Run a sample CorDapp

Get started with Corda by running a sample CorDapp. Learn how to download, deploy, launch, interact with, and test a CorDapp before you try building your own, modifying a Java or Kotlin template, or using a community CorDapp.

The local Corda network in the sample includes one notary and two nodes, each representing a party in the network. A Corda node is an individual instance of Corda representing one party in a network. For more information on nodes, see the node documentation.

The sample CorDapp allows nodes to reach loan agreements with each other, as long as they obey the following contract rules:

  • The loan agreement’s value is strictly positive.
  • A node is not trying to issue a loan agreement to itself.

You will deploy and run the sample CorDapp on the following test nodes:

  • Notary, which runs a notary service
  • PartyA
  • PartyB
  1. Choose a directory to store the sample CorDapp.
  2. Open the command line from that directory.
  3. Run the following command to clone the sample repository:
git clone
git clone

The sample project folders will appear in your chosen directory.

  1. Open IntelliJ.
  2. Choose Open from the top menu.
  3. Navigate to the Basic\cordapp-example sub-folder and click OK.

The project containing the sample CorDapp opens.

  1. Open the command line from the cordapp-example directory.

  2. Run the deployNodes Gradle task:

    • Unix/macOS: ./gradlew deployNodes
    • Windows: ./gradlew.bat deployNodes

    This builds three nodes with the CorDapp installed on them.

  3. When the build finishes, go to the samples-java/Basic/cordapp-example/build/nodes or samples-kotlin/Basic/cordapp-example/build/nodes folder. You will see the following output:

    • A folder for each generated node
    • A runnodes shell script for running all the nodes simultaneously on macOS
    • A runnodes.bat batch file for running all the nodes simultaneously on Windows

    See Appendix B for the node structure.

To start the nodes and the sample CorDapp:

  1. Run the command that corresponds to your operating system:
  • Unix/macOS: ./build/nodes/runnodes
  • Windows: .\build\nodes\runnodes.bat
  1. Start a Spring Boot server for Party A. Run the command:
  • Unix/macOS: ./gradlew runPartyAServer
  • Windows: gradlew.bat runPartyAServer

Look for the Started Server in X seconds message — don’t rely on the % indicator.

  1. Repeat the command to start the server for Party B:
  • Unix/macOS: ./gradlew runPartyBServer
  • Windows: gradlew.bat runPartyBServer

The runnodes script creates a node tab/window for each node. It usually takes about 60 seconds for all the nodes to start. Each node displays “Welcome to the Corda interactive shell” along with a prompt.

   ______               __
  / ____/     _________/ /___ _
 / /     __  / ___/ __  / __ `/         Top tip: never say "oops", instead
/ /___  /_/ / /  / /_/ / /_/ /          always say "Ah, Interesting!"
\____/     /_/   \__,_/\__,_/

--- Corda Open Source corda-4.8 (4157c25) -----------------------------------------------

Logs can be found in                    : /Users/cordauser/Desktop/cordapp-example/workflows-java/build/nodes/PartyA/logs
Database connection url is              : jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:59472/node
Incoming connection address             : localhost:10005
Listening on port                       : 10005
Loaded CorDapps                         : corda-finance-corda-4.8, cordapp-example-0.1, corda-core-corda-4.8
Node for "PartyA" started up and registered in 38.59 sec

Welcome to the Corda interactive shell.
Useful commands include 'help' to see what is available, and 'bye' to shut down the node.

Fri Mar 02 17:34:02 GMT 2018>>>

You can interact with the sample CorDapp:

  • Via HTTP
  • Via the interactive shell (terminal only)
  • Via the h2 web console

The Spring Boot servers run locally on the following ports:

  • PartyA: localhost:50005
  • PartyB: localhost:50006

These ports are defined in clients/build.gradle.

Each Spring Boot server exposes the following endpoints:

  • /me
  • /peers
  • /ious
  • /create-iou with parameters iouValue and partyName which is CN name of a node

There is also a web front-end served from the home web page (for example, localhost:50005).

You can create an IOU by sending a PUT request to the /create-iou endpoint directly, or by using the web form served from the home directory.

To create an IOU between PartyA and PartyB, run the following command:

curl -i -X POST 'http://localhost:50005/create-iou?iouValue=12&partyName=O=PartyB,L=New%20York,C=US' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

Note that both PartyA’s port number (50005) and PartyB are referenced in the PUT request path. This command instructs PartyA to agree an IOU with PartyB. Once the process is complete, both nodes will have a signed, notarised copy of the IOU.

Nodes started via the command line will display an interactive shell:

Welcome to the Corda interactive shell.
Useful commands include 'help' to see what is available, and 'bye' to shut down the node.

Mon May 10 16:36:29 BST 2021>>>

Type flow list in the shell to see a list of the flows that your node can run. In our case, this will return the following list:


You can create a new IOU using the ExampleFlow$Initiator flow. For example, from the interactive shell of Party A, you can agree an IOU of 50 with Party B by running flow start ExampleFlow$Initiator iouValue: 50, otherParty: "O=PartyB,L=New York,C=US".

This will print out the following progress steps:

✅   Generating transaction based on new IOU.
✅   Verifying contract constraints.
✅   Signing transaction with our private key.
✅   Gathering the counterparty's signature.
    ✅   Collecting signatures from counterparties.
    ✅   Verifying collected signatures.
✅   Obtaining notary signature and recording transaction.
    ✅   Requesting signature by notary service
            Requesting signature by Notary service
            Validating response from Notary service
    ✅   Broadcasting transaction to participants
✅   Done

You can also issue RPC operations to the node via the interactive shell. Type run to see the full list of available operations.

