CENM Identity Manager Helm chart
This Helm chart is to configure, deploy and run CENM Identity Manager service.
Example usage

Using default values:
helm install idman idman
Overwriting default values:
helm install idman idman --set shell.password="superDifficultPassword"

Parameter | Description | Default value |
bashDebug | Display additional information while running bash scripts (useful while investigating issues) | false |
dockerImage.name | URL to Identity Manager Docker image | corda/enterprise-identitymanager |
dockerImage.tag | Docker image Tag | 1.2-zulu-openjdk8u242 |
dockerImage.pullPolicy | Image pull policy. Ref.: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#updating-images | Always |
service.type | Kubernetes service type, https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services-service-types | LoadBalancer |
service.port | Kubernetes service port/targetPort for external communication | 10000 |
serviceInternal.type | Kubernetes service type for internal communication between CENM components | LoadBalancer |
serviceInternal.port | Kubernetes service port/targetPort | 5052 |
serviceRevocation.port | Kubernetes service port to access Identity Manager’s revocation endpoint (targetPort) | 5053 |
serviceSsh.type | Kubernetes service type to access Identity Manager’s ssh console | LoadBalancer |
shell.sshdPort | Identity Manager ssh port | 2222 |
shell.user | Identity Manager ssh user | idman |
shell.password | Identity Manager ssh password | idmanP |
database.driverClassName | Identity Manager database connection details | org.h2.Driver |
database.url | Identity Manager database connection details | jdbc:h2:file:./identity-manager-persistence;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;WRITE_DELAY=0; AUTO_SERVER_PORT=0 |
database.user | Identity Manager database connection details | example-db-user |
database.password | Identity Manager database connection details | example-db-password |
database.runMigration | Identity Manager database connection details | true |
cordaJarMx | Initial value for memory allocation (GB) | 1 |
jarPath | Path to a folder which contains Identity Manager jar files | bin |
configPath | Path to a folder which contains Identity Manager configuration file | etc |
For additional information on database connection details refer to the official documentation: database documentation.
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