CENM Deployment with Docker, Kubernetes, and Helm charts

This deployment guide provides a set of simple steps for deploying Corda Enterprise Network Manager (CENM) on a Kubernetes cluster in Azure Cloud. The deployment uses Bash scripts and Helm templates provided with CENM Docker images.

This deployment guide is intended for use by either of the following types of CENM users:

  • Any user with a moderate understanding of Kubernetes who wants to create a CENM network using default configurations.
  • Software developers who wish to run a representative network in their development cycle.
  • Your local machine operating system should be Linux, Mac OS, or a Unix-compatible environment for Windows (for example, Cygwin) as the deployment uses Bash scripts.

  • The deployment process is driven from your local machine using a Bash script and several third-party tools:

  • The Deploy your network section provides links to installation guides for the required tools. The reference deployment for Corda Enterprise Network Manager runs on Kubernetes hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud. You must have an active Azure subscription to be able to deploy CENM. Microsoft Azure provides a dedicated service to deploy a Kubernetes cluster - Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). The Kubernetes cluster must have access to a private Docker repository to obtain CENM Docker images.

  • The CENM Command-Line Interface (CLI) tool is required to connect to and manage CENM. It is not required for deployment.

The deployment scripts are compatible with Corda Enterprise Network Manager version 1.4. The deployed network runs on Kubernetes minimum version 1.16.9 and Helm minimum version 3.1.1.

Recommended production specification for CENM components running on separate VMs:

  • 2 CPU cores, 8 GB Memory

The provided deployment runs all CENM services run inside a single, dedicated Kubernetes namespace (default name:cenm). Each service runs in its own dedicated Kubernetes pod, with the exception of the Angel Service, which runs in the same pod as its managed service.

The CENM network is bootstrapped with PKI certificates, and sample X.500 subject names are provided as defaults (for example, the Identity Manager Service certificate subject is “CN=Test Identity Manager Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US”). These can be configured in the Signing Service Helm chart.

There are two ways of bootstrapping a new CENM environment:

  • Scripted (bootstrap.cenm) with allocating new public IP addresses.
  • Scripted (bootstrap.cenm) with reusing already allocated public IP addresses.

Use the first method for the initial bootstrap process, where there are no allocated endpoints for the services. The bootstrapping process uses default values stored in the values.yaml file of each Helm chart.

It could take a few minutes to allocate a new IP address. For subsequent deployments, you should be able to reuse existing external IP addresses.

The Network Map Service and the Signing Services have their public IP addresses allocated while bootstrapping and they do not need to be known ahead of time.

Public IP addresses are allocated as Kubernetes LoadBalancer services.

The deployment steps are given below:

  • Install kubectl.

  • Install helm

    Ensure that the value in the version field for helm version is equal to or greater than 3.2, as shown in the example below:

    version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.2.4", GitCommit:"0ad800ef43d3b826f31a5ad8dfbb4fe05d143688", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.13.12"}
  • Install Docker. Docker is required to run the CENM CLI tool.

  • Download the Docker image with CENM Command-Line Interface (CLI) tool so you can manage CENM services:

  docker pull corda/enterprise-cenm-cli:1.4.4-zulu-openjdk8u242
  • Install Azure CLI on your machine.

  • Create a cluster on Azure, following Microsoft’s quick start guide. CENM requires a Kubernetes cluster with at least 10 GB of free memory available to all CENM services.

  • Check that you have your cluster subscription as your active subscription.

  • Connect to your cluster from your local machine.

You can find the files required for the following steps in CENM deployment repo.

Run the following instruction once the previous points have been cleared. These examples use the namespace cenm:

kubectl apply -f k8s/storage-class-[aws|azure].yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/cenm.yaml
export nameSpace=cenm
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=${nameSpace}

You can verify this with the command kubectl get ns.

CENM services are pre-configured to use embedded H2 databases by default. You can skip this step if an H2 database is sufficient for your needs. Otherwise you need to install database(s), set up users and permissions, and change database configuration options for CENM services before bootstrapping CENM. For instructions on how to do that, refer to the “CENM configuration for external databases” section below, which contains a sample PostgreSQL installation guide and an explanation of CENM database configuration options.

