Network Map Service

The Network Map Service acts as a directory for all participants on the network. It is responsible for recording essential information of each participant such as connection address and available services. See Network Map Overview for an in-depth explanation.

The Network Map Service currently has to be initialised in two stages. First, the network parameters for the global network have to be loaded into the database. Once complete, the service can be started. As of CENM 1.3, the initial bootstrap is managed via the Zone Service for the network, along with the Angel Service of the Network Map Services. Service restarts are handled automatically.

The initial network parameters file can be loaded into the Network Map Service database using the --set-network-parameters flag. The complete list of flags required to set the network parameters is as follows:

  • [–set-network-parameters] or [-s]: This flag specifies that you wish to set or update the network parameters, and should be followed by the new network parameters configuration file.
  • [–network-truststore] or [-t]: This is used to define the network trustStore, which should contain the root certificate (similar to the network-root-truststore.jks file for Corda nodes). This is needed to validate that the notaries that have been set in the network parameters have a valid certificate issued by the Identity Manager.
  • [–truststore-password] or [-p]: The password for the above trustStore.
  • [–root-alias] or [-a]: The alias for the root certificate within the above trustStore.

An example of setting the network parameters is:

java -jar network-map-<VERSION>.jar --config-file <CONFIG_FILE> \
--set-network-parameters <NETWORK_PARAMS_CONFIG_FILE> \
--network-truststore <NETWORK_ROOT_TRUSTSTORE_FILE> \
--truststore-password <TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD> \
--root-alias <ROOT_ALIAS>

The server will terminate once this process is complete. Upon completion the following message should be displayed:

Saved initial network parameters to be signed:

Once you have set the network parameters, you can start the Network Map Service manually by running the following command:

java -jar network-map-<VERSION>.jar --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>

Optional parameter:


This will set the working directory to the specified folder. The service will look for files in that folder. This means certificates, configuration files etc. should be under the working directory. If not specified it will default to the current working directory (the directory from which the service has been started).

Similar to the Identity Manager the main elements that need to be configured for the Network Map Service are:

The address parameter must be included in the top level of the configuration and represents the host and port number that the Network Map Service will bind to upon start-up. The host can either be the IP address or the hostname of the machine that Network Map Service is running on. For example:


The Network Map Service is backed by a SQL database which it uses to store the network map along with node infos. The connection settings must be included within the database configuration block in the configuration file. The main options that should be included here are:

  • driverClassName - the database driver class name (e.g for Microsoft SQL Server, org.postgresql.Driver for postgres)
  • jdbcDriver - the path to the appropriate JDBC driver JAR (e.g path/to/mssql-jdbc-7.2.2.jre8.jar)
  • url - the connection string for the database
  • user - the username for the database
  • password - the password for the database

The database can either be setup prior to running the Network Map Service or, alternatively, it can be automatically prepared on start-up via the built-in migrations. To enable the running of database migrations on start-up set the runMigration parameter within the database configuration to true.

If the Network Map Service is being run using the same database instance as the Identity Manager Service then the Network Map schema name must be specified via the schema parameter within the database configuration block:

database {
    runMigration = true
    schema = networkmap

Additional database properties can be loaded by including an optional additionalProperties configuration block. In CENM 1.0 these are restricted to HikariCP configuration settings.

database {
    additionalProperties {
        connectionTimeout = 60000
        maxLifetime = 3200000
        poolName = "myPool123"

An example configuration for a Network Map Service using a Microsoft SQL Service database, configured to run the migrations on start-up is:

database {
    driverClassName = ""
    jdbcDriver = "path/to/mssql-<EXAMPLE_JDBC_DRIVER>.jar"
    url = "jdbc:sqlserver://<EXAMPLE_CONNECTION_STRING>"
    user = "example-user"
    password = "example-password"
    schema = "network-map"
    runMigration = true
    database {
        additionalProperties {
            connectionTimeout = 60000
            maxLifetime = 3200000
            poolName = "myPool123"

See Shell Configuration for more information on how to configure the shell.

Before any changes to the network data (e.g. Network Map or Network Parameter updates) can be broadcast to the participants on the network, they first need to be signed. Similarly to the Identity Manager, there are currently two mechanisms for this:

  • Local Signing Service
  • External Signing Service

The local Signing Service is recommended for testing and toy environments. Given a local key store containing the relevant signing keys, it provides the functionality to automatically sign all approved Network Map and Parameter updates on a configured schedule. No human interaction is needed and the credentials for the key stores have to be provided upfront. The service is an integrated signer that is a cut-down version of the standalone Signing Services and provides no HSM integration or ability to manually verify changes. It is strongly recommended against using this for production environments.

In order for the local signer to function, it needs to be able to access Network Map’s certificate and keypair which should have been previously generated (see Certificate Hierarchy Guide for more information). The local signer uses local key stores which should include the necessary signing keys along with their full certificate chains.

To enable the local signer, the top level localSigner configuration block should be added to the configuration file:

localSigner {
    keyStore {
        file = exampleKeyStore.jks
        password = "example-keystore-password"
    keyAlias = "example-key-alias"
    keyPassword = "example-key-password" # optional - defaults to key store password
    signInterval = 15000 # signing interval in millis

In this example, the key store defined within the local signer should contain the Network Map’s key pair used for signing any network map or parameter changes along with the full certificate chain back to the root of the network.

The production grade signing mechanism is the external Signing Services. This has all the functionality of the integrated local signer as well as HSM integration and the ability for a user to interactively verify and sign incoming network map or parameter changes. It should be used in all production environments where maximum security and validation checks are required.

