Finality Flow Recovery

Two Phase Finality introduces recovery metadata and a new transaction status of IN_FLIGHT to denote that a transaction has not yet been fully finalized. The protocol stores the additional flow transaction recovery metadata upon initially recording an unnotarized transaction. This metadata is used to enable initiator and receiver recovery should a flow fail at some point within the finality protocol.

Specifically, the FinalityFlow initiator stores:

  • The Corda X.500 name of the initiator party.
  • The list of Corda X.500 names of the other parties the initiator shares the transaction with. These include participants on the transaction contract, plus any additional sessions passed into FinalityFlow, such as observer nodes.
  • The StatesToRecord status (the default value is ONLY_RELEVANT). This status determines if states are recorded in the vault for a node.

The ReceiveFinalityFlow receiver stores:

  • The Corda X.500 name of the initiator party.
  • The StatesToRecord status (described above).

The initiator of a FinalityFlow transaction stores all of the above recovery metadata locally. The list of participants is not shared across the network, and is private only to the initiator.

The receiver of a shared FinalityFlow transaction only receives and records who the initiator is and the StatesToRecord status.

A finality flow transaction is recoverable when its transaction status is IN_FLIGHT. This could be at either or both of the initiator and receiver(s) sides, depending on how far the finality protocol progressed before failure at a given participant:

  • If the initiator reached a point whereby the transaction was successfully notarized, then recovery can be executed at either, or both, the initiator and receiver sides:
    • If the initiator triggers recovery first, it is not necessary for the receiver to perform the same.
    • If the receiver triggers recovery first, then the initiator must also follow (only if it also failed after the notarization step).
  • If notarization has not yet taken place, then recovery must be triggered from the initiator side only.
  • If the initiator of a transaction successfully notarized and finalized, it is possible to trigger recovery of failed peers by triggering recovery on the initiator side and specifying the transaction ID to recover.

The state machine enables you to recover finality flows that are in a FAILED checkpoint flow status. An optional force-recover flag also forces recovery of any finality flows that are in a RUNNABLE, PAUSED, or HOSPITALIZED checkpoint flow status.

Transactions that do not require notarization (for example, issuance) also store recovery metadata such that any observers to an issuance transaction may also be recovered. That is, should an issuance transaction fail to broadcast the transaction to an observer peer, it is possible to invoke the recovery flow at the initiator to ensure the transaction is correctly re-distributed to that observer peer.

You can recover a finality flow by using any of the following methods:

  • The extensions FlowRPCOps RPC API
  • Node Shell commands
  • Directly invoking the recovery flow, either from the Node Shell or programatically within a CorDapp:

All recovery operations return the following:

  • true if a transaction is successfully recovered.
  • false if a transaction does not require recovery.
  • FlowRecoveryException if there is an error whilst performing recovery.

The FlowRPCOps API exposes the following recovery operations:

 * Recover a failed finality flow by id.
 * [forceRecover] will attempt to recover flows which are in a RUNNABLE, PAUSED or HOSPITALIZED state.
 * @return
 *   true if a transaction is successfully recovered
 *   false if a transaction does not require recovery
 * @throws [FlowRecoveryException] if there is an error whilst performing recovery
fun recoverFinalityFlow(id: StateMachineRunId, forceRecover: Boolean = false): Boolean

 * Recover a specified set of failed finality flows by id.
 * [forceRecover] will attempt to recover flows which are in a RUNNABLE, PAUSED or HOSPITALIZED state.
 * @return map of identified failed flows and whether they were successfully recovered.
fun recoverFinalityFlows(ids: Set<StateMachineRunId>, forceRecover: Boolean = false): Map<StateMachineRunId, Boolean>

 * Recover all failed finality flows as determined by associated status.
 * Specifically,
 *  FlowState.FAILED
 *  TransactionStatus.IN_FLIGHT
 * [forceRecover] will also attempt to recover flows which are in a RUNNABLE, PAUSED or HOSPITALIZED state.
 * @return map of identified failed flows and whether they were successfully recovered.
fun recoverAllFinalityFlows(forceRecover: Boolean = false): Map<StateMachineRunId, Boolean>

 * Recover a failed finality flow by transaction id.
 * [forceRecover] will also attempt to recover flows which are in a RUNNABLE, PAUSED or HOSPITALIZED state.
 * This operation will attempt to recovery failed peers if the initiator-side of the transaction completed successfully.
 * @return
 *   true if a transaction is successfully recovered
 *   false if a transaction does not require recovery
 * @throws [FlowRecoveryException] if there is an error whilst performing recovery
fun recoverFinalityFlowByTxnId(txnId: SecureHash, forceRecover: Boolean = false): Boolean

 * Recover a specified set of failed finality flows by transaction id.
 * [forceRecover] will also attempt to recover flows which are in a RUNNABLE, PAUSED or HOSPITALIZED state.
 * This operation will attempt to recovery failed peers if the initiator-side of the transaction completed successfully.
 * @return map of identified failed transactions and whether they were successfully recovered.
fun recoverFinalityFlowByTxnIds(txnIds: Set<SecureHash>, forceRecover: Boolean = false): Map<SecureHash, Boolean>

 * Recover flows matching the specified query criteria.
 * [forceRecover] will also attempt to recover flows which are in a RUNNABLE, PAUSED or HOSPITALIZED state.
 * @return map of identified failed flows and whether they were successfully recovered.
fun recoverFinalityFlowsMatching(query: FlowRecoveryQuery, forceRecover: Boolean = false): Map<StateMachineRunId, Boolean>

For the latter operation, FlowRecoveryQuery criteria defines the following:

data class FlowRecoveryQuery(
    val timeframe: FlowTimeWindow? = null,
    val initiatedBy: CordaX500Name? = null,
    val counterParties: List<CordaX500Name>?  = null)

data class FlowTimeWindow(val fromTime: Instant? = null, val untilTime: Instant? = null)

In addition to the recovery operations, the following flow status operations (and associated Node Shell commands) have been added to the NodeFlowStatusRpcOps extension RPC API:

 * @param flowId the flowId to return information for
 * @return FlowTransaction object describing flow transaction details.
fun getFlowTransaction(flowId: String): FlowTransactionInfo?

 * @param txnId the transaction to return information for
 * @return FlowTransaction object describing flow transaction details.
fun getFlowTransactionByTxnId(txnId: String): FlowTransactionInfo?

There operations are useful for identifying failed finality flows, and return flow transaction information including the additional recovery metadata:

data class FlowTransactionInfo(
    val stateMachineRunId: StateMachineRunId,
    val txId: String,
    val status: TransactionStatus,
    val timestamp: Instant,
    val initiator: CordaX500Name? = null,
    val peers: Set<CordaX500Name>? = null

The following examples show the different ways to use the finality flow query and recovery commands.

To check the status of a flow as a FinalityFlow initiator:

flowStatus queryFinalityById e0d781be-b4ab-43e0-b694-e97cc4eaa6ee

FlowTransactionInfo(stateMachineRunId=[e0d781be-b4ab-43e0-b694-e97cc4eaa6ee], txId=19BE64484D3CBF532A8FB2ACA1AEACA38B1FBA3C38B0518B7F5316AC9E79432F, status=IN_FLIGHT, timestamp=2023-03-29T11:16:29.477Z, initiator=O=Alice Corp, L=Madrid, C=ES, peers=[O=Bob Plc, L=Rome, C=IT])
- stateMachineRunId:
    uuid: "e0d781be-b4ab-43e0-b694-e97cc4eaa6ee"
  txId: "19BE64484D3CBF532A8FB2ACA1AEACA38B1FBA3C38B0518B7F5316AC9E79432F"
  status: "IN_FLIGHT"
      name: "O=Alice Corp,L=Madrid,C=ES"
      name: "O=Bob Plc,L=Rome,C=IT"

You can also perform the same check by specifying a transaction ID. This is commonly the case when recovering from a receiver perspective (as an initiator flow ID is meaningless outside its own node).

flowStatus queryFinalityByTxnId 19BE64484D3CBF532A8FB2ACA1AEACA38B1FBA3C38B0518B7F5316AC9E79432F

To check the status of a flow transaction as a ReceiveFinalityFlow receiver:

flowStatus queryFinalityByTxnId 7E7EE31CA6371D73CDDB1A7992E239CE222606EA845F1ABC87995898017904A4

FlowTransactionInfo(stateMachineRunId=[8cc13ed6-ea14-43e6-a7b0-85a61fb3bbb1], txId=7E7EE31CA6371D73CDDB1A7992E239CE222606EA845F1ABC87995898017904A4, status=IN_FLIGHT, timestamp=2023-03-29T12:40:23.628Z, initiator=O=Alice Corp, L=Madrid, C=ES, peers=null)
- stateMachineRunId:
    uuid: "8cc13ed6-ea14-43e6-a7b0-85a61fb3bbb1"
  txId: "7E7EE31CA6371D73CDDB1A7992E239CE222606EA845F1ABC87995898017904A4"
  status: "IN_FLIGHT"
      name: "O=Alice Corp,L=Madrid,C=ES"
  peers: null

To recover a failed finality flow using the flow ID:

flow recoverFinality 821884be-8e9f-486d-8228-70d97e215218
Recovered finality flow [821884be-8e9f-486d-8228-70d97e215218]

Should recovery fail, you will see the following response:

Failed to recover finality flow 821884be-8e9f-486d-8228-70d97e215218

Further information explaining why a flow failed to recover can be found in the node logs. A prime example is attempting to recover a flow that has already completed successfully. The node logs show the following message:

Recovery not possible for transaction with status VERIFIED

To recover a failed finality flow by using the transaction ID:

flow recoverFinalityByTxnId 7E7EE31CA6371D73CDDB1A7992E239CE222606EA845F1ABC87995898017904A4
Recovered finality flow [821884be-8e9f-486d-8228-70d97e215218]

Should recovery fail, you see the following response:

Failed to recover finality flow 7E7EE31CA6371D73CDDB1A7992E239CE222606EA845F1ABC87995898017904A4

After successfully recovering a finality flow, the flow transaction status should move to VERIFIED.

To recover all failed finality flows in one operation:

flow recoverAllFinality
Recovered finality flow(s)
Results: [[4cbfa031-90de-4564-a375-30141a18bbba]=true]

To recover all failed finality flows, including those in a PAUSED or HOSPITALIZED checkpoint state:

flow recoverAllFinality --force-recover
Recovered finality flow(s)
Results: [[358a7b4e-074a-4da8-b6d7-64f1d923f9a8]=true, [c3cf2d33-6a36-4266-a9cb-f488ac3194cc]=true]

To recover finality flows using a custom query:

flow recoverFinalityMatching \
    flowStartFromTime: "2023-12-04T10:15:30.00", \
    flowStartUntilTime: "2023-12-05T10:15:30.00Z", \
    initiatedBy: "O=PartyA,L=London,C=GB", \
    counterParties: ["O=PartyA,L=London,C=GB", "O=PartyB,L=London,C=GB"]

Note, at least one custom criteria option must be specified.

To pause and retry flows from an RPC Client using the extensions RPC Interface (FlowRPC), use the Multi RPC Client - MultiRPCClient.

First, instantiate a MultiRPCClient for FlowRPC (this differs from the standard non-extensions RPC interface):

val username = "testuser"
val password = "password"
val rpcHostAndPort = NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", 10006)
val flowClient = MultiRPCClient(rpcHostAndPort,, username, password).start().getOrThrow()

To recover a single finality flow by ID, call recoverFinalityFlow:

val status = flowClient.proxy.recoverFinalityFlow(

This method returns a status of true if the operation was successful, or false otherwise.

To recover multiple finality flows by ID, call recoverFinalityFlows:

val resultMap = flowClient.proxy.recoverFinalityFlows(setOf(,

This method returns a resultMap (Map<StateMachineRunId, Boolean>), consisting of a collection of flow identifier/Boolean (success/failure) entries.

To recover a single finality flow which has been HOSPITALIZED or PAUSED, use the force recovery flag, as follows:

val status = flowClient.proxy.recoverFinalityFlow(, forceRecover = true)

To recover a single finality flow by transaction ID, call recoverFinalityFlowByTxnId:

val status = flowClient.proxy.recoverFinalityFlowByTxnId(

To recover multiple finality flows by transaction ID, call recoverFinalityFlowByTxnIds:

val resultMap = flowClient.proxy.recoverFinalityFlowByTxnIds(setOf(, stx2,id))

To recover all finality flows, call recoverAllFinalityFlows:

val resultMap = flowClient.proxy.recoverAllFinalityFlows()

To recover all finality flows for a given timeframe using a matching criteria, call recoverFinalityFlowsMatching:

val resultMap = flowRPC.proxy.recoverFinalityFlowsMatching(
    FlowRecoveryQuery(timeframe = FlowTimeWindow(
        fromTime = startTime,
        untilTime = endTime

To recover all finality flows initiated by Charlie using a matching criteria, call recoverFinalityFlowsMatching:

val resultMap = flowRPC.proxy.recoverFinalityFlowsMatching(
    FlowRecoveryQuery(initiatedBy = CHARLIE_NAME))

To recover all finality flows with Charlie as peer using a matching criteria, call recoverFinalityFlowsMatching:

val resultMap = flowRPC.proxy.recoverFinalityFlowsMatching(
    FlowRecoveryQuery(counterParties = listOf(CHARLIE_NAME)))

To prevent server-side resource leakage, use flowClient.close() to close flowClient when finished.

Instantiate a MultiRPCClient for NodeFlowStatusRpcOps as follows:

val username = "testuser"
val password = "password"
val rpcHostAndPort = NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", 10006)
val flowClient = MultiRPCClient(rpcHostAndPort,, username, password).start().getOrThrow()

To query a flow transaction by flow ID, call getFlowTransaction:

val flowInfo = flowClient.proxy.getFlowTransaction(

Similarly, to query a flow transaction by transaction ID, call getFlowTransactionByTxnId:

val flowInfo = flowClient.proxy.getFlowTransactionByTxnId(txnId)

Both these methods return a FlowTransactionInfo object if the flow transaction exists.

FinalityRecoveryFlow is the primary flow that orchestrates recovery by identifying whether initiator or peer recovery is required according to the flow transaction recovery metadata.

Where this flow is called from a node that is:

  • An initiator to a transaction, then the subflow FinalityInitiatorRecoveryFlow is called.
  • A peer to a transaction, then the subflow FinalityPeerRecoveryFlow is called.

Finality flow recovery uses a suite of internal flows which implement similar functionality to the actual FinalityFlow and ReceiveFinalityFlow. These internal flows are:


TransactionnotarizationCheckFlow is a helper flow used by the FinalityPeerRecoveryFlow that determines whether a SignedTransaction has been previously notarized.

It builds a new transaction that has:

  • A single input from the original SignedTransaction as a reference state. Reference states cannot be spent and are thus never recorded by the notary upon a notarization check.
  • A dummy RecoveryContract, to simulate creation of a new output and command.

Upon attempting to notarize this new dummy transaction, the flow can determine whether the inputs were previously spent based on the information reported by a NotaryError.Conflict exception.

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