API: Persistence

Corda offers developers the option to expose all or some parts of a contract state to an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tool to be persisted in a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).

The purpose of this, is to assist Vault development and allow for the persistence of state data to a custom database table. Persisted states held in the vault are indexed for the purposes of executing queries. This also allows for relational joins between Corda tables and the organization’s existing data.

The Object Relational Mapping is specified using Java Persistence API (JPA) annotations. This mapping is persisted to the database as a table row (a single, implicitly structured data item) by the node automatically every time a state is recorded in the node’s local vault as part of a transaction.

Every ContractState may implement the QueryableState interface if it wishes to be inserted into a custom table in the node’s database and made accessible using SQL.

 * A contract state that may be mapped to database schemas configured for this node to support querying for,
 * or filtering of, states.
interface QueryableState : ContractState {
     * Enumerate the schemas this state can export representations of itself as.
    fun supportedSchemas(): Iterable<MappedSchema>

     * Export a representation for the given schema.
    fun generateMappedObject(schema: MappedSchema): PersistentState


The QueryableState interface requires the state to enumerate the different relational schemas it supports, for instance in situations where the schema has evolved. Each relational schema is represented as a MappedSchema object returned by the state’s supportedSchemas method.

Nodes have an internal SchemaService which decides what data to persist by selecting the MappedSchema to use. Once a MappedSchema is selected, the SchemaService will delegate to the QueryableState to generate a corresponding representation (mapped object) via the generateMappedObject method, the output of which is then passed to the ORM.

 * A configuration and customisation point for Object Relational Mapping of contract state objects.
interface SchemaService {
     * All available schemas in this node
    val schemas: Set<MappedSchema>

     * Given a state, select schemas to map it to that are supported by [generateMappedObject] and that are configured
     * for this node.
    fun selectSchemas(state: ContractState): Iterable<MappedSchema>

     * Map a state to a [PersistentState] for the given schema, either via direct support from the state
     * or via custom logic in this service.
    fun generateMappedObject(state: ContractState, schema: MappedSchema): PersistentState


 * A database schema that might be configured for this node.  As well as a name and version for identifying the schema,
 * also list the classes that may be used in the generated object graph in order to configure the ORM tool.
 * @param schemaFamily A class to fully qualify the name of a schema family (i.e. excludes version)
 * @param version The version number of this instance within the family.
 * @param mappedTypes The JPA entity classes that the ORM layer needs to be configure with for this schema.
open class MappedSchema(schemaFamily: Class<*>,
                        val version: Int,
                        val mappedTypes: Iterable<Class<*>>) {
    val name: String = schemaFamily.name

     * Optional classpath resource containing the database changes for the [mappedTypes]
    open val migrationResource: String? = null

    override fun toString(): String = "${this.javaClass.simpleName}(name=$name, version=$version)"

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as MappedSchema

        if (version != other.version) return false
        if (mappedTypes != other.mappedTypes) return false
        if (name != other.name) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = version
        result = 31 * result + mappedTypes.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + name.hashCode()
        return result


With this framework, the relational view of ledger states can evolve in a controlled fashion in lock-step with internal systems or other integration points and is not dependant on changes to the contract code.

It is expected that multiple contract state implementations might provide mappings within a single schema. For example an Interest Rate Swap contract and an Equity OTC Option contract might both provide a mapping to a Derivative contract within the same schema. The schemas should typically not be part of the contract itself and should exist independently to encourage re-use of a common set within a particular business area or CorDapp.

MappedSchema offer a family name that is disambiguated using Java package style name-spacing derived from the class name of a schema family class that is constant across versions, allowing the SchemaService to select a preferred version of a schema.

The SchemaService is also responsible for the SchemaOptions that can be configured for a particular MappedSchema. These allow the configuration of database schemas or table name prefixes to avoid clashes with other MappedSchema.

Custom contract schemas are automatically registered at startup time for CorDapps. The node bootstrap process will scan for states that implement the Queryable state interface. Tables are then created as specified by the MappedSchema identified by each state’s supportedSchemas method.

For testing purposes it is necessary to manually register the packages containing custom schemas as follows:

  • Tests using MockNetwork and MockNode must explicitly register packages using the cordappPackages parameter of MockNetwork
  • Tests using MockServices must explicitly register packages using the cordappPackages parameter of the MockServices makeTestDatabaseAndMockServices() helper method.

