This section describes how to setup OpenTelemetry and the simple log telemetry.
Telemetry has been implemented in Corda 4.11 with a pluggable architecture. There are two telemetry components:
- OpenTelemetry: This component links with the OpenTelemetry API and issues spans for flows and certain significant operations.
- Simple log telemetry: This component issues log lines for flows and certain significant operations. These logs lines contain a trace ID. The complete call sequence of flows can be identified via the trace ID.
Corda OpenTelemetry integration

The Corda OpenTelemetry component links at compile time with the OpenTelemetry API. In order to produce spans, there is a runtime dependency on the OpenTelemetry SDK.
There are two ways to make the OpenTelemetry SDK available to the Corda node:
- Add the file
to thedrivers
directory of the Corda node. - Start the Corda node with an OpenTelemetry Java agent attached.
Using the OpenTelemetry driver

To use the OpenTelemetry driver, copy corda-opentelemetry-driver-%VERSION%.jar
into the drivers directory of the Corda node. This driver can be downloaded from Maven and is included in the release pack.
Using the OpenTelemetry Java agent

To use the OpenTelemetry Java agent:
- Download the agent from GitHub. The file you need is
. - Start the Corda node with the following example command line:
java -Dcapsule.jvm.args=“-javaagent:/PATH-TO-OT-JAVAAGENT/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar” -jar corda.jar
. - Replace
with the full path of the directory where you placed the OpenTelemetry Java agent. - Replace
with the service name you would like the Corda node to be identified as.
Setting up OpenTelemetry

Corda has been tested with the OpenTelemetry collector and a Jaeger backend. Refer to the OpenTelemetry and Jaeger websites for details on how to setup a collector and Jaeger backend.
Corda OpenTelemetry can also be enabled or disabled via a node configuration parameter, such as telemetry.openTelemetryEnabled = true
If this setting is true and the OpenTelemetry SDK has been linked to Corda as described above, the node will generate spans. If this setting is false, the node will not generate spans, even if the node is linked with the SDK.
Client API

OpenTelemetry span generation is also incorporated into the RPC client API. If you want your Corda client code to generate spans, you need to include the OpenTelemetry SDK as a dependency. The methods described above only apply to the Corda node.
You can link to the OpenTelemetry SDK from a client project in two ways:
- By compiling against the OpenTelemetry driver which includes the OpenTelemetry SDK.
- By running the client with the OpenTelemetry Java agent attached.
To use the OpenTelemetry driver, add the following dependency to the build.gradle
file of the client:
dependencies {
compile "net.corda:corda-opentelemetry-driver:$corda_release_version"
Alternatively, you can attach your client to the OpenTelemetry Java agent via the following command line:
java -javaagent:%PATH-TO-OT-JAVAAGENT%/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar -jar ./your-client.jar
Creating your own Spans

The OpenTelemetry API may be used in your flows and in your client code to create spans and baggage. To get an instance of the OpenTelemetry API in a flow, make the following call:
val openTelemetry: OpenTelemetry? = serviceHub.telemetryService.getTelemetryHandle(
From the client API, where RPC is a CordaRPCConnection, you would use the following:
val openTelemetry: OpenTelemetry? = rpc.getTelemetryHandle(
Once you have the OpenTelemetry handle, you can call the OpenTelemetry API.

When creating your own spans, you can also create your own baggage. If you create your own baggage, it will also be sent to other nodes, and you can specify if you want this baggage to be copied to span tags. If you do, all of the spans involved in the transaction for that node will also get a copy of the baggage. This can be enabled with the following parameter:
telemetry.copyBaggageToTags = true
The default value of this setting is false
Start and End Spans

The current implementation of OpenTelemetry will send spans to the backend when the flow or operation is completed. This is handled via the OpenTelemetry SDK. If the flow somehow gets stuck or does not complete, the span representing that flow will never reach the backend. It can be difficult to figure out what went wrong by just looking at the spans, as you will only see the complete spans.
As an alternative, the Corda OpenTelemetry component sends a start or end span to the backend when a flow or operation starts or stops, in addition to the normal spans sent for the operation. This is effectively a start flow span event and an end flow span event. With this view of the spans, it becomes easier to determine where the flow got stuck, as it will be the lowest child without an end span event.
Creating these start and end span events will also cause more spans to be sent out to the network, meaning there could be a performance impact on the network. By default, this functionality is disabled, but can be enabled via the following configuration property:
telemetry. spanStartEndEventsEnabled = true
Simple Log Telemetry Component

The Simple log telemetry component is the second type of telemetry supported. Instead of creating spans, this component simply writes log lines which record the trace ID. The trace ID is propagated to flows and other nodes involved in the transaction. By using grep on the trace ID, you can see all of the flows on different nodes involved in the same transaction. This component is enabled via the following configuration flag: telemetry.simpleLogTelemetryEnabled = true
The default value of this flag is false
. The logger associated with this component is SimpleLogTelemetryComponent
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