Installing CorDapps on a node

To deploy a new CorDapp on a node:

  • Stop a Corda node
  • Make any database changes required to any custom vault tables for the upgraded CorDapp. Depending on the Corda node setup, you should follow a procedure for database upgrade in production system shown below, or for development/test environment described in node-development-cordapp-deployment which contains a simplified databased upgrade process.
  • Copy CorDapp JARs into cordapps directory of the node.
  • Restart the node

For a Corda node connecting to a database with restricted permissions, any tables need to be created manually with the help of the Corda Database Management Tool. This requires that a custom table used by a CorDapp is created before the CorDapp is deployed.

A CorDapp that stores data in a custom table contains an embedded Liquibase database migration script. This follows the Liquibase functionality used by Corda for the database schema management.

Creating a new database table requires a similar procedure to creating a Corda database schema using Corda Database Management Tool. Because of that, most of the steps are similar to those described in Database schema setup.

Refer to the CorDapp documentation or consult a CorDapp provider if the CorDapp requires custom backing tables. You can verify a CorDapp JAR manually to check the presence of script files inside migration director, e.g. for Linux:

jar -tf <cordapp.jar> | grep -E 'migration.*\.(xml|yml|sql)'

If the CorDapps don’t contain any migration scripts, then they don’t require custom tables and you may skip this step.

Corda Database Management Tool needs access to a running database. The tool is configured in a similar manner to the Corda node. A base directory needs to be provided with he following content: a node.conf file with database connection settings, a drivers directory to place the JDBC driver in, and a cordapps directory containing the CorDapps that are being deployed.

Copy CorDapps to the cordapps subdirectory. This is required to collect and run any database migration scripts for CorDapps. Create node.conf with properties for your database. Copy the respective driver into the drivers directory. The node.conf templates for each database vendor are shown below:

Database Management Tool settings in configuration file node.conf for Azure SQL:

dataSourceProperties = {
    dataSourceClassName = ""
    dataSource.url = "jdbc:sqlserver://<database_server>;databaseName=<my_database>;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false;hostNameInCertificate=*;loginTimeout=30"
    dataSource.user = my_admin_login
    dataSource.password = "my_password"
database = {
    schema = my_schema

Replace placeholders <database_server> and <my_database> with appropriate values (<my_database> is a user database). The database.schema is the database schema name assigned to both administrative and restrictive users.

Microsoft SQL JDBC driver can be downloaded from Microsoft Download Center. Extract the archive, and copy the single file mssql-jdbc-6.4.0.jre8.jar into the drivers directory.

Database Management Tool settings in configuration file node.conf for SQL Server:

dataSourceProperties = {
    dataSourceClassName = ""
    dataSource.url = "jdbc:sqlserver://<host>:<port>;databaseName=my_database"
    dataSource.user = my_admin_login
    dataSource.password = "my_password"
database = {
    schema = my_schema

Replace placeholders and with appropriate values. The default SQL Server port is 1433.

Microsoft JDBC 6.4 driver can be downloaded from Microsoft Download Center. Extract the archive, and copy the single file mssql-jdbc-6.4.0.jre8.jar into the drivers directory.

Database Management Tool settings in the configuration file node.conf for Oracle:

dataSourceProperties = {
    dataSourceClassName = "oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource"
    dataSource.url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<sid>"
    dataSource.user = my_admin_user
    dataSource.password = "my_password"
database = {
    schema = my_admin_user

Replace the placeholder values , and with appropriate values. For a basic Oracle installation, the default value is xe. If the user was created with administrative permissions the schema name database.schema equal to the user name (my_user).

Copy Oracle JDBC driver ojdbc6.jar for 11g RC2 or ojdbc8.jar for Oracle 12c into the drivers directory.

Database Management Tool settings in configuration file node.conf for PostgreSQL:

dataSourceProperties = {
    dataSourceClassName = "org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource"
    dataSource.url = "jdbc:postgresql://<host>:<port>/<database>"
    dataSource.user = my_user
    dataSource.password = "my_password"
database = {
    schema = my_schema

Replace placeholders , and with appropriate values. The database.schema is the database schema name assigned to the user. The value of database.schema is automatically wrapped in double quotes to preserve case-sensitivity.

Copy PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.2.8 version JDBC 4.2 into the drivers directory.

To run the tool, use the following command:

java -jar tools-database-manager-|release|.jar create-migration-sql-for-cordapp -b path_to_configuration_directory

The option -b points to the base directory with a node.conf file and drivers and cordapps subdirectories.

A generated script named migration/.sql* will be present in the base directory. This script contains all statements to create data structures (e.g. tables/indexes) for CorDapps and inserts to the Liquibase management table DATABASECHANGELOG. The command doesn’t alter any tables. Refer to Corda Database Management Toolmanual for a description of the options.

The generated DDL script can be applied by the database administrator using their tooling of choice. The script needs to be executed by a database user with administrative permissions, with a set as the default schema for that user and matching the schema used by a Corda node. (e.g. for Azure SQL or SQL Server you should not use the default database administrator account).

The whole script needs to be run. Running the script partially will cause the database schema content to have inconsistent versions.

For some databases, the permission to use tables can only be assigned after the tables are created. This step is required for the Oracle database only.

Connect to the database as administrator and grand SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE permissions to my_user for all CorDapps custom tables:

GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON my_admin_user.<cordapp_table> TO my_user;

Change <cordapp_table> to a cordap table name.

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