To facilitate the ORM, the persisted representation of a QueryableState should be an instance of a PersistentState subclass, constructed either by the state itself or a plugin to the SchemaService. This allows the ORM layer to always associate a StateRef with a persisted representation of a ContractState and allows joining with the set of unconsumed states in the vault.

The PersistentState subclass should be marked up as a JPA 2.1 Entity with a defined table name and having properties (in Kotlin, getters/setters in Java) annotated to map to the appropriate columns and SQL types. Additional entities can be included to model these properties where they are more complex, for example collections (Persisting Hierarchical Data), so the mapping does not have to be flat. The MappedSchema constructor accepts a list of all JPA entity classes for that schema in the MappedTypes parameter. It must provide this list in order to initialise the ORM layer.

Several examples of entities and mappings are provided in the codebase, including Cash.State and CommercialPaper.State. For example, here’s the first version of the cash schema.

package net.corda.finance.schemas

import net.corda.core.identity.AbstractParty
import net.corda.core.schemas.MappedSchema
import net.corda.core.schemas.PersistentState
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable
import net.corda.core.utilities.MAX_HASH_HEX_SIZE
import net.corda.core.contracts.MAX_ISSUER_REF_SIZE
import org.hibernate.annotations.Type
import javax.persistence.*

 * An object used to fully qualify the [CashSchema] family name (i.e. independent of version).
object CashSchema

 * First version of a cash contract ORM schema that maps all fields of the [Cash] contract state as it stood
 * at the time of writing.
@Suppress("MagicNumber") // SQL column length
object CashSchemaV1 : MappedSchema(schemaFamily = CashSchema.javaClass, version = 1, mappedTypes = listOf(PersistentCashState::class.java)) {

    override val migrationResource = "cash.changelog-master"

    @Table(name = "contract_cash_states", indexes = [Index(name = "ccy_code_idx", columnList = "ccy_code"), Index(name = "pennies_idx", columnList = "pennies")])
    class PersistentCashState(
            /** X500Name of owner party **/
            @Column(name = "owner_name", nullable = true)
            var owner: AbstractParty?,

            @Column(name = "pennies", nullable = false)
            var pennies: Long,

            @Column(name = "ccy_code", length = 3, nullable = false)
            var currency: String,

            @Column(name = "issuer_key_hash", length = MAX_HASH_HEX_SIZE, nullable = false)
            var issuerPartyHash: String,

            @Column(name = "issuer_ref", length = MAX_ISSUER_REF_SIZE, nullable = false)
            @Type(type = "corda-wrapper-binary")
            var issuerRef: ByteArray
    ) : PersistentState()

You may want to persist hierarchical relationships within state data using multiple database tables. To facilitate this, you must implement all queries making use of hierarchical relations as native SQL.

Example schemas implementing hierarchical relationships have been implemented below.

For one-to-one scenarios, use the following:

// Parent schema implemented as usual
class PersistentParent(
  @Column(name = "linear_id")
  var linearId: UUID
) : PersistentState() {
  constructor() : this( UUID.randomUUID() )

// Child has a reference to its parent
class PersistentChild(
  @Column(name = "linear_id")
  var linearId: UUID
  @Column=(name = "parent_linear_id")
  var parentLinearId: UUID
) : PersistentState() {
  constructor() : this( UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID() )

For one-to-many scenarios, use the following:

// Parent schema implemented as usual
class PersistentParent(
  @Column(name = "linear_id")
  var linearId: UUID
) : PersistentState() {
  constructor() : this( UUID.randomUUID() )

// Child schema implemented as usual
class PersistentChild(
  @Column(name = "linear_id")
  var linearId: UUID
) : PersistentState() {
  constructor() : this( UUID.randomUUID())

// ParentChildThrough table schema
class PersistentThroughTable(
  @Column(name = "parent_linear_id")
  var parentLinearId: UUID
  var childLinearId: UUID
) : PersistentState() {
  constructor() : this( UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID() )

Schema entity attributes defined by identity types (AbstractParty, Party, AnonymousParty) are automatically processed to ensure only the X500Name of the identity is persisted where an identity is well known, otherwise a null value is stored in the associated column. To preserve privacy, identity keys are never persisted. Developers should use the IdentityService to resolve keys from well know X500 identity names.

