Class SignTransactionFlow

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class SignTransactionFlow
    extends FlowLogic<SignedTransaction>

    The SignTransactionFlow should be called in response to the CollectSignaturesFlow. It automates the signing of a transaction providing the transaction:

    • Should actually be signed by the Party invoking this flow

    • Is valid as per the contracts referenced in the transaction

    • Has been, at least, signed by the counterparty which created it

    • Conforms to custom checking provided in the checkTransaction method of the SignTransactionFlow


    • Subclass SignTransactionFlow - this can be done inside an existing flow (as shown below)

    • Override the checkTransaction method to add some custom verification logic

    • Call the flow via FlowLogic.subFlow

    • The flow returns the transaction signed with the additional signature.

    Example - checking and signing a transaction involving a DummyContract, see CollectSignaturesFlowTests.kt for further examples:

    class Responder(val otherPartySession: FlowSession): FlowLogic<SignedTransaction>() {
         @Suspendable override fun call(): SignedTransaction {
             // [SignTransactionFlow] sub-classed as a singleton object.
             val flow = object : SignTransactionFlow(otherPartySession) {
                 @Suspendable override fun checkTransaction(stx: SignedTransaction) = requireThat {
                     val tx = stx.tx
                     val magicNumberState = tx.outputs.single().data as DummyContract.MultiOwnerState
                     "Must be 1337 or greater" using (magicNumberState.magicNumber >= 1337)
             // Invoke the subFlow, in response to the counterparty calling [CollectSignaturesFlow].
             val expectedTxId = subFlow(flow).id
             return subFlow(ReceiveFinalityFlow(otherPartySession, expectedTxId))
    • Constructor Detail

      • SignTransactionFlow

        SignTransactionFlow(FlowSession otherSideSession, ProgressTracker progressTracker)
        otherSideSession - The session which is providing you a transaction to sign.
    • Method Detail

      • getProgressTracker

         ProgressTracker getProgressTracker()

        Override this to provide a ProgressTracker. If one is provided and stepped, the framework will do something helpful with the progress reports e.g record to the audit service. If this flow is invoked as a subflow of another, then the tracker will be made a child of the current step in the parent. If it's null, this flow doesn't track progress.

        Note that this has to return a tracker before the flow is invoked. You can't change your mind half way through.