Package-level declarations


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JPA representation of the common schema entities

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First version of the Vault ORM schema

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Marker interface to denote a persistable Corda state entity that exposes the transaction id and index as composite key called stateRef.

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Marker interface to denote a persistable Corda state entity that exposes the transaction id and index as a nested composite key called compositeKey that is itself a DirectStatePersistable. i.e. exposes a stateRef.

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open class MappedSchema(schemaFamily: Class<*>, val version: Int, val mappedTypes: Iterable<Class<*>>)

A database schema that might be configured for this node. As well as a name and version for identifying the schema, also list the classes that may be used in the generated object graph in order to configure the ORM tool.

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open class PersistentState(var stateRef: PersistentStateRef? = null) : DirectStatePersistable

A super class for all mapped states exported to a schema that ensures the StateRef appears on the database row. The StateRef will be set to the correct value by the framework (there's no need to set during mapping generation by the state itself).

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data class PersistentStateRef(var txId: String, var index: Int) : Serializable

Embedded StateRef representation used in state mapping.

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A contract state that may be mapped to database schemas configured for this node to support querying for, or filtering of, states.

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Marker interface to denote a persistable Corda state entity that will always have a transaction id and index