Package-level declarations


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abstract class BaseSort
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object Builder
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class Column<O, out C>(val name: String, val declaringClass: Class<*>)
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sealed class ColumnPredicate<C>
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sealed class CriteriaExpression<O, out T>
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class FieldInfo

Contains information about a field from an entity class. Used as part of query criteria construction through Builder, produced by function getField. The constructor should not be invoked manually.

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data class PageSpecification(val pageNumber: Int = -1, val pageSize: Int = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE)

PageSpecification allows specification of a page number (starting from DEFAULT_PAGE_NUM) and page size (defaulting to DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE with a maximum page size of MAX_PAGE_SIZE) Note: we default the page number to DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE to enable queries without requiring a page specification but enabling detection of large results sets that fall out of the DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE requirement. MAX_PAGE_SIZE should be used with extreme caution as results may exceed your JVM memory footprint.

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Indexing assumptions: QueryCriteria assumes underlying schema tables are correctly indexed for performance.

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Represents scope for the operation when JPA Session been created, i.e. transaction started.

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data class Sort(val columns: Collection<Sort.SortColumn>) : BaseSort

Sort allows specification of a set of entity attribute names and their associated directionality and null handling, to be applied upon processing a query specification.

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sealed class SortAttribute


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const val DEFAULT_PAGE_NUM: Int = 1

Pagination and Ordering

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const val DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE: Int = 200
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const val MAX_PAGE_SIZE: Int

Note: use PageSpecification to correctly handle a number of bounded pages of a pre-configured page size.


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inline fun <A> builder(block: Builder.() -> A): A
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fun <O, C> getColumnName(column: Column<O, C>): String
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fun getField(fieldName: String, entityClass: Class<*>): FieldInfo

Returns a FieldInfo for field with name fieldName in entityClass.

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