Package-level declarations


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class AttachmentsClassLoader(attachments: List<Attachment>, val params: NetworkParameters, sampleTxId: SecureHash, isAttachmentTrusted: (Attachment) -> Boolean, parent: ClassLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()) : URLClassLoader

A custom ClassLoader that knows how to load classes from a set of attachments. The attachments themselves only need to provide JAR streams, and so could be fetched from a database, local disk, etc. Constructing an AttachmentsClassLoader is somewhat expensive, as every attachment is scanned to ensure that there are no overlapping file paths. In addition, every JAR is scanned to ensure that it doesn't violate the package namespace ownership rules.

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This is just a factory that provides caches to optimise expensive construction/loading of classloaders, serializers, whitelisted classes.

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data class AttachmentsClassLoaderKey(val hashes: Set<SecureHash>, val params: NetworkParameters)
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Registers a new internal "attachment" protocol. This will not be exposed as an API.

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Parameters to checkpoint serialization and deserialization.

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Thrown by the serialization framework, probably indicating that a custom serializer needs to be included in a transaction.

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inline fun <T : Any> ByteArray.checkpointDeserialize(context: CheckpointSerializationContext = effectiveSerializationEnv.checkpointContext): T

Convenience extension method for deserializing a ByteArray, utilising the default factory.

inline fun <T : Any> SerializedBytes<T>.checkpointDeserialize(context: CheckpointSerializationContext = effectiveSerializationEnv.checkpointContext): T

Convenience extension method for deserializing SerializedBytes with type matching, utilising the default factory.

inline fun <T : Any> ByteSequence.checkpointDeserialize(context: CheckpointSerializationContext = effectiveSerializationEnv.checkpointContext): T
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fun <T : Any> T.checkpointSerialize(context: CheckpointSerializationContext = effectiveSerializationEnv.checkpointContext): SerializedBytes<T>

Convenience extension method for serializing an object of type T, utilising the default factory.