Configuring Responder Flows
A flow can be a fairly complex thing that interacts with many backend systems, and so it is likely that different users of a specific CorDapp will require differences in how flows interact with their specific infrastructure.
Corda supports this functionality by providing two mechanisms to modify the behaviour of apps in your node.
Subclassing a Flow

If you have a workflow which is mostly common, but also requires slight alterations in specific situations, most developers would be familiar with refactoring into Base and Sub classes. A simple example is shown below.
open class BaseResponder(internal val otherSideSession: FlowSession) : FlowLogic<Unit>() {
override fun call() {
protected open fun getMessage() = "This Is the Legacy Responder"
class SubResponder(otherSideSession: FlowSession) : BaseResponder(otherSideSession) {
override fun getMessage(): String {
return "This is the sub responder"
public class Initiator extends FlowLogic<String> {
private final Party otherSide;
public Initiator(Party otherSide) {
this.otherSide = otherSide;
public String call() throws FlowException {
return initiateFlow(otherSide).receive(String.class).unwrap((it) -> it);
public class BaseResponder extends FlowLogic<Void> {
private FlowSession counterpartySession;
public BaseResponder(FlowSession counterpartySession) {
this.counterpartySession = counterpartySession;
public Void call() throws FlowException {
return Void;
protected String getMessage() {
return "This Is the Legacy Responder";
public class SubResponder extends BaseResponder {
public SubResponder(FlowSession counterpartySession) {
protected String getMessage() {
return "This is the sub responder";
Corda would detect that both BaseResponder
and SubResponder
are configured for responding to Initiator
Corda will then calculate the hops to FlowLogic
and select the implementation which is furthest distance, ie: the most subclassed implementation.
In the above example, SubResponder
would be selected as the default responder for Initiator
Overriding a flow via node configuration

Whilst the subclassing approach is likely to be useful for most applications, there is another mechanism to override this behaviour. This would be useful if for example, a specific CorDapp user requires such a different responder that subclassing an existing flow would not be a good solution. In this case, it’s possible to specify a hardcoded flow via the node configuration.
referencing the base initiator.flowOverrides
and it accepts an array of overrides
flowOverrides {
The cordform plugin also provides a flowOverride
method within the deployNodes
block which can be used to override a flow. In the below example, we will override
the SubResponder
with BaseResponder
node {
name "O=Bank,L=London,C=GB"
p2pPort 10025
rpcUsers = ext.rpcUsers
rpcSettings {
address "localhost:10026"
adminAddress "localhost:10027"
extraConfig = ['h2Settings.address' : 'localhost:10035']
flowOverride("net.corda.Initiator", "net.corda.BaseResponder")
This will generate the corresponding flowOverrides
section and place it in the configuration for that node.
Modifying the behaviour of @InitiatingFlow(s)

It is likely that initiating flows will also require changes to reflect the different systems that are likely to be encountered. At the moment, corda provides the ability to subclass an Initiator, and ensures that the correct responder will be invoked. In the below example, we will change the behaviour of an Initiator from filtering Notaries out from comms, to only communicating with Notaries
open class BaseInitiator : FlowLogic<String>() {
override fun call(): String {
val partiesToTalkTo = serviceHub.networkMapCache.allNodes
.filterNot { it.legalIdentities.first() in serviceHub.networkMapCache.notaryIdentities }
.filterNot { it.legalIdentities.first().name == }.map { it.legalIdentities.first() }
val responses = ArrayList<String>()
for (party in partiesToTalkTo) {
val session = initiateFlow(party)
val received = session.receive<String>().unwrap { it }
responses.add( + " responded with backend: " + received)
return "${getFLowName()} received the following \n" + responses.joinToString("\n") { it }
open fun getFLowName(): String {
return "Normal Computer"
class NotaryOnlyInitiator : BaseInitiator() {
override fun call(): String {
return "Notary Communicator received:\n" + {
"Notary: ${} is using a " + initiateFlow(it).receive<String>().unwrap { it }
}.joinToString("\n") { it }
Corda will use the first annotation detected in the class hierarchy to determine which responder should be invoked. So for a Responder similar to
class BobbyResponder(othersideSession: FlowSession) : BaseResponder(othersideSession) {
override fun getMessageFromBackend(): String {
return "Robert'); DROP TABLE STATES;"
it would be possible to invoke either BaseInitiator
or NotaryOnlyInitiator
and BobbyResponder
would be used to reply.
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