
The certificate signing request and certificate revocation request workflow can be extended by custom workflow plugin. This can be used to synchronise statuses and interact between the ENM workflow and external workflow/ticketing system like Jira.

The workflow plugin can be configured via config file.

For certificate signing request:

workflows {
    issuer {
        type = ISSUANCE
        updateInterval = 10000

        enmListener = {
            port = 6000

        plugin {
            pluginClass = ""
            config {
                customConfig = "some config"

For certificate revocation request:

workflows {
    issuer {
        type = ISSUANCE
        updateInterval = 10000

        enmListener = {
            port = 6000

        plugin {
            pluginClass = ""
            config {
                customConfig = "some config"
    revoker {
        type = REVOCATION
        crlCacheTimeout = 1000
        crlFiles = ["./crl-files/subordinate.crl"]
        enmListener = {
            port = 6001
            reconnect = true
            ssl = {
                keyStore = {
                    location = ./certificates/corda-ssl-identity-manager-keys.jks
                    password = password
                trustStore = {
                    location = ./certificates/corda-ssl-trust-store.jks
                    password = trustpass

        plugin = {
            pluginClass = ""
            config {
                customConfig = "some config"

The workflow plugin must extend WorkflowPlugin for certificate signing request or certificate revocation request respectively, issuance and revocation workflows can be configured with specific plugin classes as per the configuration shown above. The plugin will need to be made available to the ENM process by including the plugin jar in the classpath. This can be done by specifying the JAR path via the pluginJar configuration option.

 * R3 Proprietary and Confidential
 * Copyright (c) 2018 R3 Limited.  All rights reserved.
 * The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to R3 and its suppliers and are protected by trade secret law.
 * Distribution of this file or any portion thereof via any medium without the express permission of R3 is strictly prohibited.

package com.r3.enm.workflow.api

import com.r3.enm.model.Request
import com.r3.enm.nsdefaults.ENMDefaults
import net.corda.core.identity.CordaX500Name

 * Workflow plugin interface for adding custom functionality to the network services workflow.
 * @param <R> Type of the request
interface WorkflowPlugin<R : Request> {
     * Create ticket in the external system. The method will ensure that the ticket is created.
     * The request remains in [RequestStatus.NEW] state and a workflow may keep trying to create the ticket
     * in the external system until the request is updated to [RequestStatus.APPROVED],
     * [RequestStatus.REJECTED] or [RequestStatus.DONE].
    fun createTicket(request: R)

     * Move ticket status to done state, the status of the request will be updated to [RequestStatus.DONE] once this method is executed successfully.
    fun markAsDone(request: R)

     * Retrieve ticket with the given request ID.
    fun getRequest(requestId: String): WorkflowPluginRequest?

     * Runs the interactive shell commands of the plugin.
    fun runCommandDriver() {}

     * Retrieve the alias for the plugin.
    fun getAlias(): String = ENMDefaults.NOT_AVAILABLE

 * Command driver interface for adding custom functionality for interacting with users via the interactive shell
interface CommandDriver {
 * Outputs a menu based on the available commands defined within the class, containing the methods for handling any
 * further interaction logic.
    fun showMenu()

 * A class representing the workflow plugin request data.
data class WorkflowPluginRequest(val requestId: String,
                                 val status: RequestStatus,
                                 val modifiedBy: String? = null,
                                 val rejectionData: RejectionData? = null,
                                 val legalName: CordaX500Name? = null)

There are two Request implementations which plugins can support, CertificateSigningRequest and CertificateRevocationRequest:

 * R3 Proprietary and Confidential
 * Copyright (c) 2018 R3 Limited.  All rights reserved.
 * The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to R3 and its suppliers and are protected by trade secret law.
 * Distribution of this file or any portion thereof via any medium without the express permission of R3 is strictly prohibited.

