Network parameters
Network parameters are a set of values that every node participating in the zone needs to agree on and use to correctly interoperate with each other. They can be thought of as an encapsulation of all aspects of a Corda deployment on which reasonable people may disagree. Whilst other blockchain/DLT systems typically require a source code fork to alter various constants (like the total number of coins in a cryptocurrency, port numbers to use etc), in Corda we have refactored these sorts of decisions out into a separate file and allow “zone operators” to make decisions about them. The operator signs a data structure that contains the values and they are distributed along with the network map. Tools are provided to gain user opt-in consent to a new version of the parameters and ensure everyone switches to them at the same time.
If the node is using the HTTP network map service then on first startup it will download the signed network parameters,
cache it in a network-parameters
file and apply them on the node.
file is changed and no longer matches what the network map service is advertising
then the node will automatically shutdown. Resolution to this is to delete the incorrect file and restart the node so
that the parameters can be downloaded again.If the node isn’t using a HTTP network map service then it’s expected the signed file is provided by some other means. For such a scenario there is the network bootstrapper tool which in addition to generating the network parameters file also distributes the node info files to the node directories.
More parameters will be added in future releases to regulate things like allowed port numbers, whether or not IPv6 connectivity is required for zone members, required cryptographic algorithms and roll-out schedules (e.g. for moving to post quantum cryptography), parameters related to SGX and so on.
The list of available network parameters can be found in the topic Available Network Parameters.
Network parameters update process

Network parameters are controlled by the zone operator of the Corda network that you are a member of. Occasionally, they may need to change these parameters. There are many reasons that can lead to this decision: adding a notary, setting new fields that were added to enable smooth network interoperability, or a change of the existing compatibility constants is required, for example.
Updating of the parameters by the zone operator is done in two phases:
- Advertise the proposed network parameter update to the entire network.
- Switching the network onto the new parameters - also known as a flag day.
The proposed parameter update will include, along with the new parameters, a human-readable description of the changes as well as the deadline for accepting the update. The acceptance deadline marks the date and time that the zone operator intends to switch the entire network onto the new parameters. This will be a reasonable amount of time in the future, giving the node operators time to inspect, discuss and accept the parameters.
The fact a new set of parameters is being advertised shows up in the node logs with the message
“Downloaded new network parameters”, and programs connected via RPC can receive ParametersUpdateInfo
by using
the CordaRPCOps.networkParametersFeed
method. Typically, a zone operator would also email node operators to let them
know about the details of the impending change, along with the justification, how to object, deadlines and so on.
Automatic Acceptance

If the only changes between the current and new parameters are for auto-acceptable parameters then, unless configured otherwise, the new
parameters will be accepted without user input. The following parameters with the @AutoAcceptable
annotation are auto-acceptable:
This behaviour can be turned off by setting the optional node configuration property networkParameterAcceptanceSettings.autoAcceptEnabled
to false
. For example:
networkParameterAcceptanceSettings {
autoAcceptEnabled = false
It is also possible to switch off this behaviour at a more granular parameter level. This can be achieved by specifying the set of
parameters that should not be auto-acceptable in the optional
node configuration property.
For example, auto-acceptance can be switched off for any updates that change the packageOwnership
map by adding the following to the
node configuration:
networkParameterAcceptanceSettings {
excludedAutoAcceptableParameters: ["packageOwnership"]
Manual Acceptance

If the auto-acceptance behaviour is turned off via the configuration or the network parameters change involves parameters that are not auto-acceptable then manual approval is required.
In this case the node administrator can review the change and decide if they are going to accept it. The approval should be done before the update Deadline. Nodes that don’t approve before the deadline will likely be removed from the network map by the zone operator, but that is a decision that is left to the operator’s discretion. For example the operator might also choose to change the deadline instead.
If the network operator starts advertising a different set of new parameters then that new set overrides the previous set. Only the latest update can be accepted.
To send back parameters approval to the zone operator, the RPC method fun acceptNewNetworkParameters(parametersHash: SecureHash)
has to be called with parametersHash
from the update. Note that approval cannot be undone. You can do this via the Corda
shell (see shell):
run acceptNewNetworkParameters parametersHash: "ba19fc1b9e9c1c7cbea712efda5f78b53ae4e5d123c89d02c9da44ec50e9c17d"
If the administrator does not accept the update then next time the node polls network map after the deadline, the advertised network parameters will be the updated ones. The previous set of parameters will no longer be valid. At this point the node will automatically shut down and will require the node operator to restart the node.

Most network parameter changes require that a node is stopped and restarted before the changes are accepted. The exception to this is when the network parameter changes only update notaries. Updates that have only changes to notaries can be accepted without a restart. In other words, they can be hotloaded.
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