CENM Identity Manager Helm chart

This Helm chart is to configure, deploy, and run the CENM Identity Manager Service on Kubernetes.

The example below shows a command that triggers the Helm chart for the Zone Service:

helm install cenm-idman idman --set prefix=cenm --set acceptLicense=Y

The example below shows a command that specifies the size of the volume dedicated for logs:

helm install cenm-idman idman --set idmanPublicIP=X.X.X.X --set prefix=cenm --set acceptLicense=Y --set volumeSizeIdmanLogs=5Gi
ParameterDescriptionDefault value
bashDebugDisplay additional information while running bash scripts (useful while investigating issues)false
dockerImage.nameURL to Identity Manager Docker image used by the Identity Manager Service Helm chartcorda/enterprise-identitymanager
dockerImage.tagDocker image Tag for the Docker image used by the Identity Manager Service Helm chart1.5.9-zulu-openjdk8u382
dockerImage.pullPolicyDocker image pull policy for the Docker image used by the Identity Manager Service Helm chart. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#updating-imagesAlways
dockerImageCli.nameURL to Identity Manager Docker image used by the CENM Command-Line (CLI) tool Helm chartcorda/enterprise-cenm-cli
dockerImageCli.tagDocker image Tag for the Docker image used by the CENM Command-Line (CLI) tool Helm chart1.5.9-zulu-openjdk8u382
dockerImageCli.pullPolicyDocker image pull policy for the Docker image used by the CENM Command-Line (CLI) tool Helm chart. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#updating-imagesAlways
volumeSizeIdmanEtcVolume size for the etc/ directory1Gi
volumeSizeIdmanLogsVolume size for logs/ directory10Gi
volumeSizeIdmanH2Volume size for h2/ directory10Gi
database.driverClassNameIdentity Manager database connection detailsorg.h2.Driver
database.jdbcDriverIdentity Manager database connection details
database.urlIdentity Manager database connection detailsjdbc:h2:file:./h2/identity-manager-persistence;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;WRITE_DELAY=0;AUTO_SERVER_PORT=0
database.userIdentity Manager database connection detailsexample-db-user
database.passwordIdentity Manager database connection detailsexample-db-password
database.runMigrationIdentity Manager database connection detailstrue
acceptLicenseRequired parameter
cordaJarMxMemory size allocated to the main Identity Manager Service container (in GB)1
idmanJar.xmxValue for java -Xmx parameter1G
idmanJar.pathThe directory where the Identity Manager Service JAR file is storedbin
idmanJar.configPathThe directory where the Identity Manager Service configuration is storedetc
sleepTimeAfterErrorSleep time (in seconds) after an error occurred120
authPortAuth Service port8081
serviceRevocation.portKubernetes service port to access Identity Manager’s revocation endpoint (targetPort)5053
logsContainersEnabledDefines whether the container displaying live logs is enabled or disabledtrue

For additional information on database connection details refer to the official documentation: database documentation.

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