package com.r3.enm.model

import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.identity.CordaX500Name
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable
import org.bouncycastle.pkcs.PKCS10CertificationRequest

data class CertificateSigningRequest(override val requestId: String,
                                     override val legalName: CordaX500Name,
                                     val publicKeyHash: SecureHash,
                                     val pkcS10CertificationRequest: PKCS10CertificationRequest,
                                     val signedBy: String?,
                                     val certData: CertificateData?,
                                     val submissionToken: String?) : Request

data class CertificateData(val certStatus: CertificateStatus, val certPath: CertPath)

enum class CertificateStatus {
 * R3 Proprietary and Confidential
 * Copyright (c) 2018 R3 Limited.  All rights reserved.
 * The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to R3 and its suppliers and are protected by trade secret law.
 * Distribution of this file or any portion thereof via any medium without the express permission of R3 is strictly prohibited.

package com.r3.enm.model

import net.corda.core.identity.CordaX500Name
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable
import java.math.BigInteger
import java.time.Instant

 * This data class is intended to be used internally by certificate revocation request service.
data class CertificateRevocationRequest(override val requestId: String,
                                        val certificateSigningRequestId: String,
                                        val certificate: X509Certificate,
                                        val certificateSerialNumber: BigInteger,
                                        val modifiedAt: Instant,
                                        override val legalName: CordaX500Name,
                                        val reason: CRLReason,
                                        val reporter: String) : Request

This sample workflow plugin creates a request file in basedir when the Identity Manager received a certificate signing request, user can then approve or reject the request by moving the request files to approved or rejected folder. The certificate signing process will then issue a certificate for the request (require signer configuration), and move the request files to done folder.

Config file:

address = "localhost:1300"

workflows {
    issuer {
        type = ISSUANCE
        updateInterval = 10000

        enmListener = {
            port = 6000

        plugin {
            pluginClass = "com.r3.enmplugins.example.FileBaseCSRPlugin"
            config {
                baseDir = "workflowDirectory"

File base plugin implementation:

package com.r3.enmplugins.example

import com.r3.enm.model.CertificateSigningRequest
import com.r3.enm.model.RejectionReason
import com.r3.enm.workflow.api.RejectionData
import com.r3.enm.workflow.api.RequestStatus
import com.r3.enm.workflow.api.WorkflowPlugin
import com.r3.enm.workflow.api.WorkflowPluginRequest
import com.r3.enm.workflow.api.plugins.PluginLogger
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import net.corda.core.internal.createDirectories
import net.corda.core.internal.list
import org.bouncycastle.openssl.jcajce.JcaPEMWriter
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.nio.file.attribute.FileOwnerAttributeView

class FileBaseCSRPlugin(
        config: Config?,
        val logger: PluginLogger
) : WorkflowPlugin<CertificateSigningRequest> {
    private val baseDir = if (config != null) {
        Paths.get(config.getString("baseDir") ?: "workflowDirectory")
    } else {
    }.also { it.createDirectories() }
    private val approvedFolder = baseDir.resolve("approved").also { it.createDirectories() }
    private val rejectedFolder = baseDir.resolve("rejected").also { it.createDirectories() }
    private val doneFolder = baseDir.resolve("done").also { it.createDirectories() }

    override fun getRequest(requestId: String): WorkflowPluginRequest? {"Retrieving CSR with id $requestId")
        return findWorkflowPluginRequest(requestId, baseDir, RequestStatus.NEW)
                ?: findWorkflowPluginRequest(requestId, approvedFolder, RequestStatus.APPROVED)
                ?: findWorkflowPluginRequest(requestId, rejectedFolder, RequestStatus.REJECTED)
                ?: findWorkflowPluginRequest(requestId, doneFolder, RequestStatus.DONE)

    private fun findWorkflowPluginRequest(requestId: String, directory: Path, status: RequestStatus): WorkflowPluginRequest? {
        return directory.list().findLast { it.toFile().name == requestId }?.let {
                    RejectionData(RejectionReason.UNKNOWN, "Not specified"))

    override fun createTicket(request: CertificateSigningRequest) {
        val subject = request.legalName

        val data = mapOf(
                "Common Name" to subject.commonName,
                "Organisation" to subject.organisation,
                "Organisation Unit" to subject.organisationUnit,
                "State" to subject.state,
                "Nearest City" to subject.locality,
                "Country" to,
                "X500 Name" to subject.toString())

        val requestPemString = StringWriter().apply {
            JcaPEMWriter(this).use {
                it.writeObject(PemObject("CERTIFICATE REQUEST", request.pkcS10CertificationRequest.encoded))

        val ticketDescription = data.filter { it.value != null }.map { "${it.key}: ${it.value}" } + requestPemString

        Files.write(baseDir.resolve(request.requestId), ticketDescription)"Creating Certificate Signing Request ticket for request : ${request.requestId}")

    override fun markAsDone(request: CertificateSigningRequest) {"Marking CSR as done")
        Files.move(approvedFolder.resolve(request.requestId), doneFolder.resolve(request.requestId))

This sample workflow auto-approves CSRs based on a token provided in the request.

