Jira Set-Up
The following are the instructions on setting up the Jira in order to satisfy minimal requirements from the point of view of the Identity Manager Certificate Signing Request (CSR)/Certificate Revocation Request (CRR) approval workflow. This will enable a user to integrate such Jira deployment with the CENM CSR/CRR approval workflow plugin.
User Set-Up

Create a user with an administrative permissions and make sure it is assigned to the default groups:
and jira-software-users
. The following shows an example for a Test
user setup.
Project Set-Up

Create two projects (one for Certificate Signing Requests and one for Certificate Revocation Requests) of the type of
Process Management
. The following shows final settings for both projects.
Project Workflow

Make sure that both projects (CSR and CRR) have the following workflow configured.
Tickets are moved from
status to Done
automatically, once the request is signed by the HSM.
Custom fields

Additionally, the following 3 custom fields need to be created and configured in Jira:
- Request ID
- Reject Reason
- Reject Reason Description
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