Package-level declarations


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Represents a cordapp by registering the JAR that contains it and all important classes for Corda. Instances of this class are generated automatically at startup of a node and can get retrieved from CordappProvider.getAppContext from the CordappContext it returns.

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Provides access to cordapp configuration independent of the configuration provider.

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Thrown if an exception occurs in accessing or parsing cordapp configuration

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An app context provides information about where an app was loaded from, access to its classloader, and (in the included Cordapp object) lists of annotated classes discovered via scanning the JAR.

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data class CordappInfo(val type: String, val name: String, val shortName: String, val minimumPlatformVersion: Int, val targetPlatformVersion: Int, val version: String, val vendor: String, val licence: String, val jarHash: SecureHash.SHA256)

A CordappInfo describes a single CorDapp currently installed on the node

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Provides access to what the node knows about loaded applications.