Apps may also interact directly with the underlying Node’s database by using a standard JDBC connection (session) as described by the Java SQL Connection API

Use the ServiceHub jdbcSession function to obtain a JDBC connection as illustrated in the following example:

val nativeQuery = "SELECT v.transaction_id, v.output_index FROM vault_states v WHERE v.state_status = 0"

database.transaction {
    val jdbcSession = services.jdbcSession()
    val prepStatement = jdbcSession.prepareStatement(nativeQuery)
    val rs = prepStatement.executeQuery()


JDBC sessions can be used in flows and services (see “Writing flows”).

The following example illustrates the creation of a custom Corda service using a jdbcSession:

object CustomVaultQuery {

    class Service(val services: AppServiceHub) : SingletonSerializeAsToken() {
        private companion object {
            private val log = contextLogger()

        fun rebalanceCurrencyReserves(): List<Amount<Currency>> {
            val nativeQuery = """
                    vault_states vaultschema
                    contract_cash_states cashschema
                    and vaultschema.transaction_id=cashschema.transaction_id
                    and vaultschema.state_status=0
                group by
                order by
                    sum(cashschema.pennies) desc
            log.info("SQL to execute: $nativeQuery")
            val session = services.jdbcSession()
            return session.prepareStatement(nativeQuery).use { prepStatement ->
                prepStatement.executeQuery().use { rs ->
                    val topUpLimits: MutableList<Amount<Currency>> = mutableListOf()
                    while (rs.next()) {
                        val currencyStr = rs.getString(1)
                        val amount = rs.getLong(2)
                        log.info("$currencyStr : $amount")
                        topUpLimits.add(Amount(amount, Currency.getInstance(currencyStr)))

which is then referenced within a custom flow:

override fun call(): List<SignedTransaction> {
    progressTracker.currentStep = AWAITING_REQUEST
    val topupRequest = otherPartySession.receive<TopupRequest>().unwrap {

    val customVaultQueryService = serviceHub.cordaService(CustomVaultQuery.Service::class.java)
    val reserveLimits = customVaultQueryService.rebalanceCurrencyReserves()

    val txns: List<SignedTransaction> = reserveLimits.map { amount ->
        // request asset issue
        logger.info("Requesting currency issue $amount")
        val txn = issueCashTo(amount, topupRequest.issueToParty, topupRequest.issuerPartyRef, topupRequest.notaryParty)
        progressTracker.currentStep = SENDING_TOP_UP_ISSUE_REQUEST
        return@map txn.stx

    return txns

For examples on testing @CordaService implementations, see the oracle example here.

Corda restricts the functions available by the Connection returned by jdbcSession. This is to prevent a flow’s underlying database transaction from being tampered with, which would likely lead to errors within the flow.

Calling jdbcSession returns a RestrictedConnection which prevents calls to the following functions:

abort(executor: Executor?)
setSavepoint() methods
releaseSavepoint(savepoint: Savepoint?)
rollback() methods
setCatalog(catalog : String?)
setTransactionIsolation(level: Int)
setTypeMap(map: MutableMap<String, Class<*>>?)
setHoldability(holdability: Int)
setSchema(schema: String?)
setNetworkTimeout(executor: Executor?, milliseconds: Int)
setAutoCommit(autoCommit: Boolean)
setReadOnly(readOnly: Boolean)

In addition to jdbcSession, ServiceHub also exposes the Java Persistence API to flows via the withEntityManager method. This method can be used to persist and query entities which inherit from MappedSchema. This is particularly useful if off-ledger data must be maintained in conjunction with on-ledger state data.

The code snippet below defines a PersistentFoo type inside FooSchemaV1. Note that PersistentFoo is added to a list of mapped types which is passed to MappedSchema. This is exactly how state schemas are defined, except that the entity in this case should not subclass PersistentState (as it is not a state object). See examples:

public class FooSchema {}

public class FooSchemaV1 extends MappedSchema {
    FooSchemaV1() {
        super(FooSchema.class, 1, ImmutableList.of(PersistentFoo.class));

    @Table(name = "foos")
    class PersistentFoo implements Serializable {
        @Column(name = "foo_id")
        String fooId;

        @Column(name = "foo_data")
        String fooData;
object FooSchema

object FooSchemaV1 : MappedSchema(
    schemaFamily = FooSchema.javaClass,
    version = 1,
    mappedTypes = listOf(PersistentFoo::class.java)
) {
    @Table(name = "foos")
    class PersistentFoo(
        @Column(name = "foo_id")
        var fooId: String,
        @Column(name = "foo_data")
        var fooData: String
    ) : Serializable

