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Initiates a flow that produces an Issue/Move or Exit Cash transaction.
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class CashExitFlow(amount: Amount<Currency>, issuerRef: OpaqueBytes, progressTracker: ProgressTracker) : AbstractCashFlow<AbstractCashFlow.Result>
Initiates a flow that produces an cash exit transaction.
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class CashIssueAndPaymentFlow(val amount: Amount<Currency>, val issueRef: OpaqueBytes, val recipient: Party, val anonymous: Boolean, val notary: Party, progressTracker: ProgressTracker) : AbstractCashFlow<AbstractCashFlow.Result>
Initiates a flow that self-issues cash and then send this to a recipient.
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class CashIssueFlow(amount: Amount<Currency>, issuerBankPartyRef: OpaqueBytes, notary: Party, progressTracker: ProgressTracker) : AbstractCashFlow<AbstractCashFlow.Result>
Initiates a flow that self-issues cash (which should then be sent to recipient(s) using a payment transaction).
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open class CashPaymentFlow(val amount: Amount<Currency>, val recipient: Party, val anonymous: Boolean, progressTracker: ProgressTracker, val issuerConstraint: Set<Party> = emptySet(), val notary: Party? = null) : AbstractCashFlow<AbstractCashFlow.Result>
Initiates a flow that sends cash to a recipient.
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object TwoPartyDealFlow
Classes for manipulating a two party deal or agreement.
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object TwoPartyTradeFlow
This asset trading flow implements a "delivery vs payment" type swap. It has two parties (B and S for buyer and seller) and the following steps: