Corda and Corda Enterprise compatibility

Corda Enterprise Edition 4.0 guarantees the wire stability and compatibility baseline introduced in Corda Open Source 3.0 is maintained with future versions of Corda Enterprise.

Corda Enterprise Edition 4.0 can be used in mixed-version/mixed-distribution networks seamlessly, transacting with nodes running on a minimum platform version of 4.

See versioning for further information.

Compatibility with Corda Enterprise Edition 4.0Corda Open Source 4.xEnterprise Corda 3.xCorda Open Source 3.x
API compatibility, CorDapps developed for this Corda version can be compiled and run on Corda Enterprise Edition 4.0 nodes.YesYesYes
Binary compatibility, CorDapps compiled on this Corda version can be run on Corda Enterprise Edition 4.0 nodes.YesYesYes
Network compatibility, nodes running this Corda version can transact with Corda Enterprise Edition 4.0 nodes.YesYesYes
RPC compatibility, a client application developed for this Corda version can interact via RPC with a CorDapp running on a Corda Enterprise Edition 4.0 node.YesYesNo
Samples and community apps from for this Corda version can be compiled and run on Corda Enterprise Edition 4.0 nodes.YesYesYes

You should also be aware of the following:

  • Corda Enterprise Edition 4.0 nodes can transact with nodes running Corda Open Source 4.0 and future versions, providing the CorDapp is compatible with and between platform versions and distributions.

  • CorDapps written for Corda Open Source 4.x are API compatible with Corda Enterprise Edition 4.0 and future versions. Developers can switch their IDE to Corda Enterprise Edition 4.0 without making any code changes in their CorDapp.

  • Corda Enterprise Edition 4.0 nodes can run CorDapps developed on and packaged for Corda 4.x, without recompilation. However, due to Corda Enterprise’s advanced features, such as database migration scripting support, we anticipate application developers will build their CorDapp kernels (contracts, states) against Corda Open Source, and supply two separate workflow JARs (that depend on the same kernel) that are optimized for each distribution. See separation of CorDapp contracts, flows and services for further information.

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