In order to retrieve the network map and parameter data, the Signing Service will communicate with the Network Map service via its CENM internal server. This is the only configuration option that is needed if signing is being done via the external Signing Service.

The Network Map Service configuration contains a single required top-level parameter pollingInterval. This determines how often the server should poll the database for newly signed network map and parameter changes. It also determines how often nodes should poll the Network Map Service for a new network map (by including this value in the HTTP response header).

It takes a numerical value and represents the number of milliseconds between each refresh. An example of how this should be added to the configuration file is:

pollingInterval = 600000

In cases when the certificate revocation list infrastructure (See Certificate Revocation List for more information) is provided, the additional validation for the node’s certificates can be enabled in the Network Map Service. This is achieved via the top-level checkRevocation flag set in the configuration file. This ensures that any node within the Network Map has a valid, trusted certificate.

Setting this flag will result in the nodes legal identities certificate paths being validated against the certificate revocation lists whenever the Network Map is updated. Any node that has a revoked certificate will be removed from the Network Map. The certificates are also checked when the node submits its information to the Network Map Service to publish for the first time.

An example of how this should be added to the configuration file is:

checkRevocation = true

To enable communication between the Network Map Service and other network management services, such as Revocation and Identity Manager servers, upon start up the Network Map Service will create an internal long running listening server. The configuration block enmListener can be used to define the properties of this listener, such as the port it listens on as well as the retrying and logging behaviour.

enmListener {
    port = 5050
    reconnect = true

To enable the CENM Command-Line Interface (CLI) tool to send commands to the Network Map Service, you must enable the RPC API by defining a configuration block called adminListener. The configuration block adminListener is used to define the properties of this listener, such as the port it listens on as well as the retrying and logging behaviour. For example, add the following to the service configuration:

adminListener {
    port = 5050
    reconnect = true
    ssl {
        keyStore {
            location = exampleSslKeyStore.jks
            password = "password"
        trustStore {
            location = exampleSslTrustStore.jks
            password = "trustpass"

The admin RPC interface requires an Auth Service to verify requests, which must be configured below in a authServiceConfig block. Typically this is provided automatically by the Zone Service (via an Angel Service), however an example is provided below for reference:

authServiceConfig {
    host = <Auth Service host>
    port = <Auth Service port>
    trustStore = {
        location = /path/to/trustroot.jks
        password = <key store password>
    issuer = <issuer>
    leeway = <leeway duration>

The Network Map Service may need to speak to both the Identity Manager and Revocation services. For example, the Network Map service may need to communicate with the Revocation service for CRL related information. This is configured via the identityManager and revocation configuration options within the networkMap configuration block:

identityManager {
    host = <IDENTITY_MANAGER_HOST> # e.g.
revocation {
    host = <REVOCATION_HOST> # e.g.

The host should correspond to the host part of the address value in the Identity Manager configuration. The port parameter for each service should correspond with the port value within the enmListener configuration block in the service’s configuration. See Network Map Configuration Parameters for more information.

The optional tpo-level configuration versionInfoValidation can be added to the configuration to exclude nodes running an old version of Corda from successfully publishing their node info to the network map. The configuration parameter minimumPlatformVersion represents the minimum platform version that a node has to be running to be able to successfully publish. If this is set, then any node that attempts to publish its node info whilst running a version of Corda with a platform version less than this will be automatically rejected. This can be used to ensure that all nodes that join the network have access to certain features.

versionInfoValidation {
    minimumPlatformVersion = 4

To use the RPC API in the Network Map Service, you must define a configuration property called adminListener. Example:

adminListener = {
    port = 10000
    reconnect = true
    ssl {
        keyStore {
            location = exampleSslKeyStore.jks
            password = "password"
        trustStore {
            location = exampleSslTrustStore.jks
            password = "trustpass"
address = "localhost:20000"

database {
    driverClassName = org.h2.Driver
    url = "jdbc:h2:file:./network-map-persistence;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;WRITE_DELAY=0;AUTO_SERVER_PORT=0"
    user = "example-db-user"
    password = "example-db-password"
    runMigration = true

pollingInterval = 10000

localSigner {
    keyStore {
        file = exampleKeyStore.jks
        password = "example-password"
    keyAlias = "example-key-alias"
    signInterval = 15000

enmListener {
    port = 20001

checkRevocation = false

shell {
  sshdPort = 20002
  user = "testuser"
  password = "example-password"

Along with the above configuration, a network-parameters configuration file also needs to be created. This defines the basic settings for communication across the network along with references to the notaries node info files. Therefore it is advisable to register the notaries with the Identity Manager Service and generate their node info files prior to starting the network map.

The network parameters should contain reference to the notaries node info files. The notary node info files should be copied over to the Network Map Service.

notaries : [
        notaryNodeInfoFile: "/Path/To/NodeInfo/File1"
        validating: true
        notaryNodeInfoFile: "/Path/To/NodeInfo/File2"
        validating: false
minimumPlatformVersion = 1
maxMessageSize = 10485760
maxTransactionSize = 10485760
whitelistContracts = {
    cordappsJars = [
    exclude = [
eventHorizonDays = 30 # Duration in days

The Network Map Service provides an endpoint that can be used to determine the IP address of the querying host. This is useful especially when dealing with node’s deployment in environments with IP address translation.

|GET|/network-map/my-hostname|Returns the IP address of the requestor.|

To view the latest changes to the obfuscated configuration files, see Obfuscation configuration file changes.

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