Option 1: Bootstrap by allocating new external IP addresses

To bootstrap your network, run the bootstrap.cenm script from the k8s/helm directory. The script includes the --ACCEPT_LICENSE Y argument, which is mandatory and confirms that you have read and accepted the license agreement.

cd k8s/helm
./bootstrap.cenm --ACCEPT_LICENSE Y <options>

You can use the following bootstrap options when running bootstrap:

  • --ACCEPT_LICENSE [Y] - confirms agreement to the Licenses for Components deployed by the Bootstrapper.
  • -h - displays this help message and exits.
  • -i|--idman [name] - provides Identity Manager kubernetes service name.
  • -n|--notary [name] - provides Notary kubernetes service name.
  • -p|--prefix [prefix] - specifies the release prefix for all Helm charts.
  • -m|--mpv [version] - specifies the minimum platform version for your network.
  • -a|--auto - completes the script without further prompts to the user.


cd k8s/helm
./bootstrap.cenm <option>

The script exits after all bootstrapping processes on the Kubernetes cluster have been started. The process will continue to run on the cluster after the script has exited. You can monitor the completion of the deployment by running the following commands:

kubectl get pods -o wide

Option 2: Bootstrap by reusing already allocated external IP addresses

If your external IPs have been already allocated you can reuse them by specifying their services names:

cd k8s/helm
./bootstrap.cenm -i idman-ip -n notary-ip

Use the CENM Command Line Interface (CLI) Tool to access the Gateway Service from your local machine.

To start CENM CLI Tool, run Docker command starting Docker container with the tool:

docker run  -it --env ACCEPT_LICENSE=Y --name=cenm-cli corda/enterprise-cenm-cli:1.4.4-zulu-openjdk8u242

The welcome message will appear:

CORDA ENTERPRISE NETWORK MANAGER – SOFTWARE EVALUATION LICENSE AGREEMENT has been accepted, CORDA ENTERPRISE NETWORK MANAGER will now continue.   The Software Evaluation License Agreement for this product can be viewed from https://www.r3.com/corda-enterprise-network-manager-evaluation-license.
A copy of the Software Evaluation License Agreement also exists within the /license directory in the container.

Type "./cenm <COMMAND>" to run CENM CLI or "./cenm -h" to display help.

You can now use cemn commands from within the running Docker container:

./cenm context login -s -u <USER> -p <PASSWORD> http://<GATEWAY-SERVICE-IP>:8080

The Gateway Service is a gateway between the Auth Service and front end services in CENM. It allows you to perform all network operations on the Identity Manager Service, the Network Map Service, and the Signing Service. The IP address is dynamically allocated for each deployment and can be found with kubectl get svc. Use the following command to ensure that you are pointing at the correct namespace:

kubectl config current-context && kubectl config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}' && echo`)

If you have exited the Docker container, you can reconnect again:

docker container exec -it cenm-cli bash

If the Docker container was not running, you need to restart it by reconnecting:

docker container start cenm-cli

Login to web application http://<GATEWAY-SERVICE-IP>:8080/admin using admin user and credentials. The CENM network has no permissions assigned to Main Zone by default, you need to assign them manually.

Edit the following properties in your node.conf file to configure Corda node to connect to the CENM services:

networkServices {

Replacing placeholder values as follows:

  • the doormanURL property is the public IP address and port of the Identity Manager Service
  • the networkMapURL is the public IP address and port of the Network Map Service.

Next, upload the network-root-truststore.jks to your Corda node. You can download it locally from the CENM Signing Service, using the following command:

kubectl cp <namespace>/<signer-pod>:DATA/trust-stores/network-root-truststore.jks network-root-truststore.jks

Namespace is typically cenm for this deployment.

Run the following command to obtain public IPs of the Identity Manager Service and the Network Map Service:

kubectl get svc idman-ip notary-ip

Run the command below to obtain the pod name for the Signing Service:

kubectl get pods -o wide

You will find the truststore password in the signer/files/pki.conf, where the default value used in this Helm chart is trust-store-password.

Each CENM service has a dedicated sidecar to display live logs from log/ directory.

To display logs use the following command:

kubectl logs -c <logs-container> <pod-name>

The <logs-container> object container determines where the logs will be drawn from. The services write their logs to dedicated display containers where you can get a live view of the logs:

kubectl logs -c logs-auth <pod-name>   //for auth
kubectl logs -c logs-gateway <pod-name>   //for gateway
kubectl logs -c logs-idman <pod-name>   //for identity manager
kubectl logs -c logs-nmap <pod-name>   //for network map
kubectl logs -c logs-signer <pod-name>   //for signer
kubectl logs -c logs-zone <pod-name>   //for zone

For notary, PKI, and HSM, the command is slightly different as logs containers do not exist for these services:

kubectl logs <pod-name>

To display live logs use the following command:

kubectl logs -c -f <logs-container> <pod-name>

Each service stores configuration files in etc/ directory in a pod. Run the following commands to display what is in the Identity Manager Service etc/ directory:

kubectl exec -it <pod name> -- ls -al etc/
Defaulting container name to main.

