Object CashUtils

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CashUtils
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • generateSpend

        @Deprecated(message = "Our identity should be specified", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "generateSpend(services, tx, amount, to, ourIdentity, onlyFromParties)")) final <Error class: unknown class><TransactionBuilder, List<PublicKey>> generateSpend(ServiceHub services, TransactionBuilder tx, Amount<Currency> amount, AbstractParty to, Set<AbstractParty> onlyFromParties)

        Generate a transaction that moves an amount of currency to the given party, and sends any change back to sole identity of the calling node. Fails for nodes with multiple identities.

        Note: an Amount of Currency is only fungible for a given Issuer Party within a FungibleAsset

        services - The ServiceHub to provide access to the database session.
        tx - A builder, which may contain inputs, outputs and commands already.
        amount - How much currency to send.
        to - the recipient party.
        onlyFromParties - if non-null, the asset states will be filtered to only include those issued by the set of given parties.
      • generateSpend

         final <Error class: unknown class><TransactionBuilder, List<PublicKey>> generateSpend(ServiceHub services, TransactionBuilder tx, Amount<Currency> amount, PartyAndCertificate ourIdentity, AbstractParty to, Set<AbstractParty> onlyFromParties, Boolean anonymous)

        Generate a transaction that moves an amount of currency to the given party.

        Note: an Amount of Currency is only fungible for a given Issuer Party within a FungibleAsset

        services - The ServiceHub to provide access to the database session.
        tx - A builder, which may contain inputs, outputs and commands already.
        amount - How much currency to send.
        ourIdentity - ourIdentity is used to determine the where the change will be sent.
        to - the recipient party.
        onlyFromParties - if non-null, the asset states will be filtered to only include those issued by the set of given parties.
        anonymous - whether or not to use CI to send the change to
      • generateSpend

        @Deprecated(message = "Our identity should be specified", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "generateSpend(services, tx, amount, to, ourIdentity, onlyFromParties)")) final <Error class: unknown class><TransactionBuilder, List<PublicKey>> generateSpend(ServiceHub services, TransactionBuilder tx, List<PartyAndAmount<Currency>> payments, Set<AbstractParty> onlyFromParties)

        Generate a transaction that moves money of the given amounts to the recipients specified, and sends any change back to sole identity of the calling node. Fails for nodes with multiple identities.

        Note: an Amount of Currency is only fungible for a given Issuer Party within a FungibleAsset

        services - The ServiceHub to provide access to the database session.
        tx - A builder, which may contain inputs, outputs and commands already.
        payments - A list of amounts to pay, and the party to send the payment to.
        onlyFromParties - if non-null, the asset states will be filtered to only include those issued by the set of given parties.
      • generateSpend

         final <Error class: unknown class><TransactionBuilder, List<PublicKey>> generateSpend(ServiceHub services, TransactionBuilder tx, List<PartyAndAmount<Currency>> payments, PartyAndCertificate ourIdentity, Set<AbstractParty> onlyFromParties, Boolean anonymous)

        Generate a transaction that moves money of the given amounts to the recipients specified.

        Note: an Amount of Currency is only fungible for a given Issuer Party within a FungibleAsset

        services - The ServiceHub to provide access to the database session.
        tx - A builder, which may contain inputs, outputs and commands already.
        payments - A list of amounts to pay, and the party to send the payment to.
        ourIdentity - ourIdentity is used to determine the where the change will be sent.
        onlyFromParties - if non-null, the asset states will be filtered to only include those issued by the set of given parties.
        anonymous - whether or not to use CI to send the change to