Transaction Validator Utility

To avoid post-migration errors when upgrading to Corda 4.12, you must first validate transactions committed to the database. You can do this by running TVU on your current Corda database. If no errors are detected during the inspection of your backchain, you can proceed with the migration.

TVU’s useful features include:

  • Transaction validation: Can validate (verify and deserialize) transactions by streaming them from the database. Database credentials are read directly from the node.conf file. See transaction validation CLI example.
  • Progress registration: Registers its runtime progress with reference to the number of transactions processed. See progress registration CLI example.
  • Progress reloading: Can be paused and resumed at a later point in time. This is particularly useful because the number of transactions can be high (possibly millions). See progress reloading CLI example.
  • Transaction time loading: Can start processing transactions from a supplied transaction time. This is particularly useful because the number of transactions can be high (possibly millions). See transaction time loading CLI example.
  • Reverification using transaction ID: Can verify only certain transactions specified in a newline-separated transaction ID text file. The utility only processes transactions with the transaction IDs in these files. See reverification using transaction ID CLI example.
  • Error registration: Can register any errors relating to transaction validation in a .zip file. This error .zip file stores erroneous transactions’ raw data. See error registration CLI example.
  • Erroneous transaction reverification: Can revalidate the erroneous transactions specified in an error .zip file. See erroneous transaction reverification CLI example.
  • Transaction processor: Can act as a transaction processor, performing user-supplied tasks on each transaction. All the functionalities detailed in the previous points, that is, progress registration/reloading, error registration, and ID re-verification work for this mode as well. See transaction processor CLI example.

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