecoveryRequest will have been created, persisted by the initiator and subsequently failed. The reason for the failure will be propagated back to the initiating node and recorded in the node logs. Review the node logs - the explanation for the failure should be prefaced by: Manual Recovery Initialization has failed for the counterparty with the message:.

The common reasons for this unhappy path are that the RecoveryRequest contained transactions that were invalid for recovery or that there was a RecoveryRequest already registered as being in progress by the counterparty with the identity of the initiator. In the first case, the node operator should restart the disaster recovery process by rescheduling reconciliation with the counterparty. In the latter situation, the node operator of the initiating party should first check their node logs and then check the CR_RECOVERY_REQUEST table in their database to determine if there is, in fact, another valid and current RecoveryRequest. If so, they should wait for the counterparty to continue with the process described herein. If not, they should request that the counterparty use FailManualRecoveryRequest to invalidate the record so that the initiating party may create another valid RecoveryRequest and continue with the recovery process.

Based on the governing rules of the Corda network in which nodes are deployed, the node operator of the counterparty may be expected to be monitoring the exposed JMX endpoints so that they may understand when a valid RecoveryRequest has been initiated with them. Once a record of the RecoveryRequest has been successfully persisted on both the initiating and responding nodes (reflected via the monitored JMX attributes), the node operator of the responding party needs to create a VaultArchive containing all of the requested ledger data. They can do so using the following command:

flow start ExportTransactionsFlow requestId: "e769be7d-deb1-46dd-98fc-fe09e6e172b3", path: "/var/folders/vault_archives"

Once completed successfully, the RecoveryRequest record will be marked as complete on the responding node (the node on which the ExportTransactionsFlow flow was run).

Note that the requestId argument passed in the command above is the same as the one that was returned in step 1. The node operator can either be explicitly informed of this ID for convenience or they can query their CR_RECOVERY_REQUEST table for RecoveryRequest records with the initiator and retrieve the request ID. Querying can be done using GetRecoveryRequestsFlow which returns a List of RecoveryRequest objects based on the counterparty and a target list of RecoveryStatusFlags.

Exceptions thrown in this stage are related to one of two things. Either the RecoveryRequest was invalid, in which case it should be:

  1. Immediately rejected and failed or,
  2. The node did not have sufficient disk space to persist the generated VaultArchive.

In the first case, there is no further action required by the node operator. They may optionally inform the requesting counterparty that their RecoveryRequest referenced transaction data that was invalid and they may have to restart the disaster recovery process. In the second case, the node operator will need to make more disk space available before reattempting the export.

Corda does not attempt to solve the problem of securely and privately transmitting large file payloads - operating business entities should follow their internal best practices as well as any guidelines defined by the network or business network in determining the appropriate vehicle for delivery of the VaultArchive with the counterparty.

This is the final step in the happy path for manual ledger recovery. In this step, it is assumed that the initiating node has received a copy of the VaultArchive which is now stored in a known location accessible via the Corda node. The initiating party should run ImportTransactionsFlow to read the VaultArchive data and load it into the vault using the following command:

flow start ImportTransactionsFlow requestId: "e769be7d-deb1-46dd-98fc-fe09e6e172b3", path: "/var/folders/vault_archives

When run successfully the initiating node should have successfully recovered their vault and be able to transact with the counterparty with whom they were recovering. ReconciliationStatus will be refreshed automatically after a successful import.

Exceptions in this step stem from the VaultArchive being invalid or not corresponding to the RecoveryRequest with the counterparty. In this case, it is likely that the counterparty delivered the wrong VaultArchive file for import. The action here would be to inform the counterparty of the invalid VaultArchive and request that they export and deliver the file once more. In order for an import to be successful, the RecoveryRequest must also be in progress - if this is not the case (that is, the RecoveryRequest was erroneously failed prior to import), then the manual recovery process will have to be restarted on the basis of the last successful reconciliation. It is expected that after importing the VaultArchive, the node operator will verify that the refreshed ReconciliationStatus record now indicates there are no differences found with the counterparty.

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