Package-level declarations


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data class FlowCordappContext(val cordappName: String, val cordaVersion: Int)
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data class FlowInfo(val flowId: UUID, val flowClass: String, val flowState: FlowState, val cordappContext: FlowCordappContext, val compatibleWithCurrentCordaRuntime: Boolean, val progressStep: <Error class: unknown class>?, val invocationContext: FlowInvocationContext?, val suspensionMetadata: SuspensionMetadata?, val flowStart: Instant?, val lastCheckpoint: Instant?)
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data class FlowInvocationContext(val invocationSource: InvocationSource, val userName: String? = null, val userSuppliedInformation: String? = null)
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State of the flow on latest checkpoint

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data class FlowStatusQuery(val flowClass: String? = null, val flowState: FlowState? = null, val progressStep: String? = null, val cordapp: String? = null, val compatibleWithCurrentCordaRuntime: Boolean? = null, val suspensionDuration: Duration? = null, val flowStart: FlowTimeWindow? = null)

Defines filters to lists flows with a checkpoint in the node that have not completed

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data class FlowStatusQueryV2(val flowClass: String? = null, val flowStates: List<FlowState>? = null, val progressStep: String? = null, val cordapp: String? = null, val compatibleWithCurrentCordaRuntime: Boolean? = null, val suspensionDuration: Duration? = null, val flowStart: FlowTimeWindow? = null, val invocationSources: List<InvocationSource>? = null, val startedBy: String? = null, val suspensionSources: List<SuspensionSource>? = null, val counterParties: List<<Error class: unknown class>>? = null)

Defines filters to lists flows with a checkpoint in the node that have not completed

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data class FlowTimeWindow(val fromTime: Instant? = null, val untilTime: Instant? = null)
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Defines how the flow was started

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data class SuspensionMetadata(val suspensionSource: SuspensionSource, val counterParties: List<<Error class: unknown class>>? = null, val externalOperationImplName: String? = null, val suspensionTimestamp: Instant? = null)
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Reason why the flow was suspended