Package-level declarations


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interface DriverDSL

Underlying interface for the driver DSL. Do not instantiate directly, instead use the driver function.

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data class DriverParameters(val isDebug: Boolean = false, val driverDirectory: Path = Paths.get("build") / "node-driver" / getTimestampAsDirectoryName(), val portAllocation: PortAllocation = incrementalPortAllocation(), val debugPortAllocation: PortAllocation = incrementalPortAllocation(), val systemProperties: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), val useTestClock: Boolean = false, val startNodesInProcess: Boolean = false, val waitForAllNodesToFinish: Boolean = false, val notarySpecs: List<NotarySpec> = listOf(NotarySpec(DUMMY_NOTARY_NAME)), val extraCordappPackagesToScan: List<String> = listOf("migration"), val jmxPolicy: JmxPolicy = JmxPolicy(), val networkParameters: <Error class: unknown class> = testNetworkParameters(notaries = emptyList()), val notaryCustomOverrides: Map<String, Any?> = emptyMap(), val inMemoryDB: Boolean = false, val cordappsForAllNodes: Collection<TestCordapp>? = null, val enableSNI: Boolean = true, val environmentVariables: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), val allowHibernateToManageAppSchema: Boolean = true, val premigrateH2Database: Boolean = true, val notaryHandleTimeout: Duration = Duration.ofMinutes(2))

Builder for configuring a driver.

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interface InProcess : NodeHandle

Interface which represents an in process node and exposes available services.

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data class JmxPolicy constructor(val startJmxHttpServer: Boolean = false, val jmxHttpServerPortAllocation: PortAllocation = incrementalPortAllocation())

A class containing configuration information for Jolokia JMX, to be used when creating a node via the driver.

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A base interface which represents a node as part of the driver dsl, extended by InProcess and OutOfProcess

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data class NodeParameters(val providedName: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, val rpcUsers: List<User> = emptyList(), val verifierType: VerifierType = VerifierType.InMemory, val customOverrides: Map<String, Any?> = emptyMap(), val startInSameProcess: Boolean? = null, val maximumHeapSize: String = System.getenv("DRIVER_NODE_MEMORY") ?: "512m", val additionalCordapps: Collection<TestCordapp> = emptySet(), val flowOverrides: Map<out Class<out <Error class: unknown class><out <Error class: unknown class>>>, Class<out <Error class: unknown class><out <Error class: unknown class>>>> = emptyMap(), val logLevelOverride: String? = null, val rpcAddress: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, val runMigration: Boolean = true, val systemProperties: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), val legacyContracts: Collection<TestCordapp> = emptySet())

Parameters for creating a node for DriverDSL.startNode.

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data class NotaryHandle(val identity: <Error class: unknown class>, val validating: Boolean, val nodeHandles: <Error class: unknown class><List<NodeHandle>>)

Object ecapsulating a notary started automatically by the driver.

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Interface which represents an out of process node and exposes its process handle.

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abstract class PortAllocation
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data class WebserverHandle(val listenAddress: <Error class: unknown class>, val process: Process)

Class which represents a handle to a webserver process and its NetworkHostAndPort for testing purposes.


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fun <A> driver(defaultParameters: DriverParameters = DriverParameters(), dsl: DriverDSL.() -> A): A

driver allows one to start up nodes like this: driver { val noService = startNode(providedName = val notary = startNode(providedName =

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