
constructor(amount: <Error class: unknown class><Currency>, recipient: <Error class: unknown class>)
constructor(amount: <Error class: unknown class><Currency>, recipient: <Error class: unknown class>, anonymous: Boolean)

A straightforward constructor that constructs spends using cash states of any issuer.

constructor(amount: <Error class: unknown class><Currency>, recipient: <Error class: unknown class>, anonymous: Boolean, notary: <Error class: unknown class>)
constructor(request: CashPaymentFlow.PaymentRequest)

constructor(amount: <Error class: unknown class><Currency>, recipient: <Error class: unknown class>, anonymous: Boolean, progressTracker: <Error class: unknown class>, issuerConstraint: Set<<Error class: unknown class>> = emptySet(), notary: <Error class: unknown class>? = null)



the amount of a currency to pay to the recipient.


the party to pay the currency to.


if specified, the payment will be made using only cash issued by the given parties.


whether to anonymous the recipient party. Should be true for normal usage, but may be false


if not specified, the first notary of the network map is selected for testing purposes.