Use 'kubectl describe pod/idman-7699c544dc-bq9lr -n cenm' to see all of the containers in this pod.
total 10
drwxrwxrwx 2 corda corda    0 Feb 11 09:29 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 corda corda 4096 Feb 11 09:29 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 corda corda 1871 Feb 11 09:29 idman.conf

kubectl exec -it <pod name> -- cat etc/idman.conf
Defaulting container name to main.

Use 'kubectl describe pod/idman-7699c544dc-bq9lr -n cenm6' to see all of the containers in this pod.

address = ""
database {

Use the CENM Command-Line (CLI) tool to run commands to update the network parameters.

See the CENM documentation for more information about the list of available network parameters and instructions on updating network parameters.

Use the following CENM Command-Line Interface (CLI) tool command to run a Flag Day:

The Signing Service is not managed by the Angel Service in this deployment, therefore any CENM Command-Line Interface (CLI) tool commands trying to change the Signing Service configuration will take no effect. To change the Singing Service configuration, you must log in to a Kubernetes pod, update the configuration file, and restart the service.

There are two ways to delete your permissioned network (intended for development environments, which are rebuilt regularly), as follows:

  • delete the whole environment including IPs
  • delete all CENM objects without deleting allocated external IP addresses

The environment can be deleted via Helm, by deleting each deployed chart individually. Note that the chart names include a prefix, which needs to match the prefix specified when setting up the environment.

export CENM_PREFIX=cenm
helm delete ${CENM_PREFIX}-auth ${CENM_PREFIX}-gateway ${CENM_PREFIX}-idman ${CENM_PREFIX}-nmap ${CENM_PREFIX}-notary ${CENM_PREFIX}-pki ${CENM_PREFIX}-hsm ${CENM_PREFIX}-signer ${CENM_PREFIX}-zone ${CENM_PREFIX}-idman-ip ${CENM_PREFIX}-notary-ip

If you run several ephemeral test networks in your development cycle, you might want to keep your IP addresses to speed up the process:

export CENM_PREFIX=cenm
helm delete ${CENM_PREFIX}-auth ${CENM_PREFIX}-gateway ${CENM_PREFIX}-idman ${CENM_PREFIX}-nmap ${CENM_PREFIX}-notary ${CENM_PREFIX}-pki ${CENM_PREFIX}-hsm ${CENM_PREFIX}-signer ${CENM_PREFIX}-zone

The Kubernetes scripts provided are intended to be customised depending on customer requirements. The following sections describes how to customise various aspects of the deployment.

The deployment process provides built-in support for Azure Key Vault in order to secure the key stores generated by the PKI tool.

Create an Azure Key Vault following the instructions in the Microsoft documentation. Then, perform these steps:

  1. Modify the HSM pod configuration to contain the required library JAR files.
  2. Modify PKI values.yaml configuration file.
  3. Modify Signing Service values.yaml configuration file.
  4. Start the deployment as normal. The deployment may take more time than usual this way, due to the communication with the key vault.

The HSM pod is a helper pod, which loads a defined Docker image and attempts to load the folder containing the HSM-related files as a volume for the other pods to use. Follow the steps below:

  1. Create the library JAR
  2. Create a Docker image containing the JAR file and the .pkcs12 file used as the key store path.

The Docker image and the directory where these files are stored must be specified in the relevant variables in the HSM values.yaml file. Note that you may need to add permissions to your cluster to download the Docker image successfully.

You must modify the following values in the values.yaml file:

    keyVaultUrl: "<your vault url>"
      keyStorePassword: "<the password of the .pkcs12 file>"
      keyStoreAlias: "<the alias of the .pkcs12 file>"
      clientId: "<the client ID that will access the vault>"

You must modify the following values in the values.yaml file:

  • signerJar.configFile: signer-azure.conf
  • signingKeys.keyStore.keyVaultUrl: <your vault url>
  • signingKeys.credentials.clientId: <the client ID that will access the vault>
  • signingKeys.credentials.keyStorePassword: <the password of the .pkcs12 file>
  • signingKeys.credentials.keyStoreAlias: <the alias of the .pkcs12 file>

There are a number of settings provided on each Helm chart, which allow easy customisation of common options. Each CENM service has its own dedicated page with more detailed documentation:

The default settings used in a CENM service’s configuration values can be altered as described in Helm guide. In brief this can be achieved by:

  • Create a separate yaml file with new values and pass it with -f flag: helm install -f myvalues.yaml idman, or;
  • Override individual parameters using --set, such as helm install --set foo=bar idman, or;
  • Any combination of the above, for example helm install -f myvalues.yaml --set foo=bar idman

You cannot override the passwords to security certificates keys and keystores.

