CRL Endpoint Check Tool

The CRL Endpoint Check Tool allows users to check health of CRL distribution endpoints in a given keystore. User provides keystore file’s path and password. It iterates through all alias names in the keystore and their certificate hierarchies. For each certificate it first checks whether it contains a CRL endpoint. If there is one, the tool attempts to connect to it and retrieve the CRL. Upon receiving this information, a formatting check is performed and the revocation list’s update time is logged to console. Detailed information on certificates and their CRLs is available in the log files.
Using the CRL Endpoint Check Tool

The CRL Endpoint Check tool resides in the crlendpointchecktool.jar
. It is run by the following command:
java -jar crlendpointchecktool.jar --keystore=<keystore-file> --password=<keystore-password>
On success you should see a console message similar to:
Listing certificates' CRLs under cordaclientca alias:
O=PartyA, L=London, C=GB
Contacting http://localhost:10000/certificate-revocation-list/doorman CRL endpoint...
- Next update: Fri Jan 10 15:50:13 GMT 2020
Please re-sign CRL, update deadline has passed
C=US, L=New York, O=R3 HoldCo LLC, OU=Corda, CN=Test Identity Manager Service Certificate
Contacting http://localhost:10000/certificate-revocation-list/subordinate CRL endpoint...
- Next update: Sat Jan 05 10:47:37 GMT 2030
C=US, L=New York, O=R3 HoldCo LLC, OU=Corda, CN=Test Subordinate CA Certificate
Contacting http://localhost:10000/certificate-revocation-list/root CRL endpoint...
- Next update: Sat Jan 05 10:47:37 GMT 2030
C=US, L=New York, O=R3 HoldCo LLC, OU=Corda, CN=Test Root Certificate
- No CRL endpoints provided for given certificate
Listing certificates' CRLs under identity-private-key alias:
O=PartyA, L=London, C=GB
- No CRL endpoints provided for given certificate
O=PartyA, L=London, C=GB
Contacting http://localhost:10000/certificate-revocation-list/doorman CRL endpoint...
- Next update: Fri Jan 10 15:50:13 GMT 2020
Please re-sign CRL, update deadline has passed
C=US, L=New York, O=R3 HoldCo LLC, OU=Corda, CN=Test Identity Manager Service Certificate
Contacting http://localhost:10000/certificate-revocation-list/subordinate CRL endpoint...
- Next update: Sat Jan 05 10:47:37 GMT 2030
C=US, L=New York, O=R3 HoldCo LLC, OU=Corda, CN=Test Subordinate CA Certificate
Contacting http://localhost:10000/certificate-revocation-list/root CRL endpoint...
- Next update: Sat Jan 05 10:47:37 GMT 2030
C=US, L=New York, O=R3 HoldCo LLC, OU=Corda, CN=Test Root Certificate
- No CRL endpoints provided for given certificate
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