You can see the newly-created IOU by running run vaultQuery contractStateType: net.corda.samples.example.states.IOUState.

You can connect directly to your node’s database to see its stored states, transactions and attachments. Follow the instructions in Node database.

Corda provides several frameworks for writing unit and integration tests for CorDapps. To access test flows in IntelliJ, select an option from the ‘Run Configurations’ dropdown next to the hammer icon. For a general guide, see Running tests in IntelliJ.

First, run an integration test to calibrate your environment.

  1. Go to Workflows > src > IntegrationTest > DriverBasedTest.
  2. Select the green arrow next to the test code. This will open the Run Terminal.

You can run the CorDapp’s contract tests by running the Run Contract Tests - Java run configuration.

  1. Go to Workflow > src > test > ContractTests.
  2. Select the arrow next to the test code. Choose the arrow at the top to run all the tests at once, or select the arrow next to a particular section to test it individually.

You can run the CorDapp’s flow tests by running the Run Flow Tests - Java run configuration.

  1. Go to Workflow > src > test > FlowTests.
  2. Select the arrow next to the test code. Choose the arrow at the top to run all the tests at once, or select the arrow next to a particular section to test it individually.

If your test fails, run a Gradle test instead of a unit test.

  1. Open the Gradle tab on the right-hand side of your IntelliJ window.
  2. Open Build Tool Settings (wrench icon) and select Gradle Settings.
  3. Set Gradle as the default in your Build and Run settings and click Apply.
  4. Go to Run Configurations (next to the hammer icon) and select Edit Configurations.
  5. Delete the unit test driver and click Apply.
  6. Return to your test code. You will see the Gradle icon (an elephant).
  7. Select the Gradle icon to run your test.

The cordapp-example folder is structured as follows:


├── clients
│   ├── build.gradle
│   └── src
│       └── main
│           ├── java
│           │   └── com
│           │       └── example
│           │           └── server
│           │               ├──
│           │               ├──
│           │               ├──
│           │               └──
│           │  
│           └── resources
│               ├──
│               └── public
│                   ├── index.html
│                   └── js
│                       └── angular-module.js
├── config
│   ├── dev
│      └── log4j2.xml
├── contracts-java
│   ├── build.gradle
│   └── src
│       └── main
│           └── java
│               └── com
│                   └── example
│                       ├── contract
│                       │   └──
│                       ├── schema
│                       │   ├──
│                       │   └──
│                       └── state
│                           └──
├── contracts-kotlin
│   ├── build.gradle
│   └── src
│       └── main
│           └── kotlin
│               └── com
│                   └── example
│                       ├── contract
│                       │   └── IOUContract
│                       ├── schema
│                       │   └── IOUSchema.kt
│                       └── state
│                           └── IOUState
├── gradle
│   └── wrapper
│       ├── gradle-wrapper.jar
│       └──
├── lib
│   ├── README.txt
│   └── quasar.jar
├── workflows-java
│   ├── build.gradle
│   └── src
│       ├── integrationTest
│       │   └── java
│       │       └── com
│       │           └── example
│       │               └──
│       ├── main
│       │   └── java
│       │       └── com
│       │           └── example
│       │               └── flow
│       │                   └──
│       └── test
│           └── java
│               └── com
│                   └── example
│                       ├──
│                       ├── contract
│                       │   └──
│                       └── flow
│                           └──
├──  workflows-kotlin
│    ├── build.gradle
│    └── src
│        ├── integrationTest
│        │   └── kotlin
│        │       └── com
│        │           └── example
│        │               └── DriverBasedTests.kt
│        ├── main
│        │   └── kotlin
│        │       └── com
│        │           └── example
│        │               └── flow
│        │                   └── ExampleFlow.kt
│        └── test
│            └── kotlin
│                └── com
│                    └── example
│                        ├── NodeDriver.kt
│                        ├── contract
│                        │   └── IOUContractTests.kt
│                        └── flow
│                            └── IOUFlowTests.kt
├── build.gradle
├── gradlew
├── gradlew.bat
├── repositories.gradle
├── settings.gradle

The key files and directories are as follows:

  • The root directory contains some gradle files, a README, a LICENSE, and a TRADEMARK statement.
  • clients contains the source code for Spring Boot integration.
  • config contains the Log4j 2 configuration.
  • contracts-java and workflows-java contain the source code for the sample CorDapp written in Java.
  • contracts-kotlin and workflows-kotlin contain the same source code, but written in Kotlin. CorDapps can be developed in either Java and Kotlin
  • gradle contains the Gradle Wrapper, which allows the use of Gradle without installing it yourself and worrying about which version is required.
  • lib contains the Quasar jar, which rewrites your CorDapp’s flows to be checkpointable.

Each node in the nodes folder is structured as follows:

. nodeName
├── additional-node-infos  //
├── certificates
├── corda.jar              // The Corda node runtime
├── cordapps               // The node's CorDapps
│   ├── config
│   ├── corda-example-contracts-0.1.jar
│   └── corda-example-workflows-0.1.jar
├── djvm
├── drivers
├── logs
├── network-parameters
├── node.conf              // The node's configuration file
├── nodeInfo-<HASH>        // The hash will be different each time you generate a node
├──      // The node's database
└── persistence.trace.db   // The node's database

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