CorDapp developer project planning
When planning to develop a CorDapp, consider the following factors:
- CorDapp development requirements
- CorDapp development and testing environments
Prerequisites for CorDapp development

There are a number of pre-requisites for CorDapp development.
- You must use the Java 8 JVM, version 8u171 and onwards are supported, but version 9 and later is not supported.
- Gradle 5.4.1
- An IDE of your choice. We use IntelliJ because it has strong Kotlin support.
- Git, for running example projects.
- The following operating systems are supported in development:
Platform | CPU Architecture | Versions |
Microsoft Windows | x86-64 | 10, 8.x |
Microsoft Windows Server | x86-64 | 2016, 2012 R2, 2012 |
Apple macOS | x86-64 | 10.9 and above |
CorDapp testing and performance

When developing CorDapps, you should have three initial environments:
- A development environment.
- An initial testing environment.
- A more fully-featured performance and verification testing environment.
Development environment

A CorDapp development environment can be hosted on a typical development machine, running Windows, Linux, or macOS.
For more information on developing CorDapps, see developing CorDapps.
Testing environment

While in development a CorDapp should be regularly tested using a local testing environment to ensure the flows CorDapp is delivering the intended function. Nodes can be created locally using the network bootstrapper tool.
A local testing environment should use nodes in devMode with no other network components.
For more information on testing CorDapps, see debugging and testing.
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