Spent state audit tool

A double-spend occurs when a state that the notary has marked as spent is used as input to a new transaction. Notaries will reject transactions that attempt double-spends. The Spent State Audit Tool can be used to retrieve the history of states involved in double-spend attempts.

The Spent State Audit Tool is distributed with Corda Enterprise as a JAR file that must be run from the command line using the following command:

java -jar corda-tools-notary-utilities-4.11.jar spent-state-audit <options> <state_reference>

The tool connects to the notary via RPC, and so must specify a valid RPC username and password, using the -u and -p options, unless an RPC username and password are specified in the notary worker’s node.conf configuration file.

When running the tool, you must specify a state reference. The tool will return all requests for notarisation for that state reference including timestamps, transaction IDs, transaction result, requesting party, and notary worker.

You can use the following parameters and options when running the Spent State Audit Tool:


  • <state_reference>: A state reference in the form txId:outputIndex.


  • -v, --verbose, --log-to-console: If set, prints logging to the console as well as to a file. Not set by default.
  • --logging-level=LOGGING_LEVEL: Use this option to enable logging at this level and higher. Possible values: ERROR, WARN, INFO (default), DEBUG, TRACE.
  • -b, --base-directory=FOLDER: The node working directory. Defaults to the current directory.
  • -c, --config-file=FILE: The path to the node.conf configuration file. Defaults to node.conf in the current directory.
  • -u, --user-name=USER_NAME: RPC username. Defaults to the first RPC username defined in the node configuration file.
  • -p, --password=PASSWORD: RPC password. Defaults to the first RPC password defined in the node configuration file.
  • --max-results=LIMIT: The maximum number of spend events to return, beginning with the most recent. If --format is not set, the user is prompted to get the next batch. Setting this value too high may result in the query timing out. The default value is 10.
  • --only-successful: If set, the tool returns only successful spend events. By default, this option is not set.
  • --timezone=ZONE_ID: Sets the time zone the returned events are returned in. If a --start-time or --end-time are set, this option also sets the time zone for those options. This option must be a valid Java ZoneId or LOCAL. Setting this option to LOCAL uses the server’s timezone. The default value is LOCAL.
  • --start-time=LOCAL_DT: Specifies a start time to search for results from, inclusively. Must be a valid Java LocalDateTime, the value of which is assumed to be in the --timezone zone.
  • --end-time=LOCAL_DT: Specifies a time to search for results until, inclusively. Must be a valid Java LocalDateTime, the value of which is assumed to be in the --timezone zone.
  • --format=OUTPUT_FORMAT: Defines the output format of the returned events. The only supported value is CSV. By default, this option is not set the output is printed in human readable text.
  • -h, --help: Displays the help message.
  • -V, --version: Displays version information and exit.

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