Corda Enterprise vs Corda Open Source

Details on Corda Enterprise features compared to Corda Open Source Edition features follow below.

FeatureCorda Open Source EditionCorda Enterprise
Corda ledger
Flow framework
Immutable states
Smart contracts
Atomic transactions (with input, output and reference states)
Multiple accounts
Supported development languagesJava, KotlinJava, Kotlin
Standard Corda APIs
Compatible with any Corda network (including the Corda Network)
FeatureCorda Open Source EditionCorda Enterprise
Single node
Multiple nodes for high availability/disaster recovery
FeatureCorda Open Source EditionCorda Enterprise
In-process Artemis MQ
External Artemis MQ
Corda firewall
Multi-node use of a shared external Artemis MQ and a shared Corda firewall
FeatureCorda Open Source EditionCorda Enterprise
Java keystore file
HSM support
FeatureCorda Open Source EditionCorda Enterprise
H2 (development use only)
Postgres✓ Please note that this has been harmonised with Corda Enterprise in Corda 4.5 to allow for in-place upgrades
SQL ServerExperimental only
FeatureCorda Open Source EditionCorda Enterprise
Simple notary
Oracle RAC connectivity
CockroachDB connectivity
Clustered notary (for high availability)
FeatureCorda Open Source EditionCorda Enterprise
Dynamic database caching and performance enhancements
Multi-threaded flow state machine
FeatureCorda Open Source EditionCorda Enterprise
Node health check tool
Configuration obfuscation tool
HA admin tool
FeatureCorda Open Source EditionCorda Enterprise
Developer mailing lists (no SLA)
Cordaledger slack (no SLA)
Software maintenance
Support by R3 Support Engineering
Access to R3 Professional ServicesUpgrading to Corda Enterprise only

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