Getting set up for CorDapp development
Before you start developing CorDapps, you need to download four pieces of software: the Java 8 JDK, IntelliJ IDEA, Git, and Gradle.
Install the Java 8 JDK

Install the Java 8 JDK. Corda requires at least version 8u171, but does not currently support Java 9 or higher.
Corda has been tested against the following Java builds:
If you are using Windows, you must also add Java to the PATH environment variable by following the instructions in the Oracle documentation.
Install IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA is an integrated development environment (IDE) that offers strong support for Kotlin and Java development.
Install the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition. Corda supports IntelliJ IDEA versions 2017.x, 2018.x, 2019.x, and 2020.x; and Kotlin plugin version 1.2.71.
To install IntelliJ IDEA in a Ubuntu environment, go to the Jetbrains IntelliJ snap package.
Install Git

We use Git to host our sample CorDapp and provide version control.
To install Git, go to Git and install the version for your operating system.
Install Gradle

Gradle is a build automation tool for multi-language software development. It controls the development process in the tasks of compilation and packaging to testing, deployment, and publishing.
- If you run the sample CorDapp, the included
script installs Gradle automatically when you open the sample CorDapp in IntelliJ. - If you plan to start developing your own CorDapp straight away, install Gradle manually. Go to Gradle, then locate and install Gradle version 5.6.4. Corda requires a Gradle version between 5.1 and 5.6.4, and does not support Gradle 6.x.
You now have everything you need to develop CorDapps. If you encounter any issues, please ask on Stack Overflow or via our Slack channels.
Run a sample CorDapp (optional)

R3 recommends running a sample CorDapp to see Corda in action before you start developing.

- Sample CorDapps, templates, and community projects.
- Corda API documentation.
- Flow cookbook.
- CorDapp Java and Kotlin sample repositories - contain multiple sample CorDapps, from those to get you started, to those which demonstrate specific features and advanced usage.
- CorDapp Java and Kotlin templates - a stubbed-out CorDapp that you can use to bootstrap your own CorDapps.
For more developer resources, open-source projects, and CorDapp templates, check out R3’s Developer Portal.
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