Node Maintenance Mode
The Node Maintenance Mode feature enables you to run certain house-keeping events automatically within Corda at specific times of the day or week, using a cron-like scheduling algorithm.
Node Maintenance Mode is designed in a scalable way - maintenance tasks are discovered by Corda Enterprise through the use of an internal API.
Supported maintenance tasks

The following maintenance tasks are currently supported:
- Perform RPC Audit table clean-up
- Run message ID clean-up
- Ledger Recovery distribution record clean-up
Configuration of Node Maintenance Mode

You can configure Node Maintenance Mode in an optional configuration sub-section named maintenanceMode
within the enterpriseConfiguration
top-level configuration section.
By default, no maintenance activities are performed if the maintenanceMode
section is not provided. Without this section, Corda behaves as if maintenance mode is not available.
If the maintenanceMode
configuration sub-section is present in the Corda configuration, then all maintenanceMode
parameters must be supplied and must also pass configuration validation at start-up.
The following example shows a sample maintenanceMode
enterpriseConfiguration {
maintenanceMode {
schedule = "00 30 14,15 * * 5"
duration = "10m"
rpcAuditDataRetentionPeriod = "100d"
Configuration parameters


This is the “cron-like” expression which is used to control at what time(s) the maintenance tasks are run. The format follows the existing cron standards using a 6-part time specification but omits the command line part of the expression as would be present in a Unix cron expression. Times are in UTC. A summary of the parts of the schedule follows below:
┌─────────────── second (0 - 59)
│ ┌───────────── minute (0 - 59)
│ │ ┌─────────── hour (0 - 23)
│ │ │ ┌───────── day of the month (1 - 31)
│ │ │ │ ┌─────── month (1 - 12)
│ │ │ │ │ ┌───── day of the week (0 - 6) (Sunday to Saturday)
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
* * * * * *
For more information on cron (with examples) please see cron-wiki and note that the examples shown will include the schedule
. The tasks that get run are not dependent on this configuration item and are determined within Corda.
The following example will run maintenance at 14:30 and 15:30 (UTC) on Fridays (‘5’ in final column):
schedule = "00 30 14,15 * * 5"

This is the maximum time that a maintenance window is expected to take to run all tasks. At start-up, Corda will check for all maintenance events that occur within the following week. If there is an overlap (due the specified duration being longer than the interval between any two adjacent maintenance windows), Corda will emit a warning to the log which will precisely specify the overlap scenario but no further action will be taken. Additionally, if the time that the maintenance tasks actually take to run exceeds the specified duration, a warning will be emitted to the log but the maintenance tasks will not be interrupted. The purpose of the duration parameter is to allow the user to check that there are no overlaps and to allow monitoring of overrunning activities via log messaging and monitoring.
The duration is specified in HOCON duration format with suffixes of ‘h’ (hours), ‘m’ (minutes) and ‘s’ (seconds)
- for example, ‘1h’
to mean one hour. For additional information on HOCON duration format parsing see HOCON-duration-format.

This is a parameter to the RPC table maintenance task and specifies how long records should be kept for within the table for.
The parameter is in HOCON period format - for example, ‘365d’, ‘1w’
. In general, the following suffixes should be sufficient: ‘d’ (days), ‘w’ (weeks), ‘m’ (months), ‘y’ (years)
For more information on the HOCON period format see HOCON-period-format. The end of the retention period will be the current time (in UTC) minus the duration.
Message clean-up

To configure Corda to clean-up old entries from the NODE_MESSAGE_IDS
table, add the configuration sub-section processedMessageCleanup
in addition to the maintenanceMode
The processedMessageCleanup
sub-section (also part of the enterpriseConfiguration
top-level configuration section) contains the configuration used to run the message ID clean-up background process (also called NodeJanitor
) at shutdown. The size should be fairly constant. The same rules apply for calculation of default values as when the activity runs at shutdown.
The following example shows a sample maintenanceMode
configuration, including processedMessageCleanup
enterpriseConfiguration {
maintenanceMode {
schedule = "00 30 14,15 * * 5"
duration = "10m"
rpcAuditDataRetentionPeriod = "100d"
processedMessageCleanup {
generalRetentionPeriodInDays = 334
senderRetentionPeriodInDays = 445
Ledger Recovery distribution record cleanup

The Ledger Recovery distribution record cleanup removes distribution records earlier than a certain point in time. The job deletes entries from the NODE_SENDER_DISTR_RECS
tables. For more information on Ledger Recovery and its associated distribution records, see Ledger Recovery.
The Ledger Recovery distribution record cleanup only runs if one of the following parameters has been configured:
- If the network parameter ‘recoveryMaximumBackupInterval’ is defined, then it is used and given first precedence.
- Else, if the node parameter
is defined, it is used. - Otherwise, the Ledger Recovery distribution record cleanup does not run.
A typical configuration would be as follows:
enterpriseConfig = {
ledgerRecoveryConfiguration = {
noOfPreGeneratedKeys = # type: Int
noOfPreGeneratedKeysWithCerts = # type: Int
preGeneratedKeysTopUpInterval = # type: Long
recoveryMaximumBackupInterval = # type: Duration?
confidentialIdentityMinimumBackupInterval = # type: Duration?
canProvideNonBackedUpKeyPair = # type: Boolean
For example:
enterpriseConfiguration = {
ledgerRecoveryConfiguration = {
noOfPreGeneratedKeys = 5
noOfPreGeneratedKeysWithCerts = 5
preGeneratedKeysTopUpInterval = 30000
recoveryMaximumBackupInterval = 15m
confidentialIdentityMinimumBackupInterval = 15m
canProvideNonBackedUpKeyPair = true
Overrunning maintenance windows

It may be possible that maintenance windows overrun. This could happen due to one of two reasons, as follows:
- The nominal duration specified was insufficient for the tasks to fully complete. In this case Corda Enterprise will emit a log warning (as explained in the duration section in the explanation of parameters above). There is no other effect on the operation of Corda Enterprise.
- The actual duration, which the maintenance window takes to run, ended after the start of the next maintenance window. This is a slightly more serious situation in that the next maintenance window will NOT be run. Only one maintenance window can run at any one time and maintenance will only start at the beginning of its specified window. Therefore, even a slight overrun in a previous maintenance window can prevent a later one from being run. If this happens, Corda Enterprise will emit a log warning, as shown in the example below:
[WARN ] 2020-08-28T14:22:41,005Z [pool-12-thread-1] maintenance.MaintenanceScheduler - The maintenance window scheduled to run at 2020-08-28T14:22:38 (UTC) was missed due to an earlier window at 2020-08-28T14:22:31 (UTC) not finishing until 2020-08-28T14:22:41 (UTC)
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