TVU output and logging

The following section describes what the Transaction Validator Utility (TVU) outputs to the console, and the options for controlling logging.

By default, the TVU outputs to the console a short summary of what it is doing. If the TVU is run with valid parameters, the output is similar to the following:

Discovering transactions...
	querying database, all transactions
	transactions found: 8
Processing transactions...

The output is then suspended whilst the transactions are processed, until finally you see, for example:

Processing completed
	transactions expected: 8
	transactions processed: 8
	succeeded: 6
	verification failed: 2
	time taken: 382ms

If a parameter is specified with an incorrect value, the TVU indicates what the problem is, for example:

-t,--load-tx-time: invalid date/time specified. Format should be yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.nnZ
-e,--error-directory: directory does not exist.
-e,--error-directory: directory is not writeable.

The TVU generates a log file in the current working directory. As with all Corda CLI tools, the level of logging is controlled by the --logging-level parameter. The available levels, in order of increasing detail, are:

  • WARN
  • INFO (default logging level)

For example:

java -jar transaction-validator.jar --logging-level DEBUG

The --verbose (short version -v) parameter enables verbose logging. This feature takes the messages written to the TVU log file and additionally echoes them to the console.

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