Node folder structure

A folder containing a Corda node files has the following structure:

├── additional-node-infos   // Additional node infos to load into the network map cache, beyond what the network map server provides
├── artemis                 // Stores buffered P2P messages
├── brokers                 // Stores buffered RPC messages
├── certificates            // The node's certificates
├── corda.jar               // The core Corda libraries (This is the actual Corda node implementation)
├── cordapps                // The CorDapp JARs installed on the node
├── drivers                 // Contains a Jolokia driver used to export JMX metrics, the node loads any additional JAR files from this directory at startup.
├── logs                    // The node's logs
├── network-parameters      // The network parameters automatically downloaded from the network map server
├── node.conf               // The node's configuration files
├──       // The node's database (present when the node uses the embedded H2 database instance)
└── shell-commands          // Custom shell commands defined by the node owner

You install CorDapps on the node by placing CorDapp JARs in the cordapps folder.

In development mode (i.e. when devMode = true), the certificates directory is filled with pre-configured keystores if they do not already exist to ensure that developers can get the nodes working as quickly as possible.

The keystores store the key pairs and certificates under the following aliases:

  • nodekeystore.jks uses the aliases cordaclientca and identity-private-key
  • sslkeystore.jks uses the alias cordaclienttls

All the keystores use the password provided in the node’s configuration file using the keyStorePassword attribute. If no password is configured, it defaults to cordacadevpass.

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