Instances of PersistentFoo can be manually persisted inside a flow as follows:

PersistentFoo foo = new PersistentFoo(new UniqueIdentifier().getId().toString(), "Bar");
serviceHub.withEntityManager(entityManager -> {
    return null;
val foo = FooSchemaV1.PersistentFoo(UniqueIdentifier().id.toString(), "Bar")
serviceHub.withEntityManager {

And retrieved via a query, as follows:

getServiceHub().withEntityManager((EntityManager entityManager) -> {
    CriteriaQuery<PersistentFoo> query = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder().createQuery(PersistentFoo.class);
    Root<PersistentFoo> type = query.from(PersistentFoo.class);
    return entityManager.createQuery(query).getResultList();
serviceHub.withEntityManager {
    val query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(FooSchemaV1.PersistentFoo::class.java)
    val type = query.from(FooSchemaV1.PersistentFoo::class.java)

Please note that suspendable flow operations such as:

  • FlowSession.send
  • FlowSession.receive
  • FlowLogic.receiveAll
  • FlowLogic.sendAll
  • FlowLogic.sleep
  • FlowLogic.subFlow

Cannot be used within the lambda function passed to withEntityManager.

Corda restricts the functions available by the EntityManager returned by withEntityManager. This is to prevent a flow’s underlying database transaction from being tampered with, which would likely lead to errors within the flow.

The withEntityManager function provides an object that adheres to the EntityManager interface but with two differences:

  • getTransaction returns a RestrictedEntityTransaction.
  • All other restricted functions will UnsupportedOperationException exceptions.

The full list of restricted functions are:

For RestrictedEntityManager:

lock() methods
setProperty(propertyName: String?, value: Any?)

For RestrictedEntityTransaction:


When you call withEntityManager, an intermediate database session is created that provides rollback capability without affecting the current transaction.

A withEntityManager block has 3 outcomes:

  • Completes successfully: The intermediate session is automatically flushed to the underlying transaction.
  • Throws a database error: The intermediate session is automatically rolled back.
  • Throws a non-database error: The intermediate session is not flushed to the underlying transaction.

Changes are committed to the database when the transaction is committed.

This behaviour allows a flow to handle database exceptions that occur within a withEntityManager block without affecting the flow’s underlying database transaction.

You can handle database errors that occur within a withEntityManager by catching relevant exceptions. Below are two ways to handle these exceptions:

  • Around the block:

    try {
        getServiceHub().withEntityManager(entityManager -> {
    } catch (PersistenceException e) {
        // Exception thrown due to constraint violation
        getLogger().info("Ok, let's not save this entity 2");
    try {
        serviceHub.withEntityManager {
    } catch (e: PersistenceException) {
        // Exception thrown due to constraint violation
        logger.info("Caught the exception!")

    There is no need for a flush when catching exceptions around the withEntityManager block. It will automatically trigger a flush when leaving the block.

  • Inside the block:

    getServiceHub().withEntityManager(entityManager -> {
        try {
            // Manually trigger a flush on the intermediate session
        } catch (PersistenceException e) {
            // Exception thrown due to constraint violation
            getLogger().info("Ok, let's not save this entity");
    serviceHub.withEntityManager {
        try {
            // Manually trigger a flush on the intermediate session
        } catch (e: PersistenceException) {
            // Exception thrown due to constraint violation
            logger.info("Ok, let's not save this entity")

    A flush must be manually triggered if the exception is to be caught inside the entity manager. If the flush is not included, the code above would throw the PersistenceException instead of catching it.

Manually flushing withEntityManager sessions was touched on in the example above. You will need to manually flush database changes to the underlying database transaction for two reasons:

  • Handling database errors: Handle any possible database errors that occur from the flush within the withEntityManager block.
  • Survive non-database errors: Keep your database changes even if a non-database error is thrown out of the withEntityManager block.

An example of flushing a session to survive a non-database error:

try {
    getServiceHub().withEntityManager(entityManager -> {
        // Manually trigger a flush on the intermediate session
        throw new RuntimeException("Non-database error");
} catch (Exception e) {
    getLogger().info("I still want to save that entity");
try {
    serviceHub.withEntityManager {
        // Manually trigger a flush on the intermediate session
        throw RuntimeException("Non-database error")
} catch (e: Exception) {
    logger.info("I still want to save that entity")

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