Node command-line options

The node can optionally be started with the following command-line options:

  • --base-directory, -b: the node working directory where all the files are kept (default: .).
  • --config-file, -f: the path to the config file. The path can be absolute or relative to the base directory. Defaults to node.conf.
  • --dev-mode, -d: runs the node in development mode. Unsafe in production. Defaults to true on MacOS and desktop versions of Windows. False otherwise.
  • --no-local-shell, -n: do not start the embedded shell locally.
  • --on-unknown-config-keys <[FAIL,INFO]>: how to behave on unknown node configuration. Defaults to FAIL.
  • --sshd: enables SSH server for node administration.
  • --sshd-port: sets the port for the SSH server. If not supplied and SSH server is enabled, the port defaults to 2222.
  • --verbose, --log-to-console, -v: if set, prints logging to the console as well as to a file.
  • --logging-level=<loggingLevel>: enable logging at this level and higher. Possible values: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE. Default: INFO.
  • --help, -h: show this help message and exit.
  • --version, -V: print version information and exit.
  • --allow-hibernate-to-manage-app-schema: enable this option to make the node manage app schemas automatically using Hibernate with H2 in dev mode.

clear-network-cache: Clears the local copy of the network map. On node startup it will be restored from the server or the file system.

initial-registration: Starts the initial node registration with the compatibility zone to obtain a certificate from the Identity Manager Service.


  • --network-root-truststore, -t required: Network root trust store obtained from network operator.
  • --network-root-truststore-password, -p: Network root trust store password obtained from network operator.
  • --skip-schema-creation: Skips the default database migration step.

run-migration-scripts: From version 4.6, a Corda node can no longer modify/create schema on the fly in normal run mode - schema setup or changes must be applied deliberately using this sub-command. It runs the database migration script for the requested schema set defined in the following parameters. Once it creates or modifies the schema(s), the sub-command will exit.


  • --core-schemas: Use to run the core database migration script for the node database. Core schemas cannot be migrated while there are checkpoints.
  • --app-schemas: Use to run the app database migration script for CorDapps. To force an app schema to migrate with checkpoints present, use the --update-app-schema-with-checkpoints flag alongside the run-migration-scripts sub-command.

generate-node-info: Performs the node start-up tasks necessary to generate the nodeInfo file, saves it to disk, then exits.

generate-rpc-ssl-settings: Generates the SSL keystore and truststore for a secure RPC connection.

install-shell-extensions: Install corda alias and auto completion for bash and zsh. See cli-application-shell-extensions for more info.

validate-configuration: Validates the actual configuration without starting the node.

To enable remote debugging of the node, run the node with the following JVM arguments:

java -Dcapsule.jvm.args="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005" -jar corda.jar

This will allow you to attach a debugger to your node on port 5005.

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