Certificate Revocation Request Submission Tool
The purpose of the Certificate Revocation Request (CRR) Submission Tool is to facilitate the process of creating a CRR. The tool is designed with the support line in mind, and assumes it is for internal (i.e. within the Identity Manager Service managing company) usage.
It retrieves all the necessary data (for the CRR submission) throughout the execution process by asking the user for particular inputs. The expected input from the user is following:
- Certificate Serial Number (if not known, it can be omitted)
- Certificate Signing Request Identifier (if not known, it can be omitted)
- Legal Name (if not known, it can be omitted)
- Revocation Reason (select one from the displayed list)
- Reporter (name or identifier of the person issuing the revocation request).
Note: At least one of 1, 2 and 3 has to be provided.
Running Tool

At startup, the Certificate Revocation Request Submission Tool takes only one command line argument: --submission-url
that should be followed by the url to the certificate revocation request submission endpoint.
java -jar crrsubmissiontool.jar --submission-url http://<<CORDA_DOMAIN>>/certificate-revocation-request
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