Pluggable serializers for CorDapp checkpoints
If a CorDapp encounters an exception during the checkpoint process, it may need a custom serializer to make a class serializable.
This is an unsupported advanced feature for use when a class cannot be serialized and cannot be avoided. It should be avoided unless there is no choice.
Care needs to be taken when modifying CorDapps when custom checkpoint serializers are present. Avoid removing or renaming a custom serializer needed to deserialize a checkpoint. It is best to modify CorDapps containing custom checkpoint serializers when no checkpoints are present.
Writing a custom checkpoint serializer

Checkpoint serializers follow the same rules as normal pluggable serializers.
In addition they need to implement net.corda.core.serialization.CheckpointCustomSerializer

Create a class that claims to implement the Map interface, but does not behave correctly:
public final class BrokenMapImpl<K,V> extends HashMap<K,V> {
public V put(K key, V value) {
throw new RuntimeException("Broken on purpose");
This class will not checkpoint correctly because the put
method is broken.
Here is a flow for testing the behaviour of this map:
public class BrokenMapFlow extends FlowLogic<Integer> {
public Integer call() throws FlowException {
// Something to store in our map
HashMap<String, Integer> inputValues = new HashMap<>();
inputValues.put("Key", 5);
// This map won't serialize correctly
BrokenMapImpl<String, Integer> brokenMap = new BrokenMapImpl<>();
// Force a checkpoint
// Output a value from the map
getLogger().info("Flow completed successfully");
getLogger().info("Result is " + brokenMap.get("Key"));
return brokenMap.get("Key");
At this point, there is a flow that will not deserialize from checkpoint correctly. It will throw an exception when trying to rebuild BrokenMapImpl
Adding this implementation of CheckpointCustomSerializer
will fix the issue. It will be found at startup and registered with the system. When the test flow reaches a checkpoint, this will transform BrokenMapImpl
into a HashMap
for storage and then convert back to BrokenMapImpl
when the flow resumes.
public class BrokenMapSerializer implements CheckpointCustomSerializer<BrokenMapImpl, HashMap> {
// Convert to a HashMap for storage
public HashMap toProxy(BrokenMapImpl brokenMap) {
return new HashMap(brokenMap);
// Convert back to BrokenMapImpl on resume
public BrokenMapImpl fromProxy(HashMap hashMap) {
BrokenMapImpl brokenMap = new BrokenMapImpl();
return brokenMap;
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