You can configure the services to use an external database. We strongly recommend this for production deployments. A database can be installed as a pod inside the same Kubernetes cluster or as a separate installation outside the Kubernetes cluster. The example below shows a PostgresSQL installation that runs inside the same Kubernetes cluster where CENM runs.

A PostgreSQL database can be installed inside the Kubernetes cluster using a third-party Bitnami Helm chart:

helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm install cenm-database bitnami/postgresql

Follow the instructions displayed by the script output to connect to the database server via psql. You can create a separate database server for each CENM service by running the Helm script multiple times with different names and then setting up the database user/schema, following the instructions in the CENM database setup section. Alternatively, you can create several databases inside the single PostgresSQL server you have just deployed, by running the following DDL commands:


For each service (Identity Manager, Network Map, Zone, and Auth), use different <DATABASE> name and <USER> - for example, idenamagerdb / identitymanageruser for the Identity Manager Service.

The database used by each service is configured via JDBC URL and is defined in the values.yml file for the Helm chart of the respective service - for example, idman/values.yml for the Identity Manager Service. In the values.yml file, edit the database section of the configuration to change the JDBC URL, user, and password.

The deployed service already contains JDBC drivers for PostgreSQL and SQLServer. For an Oracle database, you need to extend the Docker images for the service by adding the Oracle JDBC driver JAR file to the /opt/${USER}/drivers/ directory.

Example settings for connection to a PostgreSQL database follow below:

  driverClassName: "org.postgresql.Driver"
  jdbcDriver: "/opt/cenm/drivers/postgresql-42.2.12.jar"
  url: "jdbc:postgresql://<HOST>:<PORT>/<DATABASE>"
  user: "<USER>"
  password: "<PASSWORD>"
  runMigration: "true"

In this example, <HOST> is a placeholder for the host name of the server, <PORT> is a placeholder for the port number the server is listening on (typically 5432 for PostgreSQL), <DATABASE> is a placeholder for the database name, and <USER> and <PASSWORD> are placeholders for the access credentials of the database user.

Default memory settings used should be adequate for most deployments, but may need to be increased for networks with large numbers of nodes (over a thousand). The cordaJarMx value for each Helm chart (in values.yaml) is passed to the JVM as the -Xmx value, and is specified in GB. Each Pod requests memory sufficient for this value, with a limit 2GB higher than the value.

All services except the Notary use 1GB of RAM as their default cordaJarMx, while Notary defaults to 3GB.

For production deployments, you can use the bootstrap script to provide a baseline. However, for additional flexibility you may wish to deploy each Helm chart individually. There are several Helm commands which are used to bootstrap a new CENM environment, where each command creates a CENM service consisting of the following:

  • Signing Service
  • Identity Manager Service
  • Network Map Service
  • Auth Service
  • Gateway Service
  • Corda Notary

They need to be run in the correct order, as shown below:

cd k8s/helm

# These Helm charts trigger public IP allocation
helm install cenm-idman-ip idman-ip --set prefix=cenm
helm install cenm-notary-ip notary-ip --set prefix=cenm

# Install HSM chart
helm install cenm-hsm hsm --set prefix=cenm

# Store the public IP address of Identity Manager (allocated above) - it cannot be empty
idmanPublicIP=$(kubectl get svc cenm-idman-ip -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].*}')

# These Helm charts bootstrap the rest of the CENM services
helm install cenm-pki pki --set idmanPublicIP=${idmanPublicIP} --set prefix=cenm --set acceptLicense=Y
helm install cenm-auth auth --set prefix=cenm --set acceptLicense=Y
helm install cenm-gateway gateway --set prefix=cenm --set acceptLicense=Y
helm install cenm-zone zone --set prefix=cenm --set acceptLicense=Y
helm install cenm-signer signer --set idmanPublicIP=${idmanPublicIP} --set prefix=cenm --set acceptLicense=Y
helm install cenm-idman idman --set prefix=cenm --set acceptLicense=Y

# Store the public IP address of the Notary (allocated above) - it cannot be empty
notaryPublicIP=$(kubectl get svc cenm-notary-ip -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].*}')

# Install Notary and Network Map
helm install cenm-notary notary --set notaryPublicIP=${notaryPublicIP} --set prefix=cenm --set mpv=4 --set acceptLicense=Y
helm install cenm-nmap nmap --set prefix=cenm --set acceptLicense=Y

# Run this command to display the IP address of the CENM CLI endpoint
kubectl get svc cenm-gateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].*}'

# Run this command to display the IP address of NetworkMap
kubectl get svc cenm-nmap -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].*}'

# Run this command to display the IP address of Identity Manager
echo ${idmanPublicIP}

Visit the platform support matrix for information on Corda Docker Images for version 1.4.

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