Config file:

address = "localhost:1300"

workflows {
    issuer {
        type = ISSUANCE
        updateInterval = 10000

        enmListener = {
            port = 6000

        plugin {
            pluginClass = "com.r3.enm.csrplugin.ExamplePlugin"
            pluginJar = "workflowPluginExample.jar"
            config {

Auto-approval plugin implementation:

class ExamplePlugin(config: Config?, val logger: PluginLogger) : WorkflowPlugin<CertificateSigningRequest> {

    private val done = ConcurrentHashMap<String, WorkflowPluginRequest?>()
    private val approved = ConcurrentHashMap<String, WorkflowPluginRequest?>()
    private val rejected = ConcurrentHashMap<String, WorkflowPluginRequest?>()

    override fun createTicket(request: CertificateSigningRequest) { {"Creating CSR with id ${request.requestId}"}
        if (validate(request.submissionToken)) {
            approved[request.requestId] = WorkflowPluginRequest(request.requestId, RequestStatus.APPROVED, "Me")
        } else {
            rejected[request.requestId] = WorkflowPluginRequest(request.requestId, RequestStatus.REJECTED, "Me", RejectionData(
                RejectionReason.UNPARSEABLE("Missing or unknown CSR token"), "Git gud!")

    override fun getRequest(requestId: String): WorkflowPluginRequest? { { "Fetching request $requestId" }
        return done.getOrDefault(requestId, approved.getOrDefault(requestId, rejected.getOrDefault(requestId, null)))

    override fun markAsDone(request: CertificateSigningRequest) { { "Marking CSR ${request.requestId} as done" }
        with (request.requestId) {
            if (approved.containsKey(this)) {
                done[this] = approved[this]?.copy(status = RequestStatus.DONE)?.also { approved.remove(this) }
            } else if (rejected.contains(this)) {
                done[this] = rejected[this]?.copy(status = RequestStatus.DONE)?.also { rejected.remove(this) }

    private fun validate(token: String?): Boolean {
        return token?.let {
            it == "CENM"
        } ?: false

The workflow is expected to provide a valid rejection reason (see below for allowed values) for each certificate signing request being rejected. Those rejection reasons are then forwarded and passed to a node in its certificate signing request polling status check response. Specifically, such response will have the rejection reason code set in its response “CSR-Rejection-Reason” header as well as in the response body, which additionally is extended with the natural-language description of the rejection reason.

Permitted certificate signing request rejection reasons are as follows:

Rejection CodeTypeRejection Description
0UNKNOWNThe rejection reason is not known.
1INCORRECT_X500_NAME_FORMATLegal name is incorrectly formatted.
2DUPLICATE_X500_NAMELegal name is duplicated.
3DUPLICATE_PUBLIC_KEYPublic key is duplicated.
4CERTIFICATE_ROLE_NOT_ALLOWEDRequested certificate role is not allowed.
5REQUESTED_BY_NODE_OPERATORRejection requested by the node operator.
6REQUESTED_BY_NETWORK_OPERATORRejection requested by the business network operator.
7CHECK_NOT_PASSEDLegal entity check not passed.
8SANCTIONEDOn a Sanctions Watchlist.
9EMAIL_DOES_NOT_MATCHDomain of email address listed in X500 does not match Legal Entity owner (according to
10PTOU_NOT_SIGNEDParticipant Terms Of Use not signed.

Node CSR rejection response follows the following format:

“Rejection reason code: «Rejection Code». Rejection reason description: «Rejection Description». Additional remark: «Remark If Any».”

Example response to a node when its CSR has been rejected:

HTTP Response header:

“CSR-Rejection-Reason”: [“8”]

Response Body:

Rejection reason code: 8. Description: On a Sanctions Watchlist. Additional remark: No additional remark.”

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