TVU CLI command examples

The following section provides examples of how to use the Transaction Validator Utility (TVU) CLI commands. You can modify and use the provided TVU CLI command examples to work in your project.

Validate all transactions in the database specified in the node.conf file of the node base directory /cordallp/corda/nodeA/.

java -jar transaction-validator.jar -b /cordallp/corda/nodeA

To validate all the node’s transactions present at /cordallp/corda/nodeA without using the -b CLI option, paste the transaction-validator.jar file in the node’s base directory /cordall/coda/nodeA and run the command without any option. This treats the node’s base directory as the current working directory (which is the default behavior for the -b option) and validates all transactions using the node.conf file present in the current working directory. Go to /cordallp/corda/nodeA using cd /cordallp/corda/nodeA and run the command:

cd /cordallp/corda/nodeA; java -jar transaction-validator.jar

You can register progress in a .txt file and reload it from this file using the -l option. If the file doesn’t exist, specifying a file path as this option’s value creates the file at this path and writes the progress into it. If the file is present, the utility loads the most recent progress from it and updates the file with the new progress.

java -jar transaction-validator.jar -l register.txt

You can register progress in a .txt file and reload it from this file using the -l option. Specifying a file path as this option’s value directs the utility to load the most recent progress from it and update the file with the new progress.

java -jar transaction-validator.jar -l register.txt

You can load transactions from or after a certain transaction time.

java -jar transaction-validator.jar -t 2007-12-03T10:15:30.00Z

Reverify transactions by specifying path to a newline-separated Ids.txt file containing transaction IDs.

java -jar transaction-validator.jar -i Ids.txt

If you specify /cordallp/corda/nodeA/errors using the -e option, the errors are registered in a .zip file generated in this directory.

java -jar transaction-validator.jar -e /cordallp/corda/nodeA/errors

Reverify erroneous transactions specified in the .zip file created using the -e option. Use the -i option with a file path to the error .zip file to invoke this functionality.

java -jar transaction-validator.jar -i /cordallp/corda/nodeA/errors/

Process transactions as specified in the net.corda.tvu.LogTransaction class. Put the JAR file containing the net.corda.tvu.LogTransaction class in the /cordallp/corda/nodeA/drivers directory.

java -jar transaction-validator.jar -c net.corda.tvu.LogTransaction

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